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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Did you download the latest version from here? You only need the .dll in your GameData as stated before.
  2. @golkaidakhaanaCEV Starrider is a completly other shuttle as the Lockheede CEV. @Epcotnerd You can download an older version of KNES with the CEV. It was deprecated in KNES 1.1 and restored in 1.2 but later finally deleted (as far as I know because Well focused only on french designs). I think 1.2 was the latest version with CEV.
  3. https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-Tantares-Wiki --> But only as separate craft-files. Or here as assembly plan: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-Tantares-Wiki/wiki/N1
  4. Quoted from Page 1: I think the error is related to the missing inventory-system. But for further investigation we need this error and logs.
  5. If you have issues with your modded install this is the wrong place to post it. Here you go: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/70-technical-support-pc-modded-installs/ Also logs are needed:
  6. As a side note: don`t use the "Download from Curseforge" because it`s an old version. Use the link in the first sentence to jrbudda`s github. There you will find an up-to-date version which works in 1.11.x (KER
  7. @KallangoVerdeDid you test a update to KSP 1.11.2 because you are using KSP 1.11.0? As far as I can see the inflatable looks OK for me. Also we need the player.log, not ksp.log.
  8. Delete the AresRover-folder inside of \TM4KSP\Parts.
  9. That`s irrelevat. There is a problem with the parachute. Open the Apollo.cfg inside of BDBNIC and delete the following (red marked): That should solve the problem.
  10. I have some weird shadow-issues in JNSQ: Does anybody know what this causes? I use JNSQ at KSP 1.11.2 (but had this issue earlier in other ksp-versions). Kopernicus, EVE and other mods are up to date. Log: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14548667/Player.log.html
  11. This mod alone does nothing. Read the first slines on page 1. You need a mod which use Textures unlimited like SSTU or other mods with shiny parts or you write your own config for parts.
  12. @severedsoloIs it possible to fix the UI-issue where some buttons are only partially visible? Especially in the crew-training-section. https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-36c99c-1609869385.png.html
  13. The Boattail already exists. Made by @rogerwang86: https://spacedock.info/mod/2472/Project EOC(WIP)
  14. 4.1.4 is the newest version, works KSP 1.11.2. Without ModuleManager mostly all mods won`t work. Edit: Looked into you Log. There is no ModuleManager installed.
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