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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Thats how the robotic parts work in KSP. They are very wobbly. You can autostrut them but thats only a little bit better.
  2. Im blind or an idiot. You are right, the adapter is there now and yes, i`m playing career and didn`t unlock AdvRocketry yet. Sorry, my fault. Edit: Found a little issue: Switch for Dioscuri-1 to Dioscuri-2 --> title is not changing to Dioscuri-2. SUBTYPE { name = CastorII title = Dioscuri-1 Solid Rocket Booster <-- here should be Dioscuri-2 Solid Rocket Booster descriptionSummary = The upgraded Discouri 2 give more performance and packs in a little more solid fuel too. Was used on Daleth L, M, N etc onwards through to Daleth 2000. Regressive thrust curve 100% to 86%. real_title = Castor II
  3. Checked the newest Dev-branch (https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/tree/v1.7.0-Development) and the adapter isn`t there. Also there is only the 8048 and 8081. No 8096. B9 is the newest version.
  4. Thank you. Downloaded the newest dev branch now. And another question: is there a 8096 variant of the Belle-Engine? I only found the 8096-C with bigger bell (too big for Agena D).
  5. You only need to make a remotetech config for nfex.
  6. They should work in 1.7.x so there is no need for an update. Download it an test it.
  7. There is a version of the SpaceX-Launchers for 1.2.x at Spacedock. The last version of Atlas-Pack is was for 1.1.x but should work in 1.2.x. Download for the old Delta II seems to be deleted and Delta IV are only for 1.7/1.8. There where no older versions. If yous saw a Delta IV in 1.2.x then it wasn`t the one of this mod.
  8. First you must upload your picture. You can not use a picture from your desktop.
  9. Command pod and launcher are from @benjee10`s reDIRECT: And the solar panels are from Near Future Solar:
  10. @Angel-125 Here is a more modular Mod for a X-37: The only thing is: there are no Wings included.
  11. Thanks. I found a solution. Used your Patch for the GooExperiment, made a new config and replaced the Part with all the animated parts: @PART[ca_GRS|ca_RPWS|ca_RPWS_STEREO|ca_landv_cam_s1|ca_DUSTC|ca_ELIX|ca_LUV|ca_magneto2|mer_mag|ca_stereoBoom|ca_landv_soilScoop|ca_sciBoom|ca_argo-mk4-cam]:NEEDS[FeatureScience]:AFTER[KerbalismDefault] { !MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] {} @MODULE[Experiment] { %anim_deploy = deploy } } That works.
  12. I did this before. The Experiments works but doesn´t extend anymore. As example: the gamma ray boom of Coatl Aerospace. I Can`t extend the boom with this patch. Here is my config:
  13. Is there a simple way to make science-configs for mods like coatl aerospace? The problem is that the animations (extend of experiments...) don`t work with kerbalism.
  14. Did you heard something about kindness? There is no rason to be angry. Whats wrong with the rotation? The Part is not for horizontal rather than vertical landings so the rotation is correct.
  15. Tantares has nothing to do with this mod. Post in the thread of Tantares. Use the version above your post:
  16. With Shuttle Orbiter Mod do you mean Benjees Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit? It uses oxygen and hydrogen. You can change to LFO ingame with B9 Part Switch.
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