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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. @CobaltWolfI noticed two issues to attach-nodes. The first one is the Orbus 21. I think there should be a lower top-node to attach the TOS-avionics-ring. But there isn`t one. Also the RD180 of Atlas V has no higher top-node for attaching when it is switched to the Atlas-V-Housing.
  2. That would be awesome becaus I don`t know how to do this.
  3. That`s ok. I think the problem is not the animation itself. It´s using DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric instead of the stock one ModuleScienceExperiment.
  4. Into your GameData, like a separate mod.
  5. OK, there is already an issue on github. It`s related to using DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric instead of the stockmodule. But I don`t know how to fix this.
  6. As far as I know there is a newer Vostok-Capsule in Tantares, based on this one, which was originally from Beale.
  7. As you can read only 4 post over yours: Yes it is dead.
  8. Thank you. But I have done all these steps and it don`t work for some experiments. You can see my config in my post.
  9. Does no one know an answer? Sorry, I know you make all a great work and spend your time for this mods and the community. It`s frustrating to wait and no one of the devs is answering. It would be helpful to have a clearly documentation (the shown config doesn´t work at all mods though the work like all other mods) how to make own configs for other science-mods.
  10. That`s my config: CoatlAerospace.cfg The only experiments who don`t work are: ca_rpws, ca_mag, ca_orbitalScope. The others work but have no animation anymore like the Gammaray-Boom. It works but can`t extend. I looked into the DMagic-config but it confused me.
  11. Does anyone know the bug with the rotating ocean? Look the vide on last page from PsY4. There is also a log from him and me. KSP: 1.7.x with JNSQ.
  12. The AM_MLP_LaunchStandSmallUmbilical isn't shown under category 'Modular Laqunch Pads', only under 'structures'.
  13. Sorry, my fault. downloaded Kopernicus but forget to install.
  14. Doesn`t JNSQ 0.7 work with KSP 1.7.3 and Kopernicus 1.7.3-1? Because there are no changes to the planets ans orbits. For me it only works in KSP 1.7.1.
  15. That`s not a part and has nothing to do with reDirect, it`s a module of kopernicus. You can ignore this message, the craft-files will be loaded.
  16. There must be two folders in GameData: "F9demo" and "Launchers Pack". Also ModuleManager is needed.
  17. Thanks, that works. At least for the most parts. I have some parts from Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus who don`t work. They have still the old Experiments. Example: there are some Magnetometers in this pack. They use an own Experiment (ExperiemntID: ca_mag). But if I make a config with this ExperimentID the Magnetometers have no new Experiment with duration etc. There is still the old experiment-description.
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