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Everything posted by maja

  1. Well, that's a life. I'm still here to support BonVoyage (back after a much needed break from KSP).
  2. It's one click in MJ vs a lots of coding and research in KAC. Where's the problem to switch off autowarp if you don't need it in MJ?
  3. Switch off autowarp in the MechJeb, if you don't want to reengage it after a KAC alarm.
  4. I skimmend through your logs and you have a bigger problem with EVE. That's where that error spam comes from. I recomend scratching your installation and do a completly new one, when you'll verify, that you have right versions of the mods (I'm using spreadsheet to keep track of installed mods and their versions) and install them one by one ensuring, that everything works without errors.
  5. I compared MM's dumps of applied changes for Near Future, MkVI system, Kerbal Atomics and Cryo Engines from MM 2.8.1 and 3.0.1 and there wasn't any difference.
  6. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling BV via CKAN but it didn't change anything. Delete "config.xml" in the "GameData\BonVoyage\PluginData\BonVoyage"
  7. How this can be problematic? Do you even know what this piece of code does? It's displaying textboxes for climb and roll turns when "Force Roll" is enabled. Are you trolling us or what? I have serious doubts that you know anything about Unity modding. EDIT: Sorry sarbian for cluttering this thread with any replies to this discussion. I just can't stand it
  8. You don't need that much accuracy usually. If you place RCS ports in symetry and move them enough to minimize torque, then SAS can handle the rest. My placement is four ports above COM, four below, move them up or down and fine tune ports' thrust. Because they're placed in the symetry, all three directions are covered.
  9. Are you using the right version compatible with your version of KSP?
  10. @DMagic I created PR #80 which address Module Manager 3.0.1 compatibility issue and pushed it to the master branch. I'm not sure if it's the right one or the dev branch will be better.
  11. I created PR #3 to fix this issue.
  12. Max speed depends on wheels' settings. There isn't option to set specific max speed, but it's changed by different factors (manned/unmanned rover, number of powered wheels, available electricity etc.), so it's possible to tune it a little bit. https://github.com/Real-Gecko/KSP-BonVoyage/releases/tag/0.13.1
  13. No problem at all and thanks. I have a lot of other things to do too. I searched in the github and jenkins repo and when I didn't found anything I asked
  14. Hi sarbian, did you have time to build a custom 2.8.1 or am I looking for something not done yet?
  15. @JediRangerkendor @Jesusthebird Only heads up. Horizon is the border between blue (sky) and brown (ground) part of the navball. That orange line you mean marks zero degree meridian.
  16. @custume Really? You are trying to fly a brick on Kerbin and blame the MJ when it can't handle it? Make an aerodynamic rocket with rover hidden inside a fairing and COL under COM. MJ will fly it without problems.
  17. @DoktorKrogg @voicey99 My five cents to your argument about overhaul/replacement of modules. I like both approaches combined. Have an option to overhaul a module, if I can't build one in situ or ship a new one right now, or don't have a place to attach a new module. Leave it to a player to decide, what's better in his case.
  18. If I'm not mistaken, you can't drag items from building part of a screen in VAB/SPH into KIS container. Only from part list. BUT, why don't you attach hangar part to your ship and then remove it on site with the help of KAS? It probably means some creative ship design, but why not?
  19. If you mean TAC-LS, then MKS works best with USI-LS, because both mods are developed by RoverDude. LLL is only a part pack as I found. EVA is some mod or do you mean Extra-Vehicular Activity? Please, make your question specific enough in the future to understand what you're asking for.
  20. KSS needs Kopernicus to work and Kopernicus replaced default module for solar panels with custom one to properly track multiple light sources (e.g. a closer star in a multisolar system). I'll look into it and do a compatibility fix when I can.
  21. BARIS is about building with quality parts (parts used in more flights and tests are better) and on top of it is the wear and failure mechanic. Not using it, but I used MOLE, so I looked into it. As I understand it, this newly proposed failure mechanic is about increasing failure probability if not maintained properly only, as an option to current gradual efficiency reduction if not maintained properly.
  22. I see that you have TextureReplacerReplaced v0.5.1.0. Try to update to the latest version (v0.5.3) and if this isn't help, then try to narrow it to the lowest number of mods to replicate this exception. I have the latest scatterer, SVE and TRR and don't have this issue.
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