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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. I apologise for the month-long hiatus! Here's a report to keep you interested (who am I kidding, nobody reads this anyway )
  2. Bad Pun? What kind of name is that?
  3. I'm sorry, but you need a Legendary Loot Crate to obtain that information. Waiter, there's a Raptor engine in my soup!
  4. SQUAD's new scheme is quarterly (every 3 months) updates with the point releases being for fixing important bugs. So I don't think there will be a 1.6.2 update or pre-release.
  5. I’ve seen a couple of mods in the Addon Releases section with red tags before their names saying something like ‘parts’. What’s up with those? Are they the remnants of an attempt to categorise mods?
  6. Dammit, forgot about that one @MSA make sure you have Near Future Props installed too. It should be inside the GameData folder like the other dependencies.
  7. Just put everything in the zip file’s GameData into KSP’s GameData folder.
  8. It should have NearFutureSpacecraft, ModuleManager and B9PartSwitch in there. Unless you already have MM and B9PS installed (in which case you should just put the NFS folder in GameData) all of those need to go into GameData. Assuming that NFS is the only mod you have installed, the file structure should be like this: KSP>GameData>NearFutureSpacecraft ModuleManager B9PartSwitch
  9. What you want is inside that zip. There should be a folder inside called GameData, and you want to put everything in there in the main GameData folder.
  10. @Nertea Forgive me if I’m being dumb, but is there any repository of compatibility patches for this mod? BTW, I’m not at my computer right now so I can’t check the mod’s folder.
  11. Yep, I'm European. And thank you for the explanation
  12. Forgive me for my ignorance, I'm not based in the land of the free. What is Superbowl? An enormous cereal bowl or something?
  13. Yes, but it’s often quite difficult to fly from IVA, and having an orbital readout in flight view would be a lot easier.
  14. Do you mean in the editor? If you click the yellow button on the top right of the editor UI then you'll find a list of all of your saved craft. And welcome to the forums!
  15. Are you sure you have the dependencies (Community Category Kit and Module Manager) installed? Also note that while the mod is packaged inside a GameData folder, make sure that you put the contents of that into KSP’s GameData.
  16. Hmm, I've never really made a standard 'protocol' for action groups, because they're one of the things I regularly forget when building my craft. I guess it would be a good idea though.
  17. Who knows? I mean, we just got a dV readout in stock, which nobody thought would ever be added to the game. For all we know, a stock Ap/Pe readout in stock could be coming in the next update.
  18. KER is still being updated by a different author who can’t change the thread title. I’m pretty sure it’s fully updated to 1.6.x if you just check the last couple of pages in the thread.
  19. @Snark just a thing, you're still packaging MM version 3.1.2 in the download, rather than 4.0.1 (the latest version)
  20. Just used the test thread for, y'know, testing: They don't seem to work there either
  21. They aren't showing up for me either. Weird, because I copied the direct link from Imgur and it usually embeds just fine.
  22. I sent my Mun base rover to the Mun in my test save for some in-situ evaluation. https://i.imgur.com/wXhMi3p.png It was all going fine until I accidentally drove the rover over the lip of a giant crater at over 40 m/s. Despite my best efforts, the rover smashed down and destroyed the front right wheel, as well as the RTGs on the undercarriage. https://i.imgur.com/BVJx5Av.png Surprisingly, it kept going, with the SAS able to compensate for the lack of a wheel. In other words, this is The Little Rover that Could! Unfortunately, since the 2 RTGs that served as a power source were destroyed in the initial 'leap of faith', the rover soon ran out of battery power. Luckily, the death of this resilient vehicle was spectacular as it tumbled down into another crater - scraping off most of the remaining external equipment too! https://i.imgur.com/fNVz4ky.png As you can see from the image above, its final resting place was the slope of the crater, lying on its side with the three remaining wheels spinning uselessly in the Munar vacuum. We salute you, unimaginatively named rover
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