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Everything posted by Richmountain112

  1. I was talking about black textures on the Spacelab parts.
  2. I have another question: Fixing black textures on the spacelab parts and material study. Are the parts just incomplete or what?
  3. You're kinda right. It would be boring if the only twist was doing the mission in a Space Shuttle.
  4. Oh wait. It was fixed. Also how close do I have to be to the targeted landing spot for it to count? Would bringing a Kerbal there also make it count?
  5. Also, does the landing contract require the Kerbals to be in the LM at Launch!? That's absurd because if there's an abort, there would be no way to get them out.
  6. Does the Manned Landing contract always require the subsatellite? Because I unlocked the contract but don't have Advanced Exploration unlocked.
  7. Is this where the Dyna-Soar spaceplane parts are? Just asking to make sure.
  8. OPM please! Also, once initial descent is done, can Mechjeb guide the orbiter to the KSC? Or is it not allowed due to the manual control requirement while in an atmosphere? My idea: Sarnus STS 1 - Deploy an atmospheric probe into Sarnus. Bonus points if it's a sample return probe (like Eve STS 2) or brought the shuttle down there instead (though if you do the latter, make sure to get back out). May also apply to Jool, Urlum, or Neidon as well.
  9. Awesome. I thought a structural tube or MK1 crew cabin could suffice for the tube for the ET. Honestly I thought the shuttle from SOCK would be enough to replicate the orbiter component of Space Station Enterprise. Guess it's not?
  10. Are there any mods that add planets/moons in a polar orbit around their parent body? I'm just curious.
  11. Are there any mods that add planets/moons in a polar orbit around their parent body? I'm just curious.
  12. For the N1 launch tower you could just use Breaking Ground DLC for the base. I still want that N1 launch tower. And maybe add a variant of the Shuttle launch pad with Energia exhaust holes as well.
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