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Everything posted by Richmountain112

  1. I believe there already is, though I think the Mir parts don't have IVAs. I think the Soyuz parachute is unpassable in FreeIVA.
  2. Oh, that's because they're .dds (game/memory optimized image texture) files. I don't know WHY, but .dds files are stored flipped vertically. I even tried googling to try and give you a better answer than "that's just how they are" and didn't find anything helpful. But all the .dds textures for the parts are also flipped vertically, and I know that has been the case with most other games that use them. Oh. That's why it's flipped. Otherwise it would look flipped in-game.
  3. uh I don't know. The cone half of the docking system is much smaller than it is in BDB, it's just that big to make sure the colliders don't get intruded on too much. It's on the 1.14 branch. What flags? The flags in the "Flags" folder are upside-down. That's what I'm talking about.
  4. And also, the Altair ascent stage has no hatch on its own which means that transferring crew via EVA after ascent is impossible and you have to dock.
  5. And what have you changed? I am sure that everything was available and explorable in my career. I have the Community Tech Tree and a "Hide unused Nodes" config as well.
  6. Edit: I have realized that the Crew Airlock is completely unavailable in Career mode without editing the config files.
  7. Could I use the ReDIRECT Rainstorm? And also for the SRBs I just use the ones from ReDIRECT. Also, what is RMM?
  8. I am apparently missing something. I have the descent and ascent stages as well as the decoupler but no crew airlock.
  9. Outer Planets Mod! We need to give the outer planets some love, right?
  10. It would be cool if we could get some parts from the Boldly Going version of the Multi-Role Capsule. I actually doubt we'd get them because the mod is finished and considered complete. I believe the Coxswain from MK3 Expansion is more efficient than the ATV engines.
  11. I'd rather prefer 3.75m because that's (I believe) the maximum diameter of the MK3 parts. Isn't 5m the same diameter as the ET?
  12. I played it on 1.12 and it works... Sort of. I get a warning every time I start up my game but I think that's it. It's one of the compatibility patches that's generating the error for me.
  13. Can you also make a 3.75m Shuttle C strongback and jettisonable fairing too? Edit: And also cutouts in the Shuttle C nosecone for Orion, Multi-Role Capsule, and Apollo? (The latter 2 would probably be the same)
  14. How do I get the Shuttle C parts to show up in-game? I downloaded them from Github and they're not showing up in the VAB.
  15. All the truss segments fit fine into the Shuttle C payload bay. I think he meant the aerodynamics part of it.
  16. Could the OMS-less shuttle C mount have 4 engine mounts instead of 3 or is that too far-fetched?
  17. That's probably not a bad idea. Maybe another beta release with all of this new Shuttle-C stuff? The official v1.0.0 won't be ready for some time, however. That sounds like a good idea! Is the reusable boattail still being worked on? Or at least a decoupler matching the Shuttle C?
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