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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. @JacobJHC, my Jool 5 mission report is all put together! Care to look at it?
  2. Arrival: The Kerbin Landing? Mission finished by the Avocado's Crew Capsule At last, at long last! It's time to come home! Here's a song from Tron: Legacy, because I can't get it out of my head now. Goodbye, Bop. The journey of a lifetime is complete! Let's see how much science we brought back. With that, the Journey of the Avocado comes to an end! See you in the next one!
  3. Excellent idea for getting atmo data without a heat shield. Did any thermal bars show up? Jool is quite pretty for sure. I think it's better than Jupiter but only because Jupiter is the colors of barf.
  4. Check out the Original Post! It's got an awesome new table of contents so you can easily find your favorite mission, plus shameless self-promoting for WoRM's KerbalX craft. (All two of them) (So far!)
  5. P 8 Rollin', rollin', rollin' Keep those numbers rollin' Keep them going upward, Num-bers!
  6. Granted, but it only gives you the option to give your body an endless stream of liquid methane, liquid oxygen, or xenon. Your choice. I wish I could visit the Apollo landing sites on the Moon.
  7. That pixelated font needs to go. It's very hard to read, and the fact that the 'g' is higher than the other letters makes reading with that font eye-straining. Great work otherwise!
  8. "What's with this thermal bar on my chest? And why is it so close to-" *unceremonious puff of smoke and he is gone*
  9. "If yes, should I change the city names to original names, or keep them the same?" What part of this are we answering to?
  10. Floor 4524: A walking bacteriophage on the surface of Minmus. You don't know how it got there or what it does, but it looks like someone spent hours setting up Kal controllers so it could walk in any direction.
  11. Granted, but you never need to. I wish I had a PC that could run KSP2 at max graphics at 120 fps.
  12. When you count in base five as an homage to Project Hail Mary.
  13. I watched Interstellar again today and I am getting huge vibes from this. If the kraken attacks it, you could say that the house is experiencing some gravitational anomalies... I built a two-satellite relay system. Since the settings are on hard mode, terrain and atmospheric occlusion are really harsh, and if I'm flying a probe it means my connection is unpredictable. The system sucks, but it was good practice to actually set up a really efficient two-sat system: one is in an eccentric equatorial orbit, the other in a polar eccentric orbit with the same orbital period, and while one is at periapsis the other is at apoapsis. It provides maximum coverage for minimum rocket, but I'd recommend a system with more satellites that are easier to set up.
  14. USC 16 went swimmingly, with a biome hop on the Mun, so I figured I better do another mission. Long story short, USC 17 Riz-Cue became my first rescue mission to rescue one of my own crafts, USC 17. (This is just because this world has no quicksaves. Well, it does, but that's just insurance against a game-breaking bug, which I ended up using them for since the game was acting weird.) As usual, only the command pod survived, and I launched a copy of USC 17 but with no crew and a probe core. Crew is safe and sound back on Kerbin, and I am building a relay network now because I've been putting it off.
  15. USC 16 is our newest, bestest rocket to ever yet fly. Well, not quite. It uses the Apollo command pod, so I can hold all 3 kerbal job types, but I just use the SAS hub for SAS and pack it with whichever kerbals are inexperienced. On our first flight, I discovered a major flaw with its asparagus-staged boosters. If you do it properly, the booster's fuel lines all lead to the next one, until the last pair of boosters leads into the main tank. In a silly little mistake, I forgot this and they were all leading directly into the main tank. The reason it took me this long to detect it, (the same problems showed up in USC 15, which used the same core stage) is that the fuel priorities were still correctly set up for proper asparagus staging, so it looked like everything was going normally. However, the side boosters would be partially drained when they were supposed to be full. *inhales deeply* Anyway, what I learned from this is that my new rocket's setup wasn't flawed, it just needs new fuel lines. As for USC 15 itself, I tried a new trick to launch directly into Minmus' inclination. It worked great, except for the amount of time warping involved to get the target or anti-target node on the navball at the same time the rocket was at an ascending or descending node. And the fact that I forgot I was looking at target info and not my orbit info, so I had an apoapsis of 200km by accident. However, to offset my stupidity, I deploy a tactic known as "MOAR:" Much mOre thAn is Really needed. This strategy, which if a mission goes well leaves me with almost 2k dv to slow down for Kerbin reentry, also compensates for accidental staging, inefficient gravity turning, or bad maneuver execution in a save with no reverting or quicksaves. As you can imagine, after killing Jebediah in a highly avoidable accident, I've followed the principle of MOAR pretty well. *inhales deeply again*
  16. @OrdinaryKerman, you judge the previous two players before adding your own.
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