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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. Me too! I love it when a tiny little craft has a ton of deltav. It's very satisfying, but it does have to be tiny because otherwise, the engine will be too weak and then I get bored during maneuvers. With colonies, I'll bet we (at the very least) get the ability to mark out landing zones. In the trailer, it looks like there are landing pads by the more advanced colonies. There are landing pads at the KSC for SpaceX-type shenanigans, but... come on, drone barges! As far as PCs go, I can't afford to build my own and my current one was given to me out of pity because my laptop is 32bit, Windows 7. Yes, all of that is true- had I not been saying how bad my laptop was at the right moment, I wouldn't be playing KSP right now. My PC is still old, but it's more like a mammoth if my laptop is a dinosaur. Plus, KSP is one of those rare games where the FPS doesn't stop your experience (much). :whatweneedisashruggingemoji:
  2. Floor 4355: Rockets with adverts on them. Just think... STS with a big Pepsi logo on the wing... and Coca-Cola on the other...
  3. It was an interesting 30 seconds as I tried this out loud. Still sounds closer to moon than muhn. I always can't help but think: "Mun or bust? Looks like both today, buddy."
  4. Now what could this be? Some sort of... large, long-duration spacecraft? What would you call such a vessel...
  5. Me neither. Perhaps somebody else could be roped into this. A mod overhauling the KV-3 alone would be worth it, I say.
  6. Probably would have lasted longer if it included a mission challenge or something, like the old one. :inthiscaseashruggingemojiwouldworkquitenicely:
  7. @TwoCalories, you include the complete sentence so far along with your new word. Geologists explore astronomy by core-sampling fruit and
  9. Floor 4352: A minute-long, unskippable ad. You are in eternal punishment now.
  10. @TwoCalories, I agree with you- I wasn't aware there was any controversy about Tylo or Laythe. And Dres, too. But I also agree with @Deddly about The Mun- despite what the devs have said, I always thought that in American English the "u" with an umlaut was "oo." But in German, it's close enough.
  11. I believe the KV-3 Pomegranate is indeed supposed to be a Soyuz equivalent, kept in the style of the other pods for... mumble mumble... consistency, or something. There was at least one Voskhod mission with three people, but there have been over a hundred 3-person Soyuz launches, and that's what most people will be trying to recreate. I understand the historical accuracy, that's why I welcomed the side node. (Have yet to use it for that purpose but I like it.) For the KV-3, maybe the control console could slide as part of the hatch opening sequence? Or moved entirely. I think in the Soyuz, the control panel is beneath the hatch as the cosmonauts are not looking up but forward the way they sit. Yup, look at that.
  12. S-ad: (pronounced sad but with a gap between the s and ad.) An ad that uses guilt-tripping to get you to do what they want.
  13. Floor 4348: Loudspeakers blasting the sounds for said ads.
  14. Sadly, it probably is, as Interstellar came out almost a decade ago. Sad as I love that movie and have watched it at least 20 times. Suddenly I feel very old.
  15. P 2x11 When we reach a prime number, that'll be interesting. Oh wait, that's the next one!
  16. I don't particularly like how it handles the DLC Soviet-style pods, there's no hatch corresponding to the main upper node. I do like the side hatch but I don't think my kerbals want to go on EVA every time my Soyuz docks at the station. Other than that, I like this a lot. I forget what mod made CKAN install this for me... Quick question, is it this mod or another one CKAN installed as a dependency that added an attachment node to the hatches/kerbal EVA spots? How well does a craft file port over to a stock game if something is attached to said node?
  17. Exactly! Trying to follow along (and be truly amazed by) Falcon landings in the early days was hard because of this.
  18. Looks like some expansions are in order, then. Kerbals always appreciate more snack storage living area. Science lab? Dedicated sleeping compartments? With 100 days to spare, the possibilities are endless. I mean, not really, but there are a lot of options when you take into account expanding what you already have. And you could always launch another station, Salyut-style.
  19. "Hey, guys! Check out the telescope view of Earth! Aren't there so many neat clouds? They all look like mushrooms!"
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