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Fizzlebop Smith

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Everything posted by Fizzlebop Smith

  1. Man. I keep realizing my last galaxy spanning career save was severely lacking. I've always been afraid kerbal constructs would be too much troubleshooting for my level of understanding. Things like this make me wanna give it a go.
  2. I have had unity crashes recently and not really sure what is going on. It only happens rarely and so far the games seem to have managed a dump save prior to crash bc KSP persistent was up to date. I forget the other game but my KSP is largely unmodified for months. Aside from a few updates I loaded. I think it has something to do with a recent Windows update / amd driver but that only because I had so many issue with last few AMD / Windows updates. But again.. my process analysis / root cause skills lie in manufacturing production chains.. not black magic.
  3. I discovered that I can watch YouTube with my phone off & not have to have YouTube premium. As long as I log onto YouTube through browser / Google & use a BT ear pieces I can close my web browser and still listen. I can put it to sleep and still listen. Why does this suck? Because it was not discovered sooner.
  4. I am pretty ignorant of various in game intricacies. Would this conflict with Or is this a companion for parts shading?
  5. Feeling like hammered poo but finally arrived... @AlamoVampire to swoop in and say a few words?
  6. This still continues to be an amazing resource I routinely share to answer questions / provide to all I recommend the game too. Thank you again for taking the time to put this together. Still uses a decade later.
  7. Yes information is controlled. Shadow Censorship is a huge topic where I live as am effective means of narrative control. But there are degrees of ability to obfuscate. For instance. If a house is falling down, merely burning the inspection reports & forcing those who slapped paint to remain silent.. only does so much. You can still see rotten boards when the thing falls down. I think mismanagement is to blame. The information will determine whether it was willful. I mean.. it really could be incompetence, but I don't think it is. Edit I just want to know if anyone came up along the way and offered suggestions or warned against certain things.. Did Nate listen to good advice or was no one ever put there with good advice. Did furious get fired because he conflicted with vision? Did they realize certain decisions were bad and attempt to obfuscate to ride out developement amd *hope* they could solve things. Did they try to hire consultants of proper caliber but got shut down? I know pipe dreams.
  8. You are wrong. Ownership is a character trait regarding the responsibilities one already has. If you wait until after everything has fallen apart to determine which respective individuals should have which specific responsibility, you have fundamentally planned to fail. What information? There is none. Therefor the narrative is one of incompetence and mismanagement. Considering the end state.. pretty sure that would still be the case when all the cards are down. Only change will be the antagonist
  9. @PDCWolf I couldn't agree more. Accountability is something I have a hard time grasping. Working quality control for years allowed me to see first hand how many companies address issues of accountability. Accountability arises from ownership of responsibility. Now one would assume people wish to learn from their mistakes (companies too). But this is not really the case. Find a mistake and correct it. Simple enough. As I moved into Quality Assurance and became more familiar with internal structures I realize that in my own experience, this idea of ownership is mostly illusory at higher levels. I do not know how to fully articulate this other than, they look for someone or something to blame. I do not know how many times I have discovered costly mistakes or inadequate process controls and I always get a ton of debate before we arrive at corrective measures. Those debate always centers around why these bad ideas were implemented or worse a willful ignorance that ignores mountains of recommendations / best practice from industry leaders. It so refreshing when someone can identify a mistake that was made, own it.. learn and move on. I (FEEL) there is a lack of accountability from Nate. This could absolutely be my own bias peaking through. From dealing with people that routinely cost their companies large sums of money and point to everyone else responsible for "failing" to meet the vision. When you direct a team you accept ownership. I have yet to (FEEL) like any ownership is taking place. This may be to the disappointment and bias enforced by circumstances, but I get so tired of the mentality "OH, if I had more money it would work" or "I didn't have experienced team members" or whatever it is. I just want to hear some discussions on what went to pot and where. It truly feels that ownership and accountability begin to grow scarce the more important you are. There was an awesome book by a navy seal about "Extreme Ownership" that was amazing. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23848190-extreme-ownership May get a copy and try to get it to Nate.
  10. I often entertain similar thoughts. Underground seems tp be easier than surface spanning structures. Those elements which provide engineering hurdles here on earth would be largely absent. The relative Kip on a specific connection has to have calcs for all forms of stress: sheer, axial, etc. I often wonder the degree of overengineering that would go into those first fee structures. We should send some drones that are capable of building small scale demonstration tools that observe some of these forces over time. We are learning more and more about protein reaction and biological nano machines with singular purpose. When will we reach the point where we can spray a hole? I imagine some combination of both designs. Habitation would be underground with polymer coatings to prevent escaping gas bleeding through porous substrate. Reservoir of water would act as secondary shielding. I'm hoping that fabrics continue to be innovated and pioneered. Some interesting strides on textile habitable. No clue what these stresses and load transfers would look like on another planet. Things like wind & snow / rain fall have huge impact on local codes. I wonder what the Martian Public Work book would look like.
  11. So very epic of you. "Do not stop to first think if it is possible, instead add MOAR thrust!" Rupert Von Kerpple III
  12. I do not know how steeped in realism this is supposed to be. With Kerbals being what they are.. and purple oceans and such. I always pictured a planet that looked like a Koosh Ball from orbit. Maybe not quite as many little things.. but many peaks and valley similiar with magnetic dust storms.
  13. Whoever takes the seat. I will be glad to see NASA regain some of it's relevance
  14. Was trying to check this thread but I've had some connectivity issues last couple days. I have started using sterling systems Have the base Asset / Resource and sterling electric. Really enjoying with my PBC playthrough. Trying to set up a probe output on Minmus before I send the crew and LOVE the electric components. I'll probably get some more of this amazing mod pack before my interstellar ventures. But I am curious about the batteries. When I attach more than two via radial attachment... only 1 or 2 will have green lights and start with a charge. The VAB PAW shows full charge but it starts empty. This isn't huge because I have been using panels / converter to charge them. I was just curious if they were supposed to start empty? There are some cool specifics with the thermal stuff and I kept getting errors when trying to review the thread in depth. I think this looks so amazing BTW. Beautiful Aesthetics.
  15. I was reading some supporting arguments related the reduction of entropy in communication systems. There was proof of reduced entropy across generation pf DNA and Information Management systems. This supports the simulation. Laws of Info dynamics was pretty interesting. As far as the original OP 1. The set of Pythagorean right triangles is an cardinally countable infinite set. If anything possible can be found in an infinite set. then anything possible is a Pythagorean right triangle. The same argument works for uncountable sets. The length of sides and angles of triangle is uncountable. Therefore everything is a triangle. I dont know how to atrack this really other than the way that Jay approached it. You cannot apply this method of logic to the argument. It really is an apples to oranges attempt to rationalize something very few can even conceptualize. I often think of the lay aspects of these ideas and applaud the attempt attack the root ideas. I would like to rephrase the root of why a little differently The existence of an infinite set does not necessitate that everything possible (will) manifest within it. We know that the existence of some things preclude / excludes the existence of others based upon the laws of our known universe. Observation playing a role. Then I move onto Jay's example of infinite sets that cannot contain sets. In optics a typical sheet of glass will allow 95% of photons to pass and 5% to reflect. It depends on angle and a few variables but we need not go into all that. The same result is obtained if you send one photon at a time into the glass. Every photon splits the possible universes in two, one in which it reflected and one where it didn't. There are only two possible states yet one of them appears 95% of the time. So whenever a photon hits glass does the inverse split in 2 or does it split in 20 so the equation is balanced and we have 19 universes in which the photon was transmitted and 1 universe where it didn't? Sorry I can be a little verbose. I keep trying to clean it up for clarity and end up adding more lines. In quantum mechanics, when a photon encounters glass, its wavefunction describes a superposition of two states: reflection and transmission. The 95% transmission and 5% reflection probabilities emerge because the quantum wavefunction evolves according to the Schrödinger equation and interacts with the material properties of the glass. These probabilities are not arbitrary—they result from the quantum amplitudes associated with the interaction. In our observable universe (often called the "classical world"), when a photon is measured, its state collapses, and we see it either transmitted or reflected. Over many trials, the statistical outcomes align with the probabilities: 95% transmission, 5% reflection. In MWI, there are only two possible branches for this event—one for each outcome. The probabilities (95% and 5%) do not mean there are 95 transmission universes and 5 reflection universes. Instead, they indicate the relative "weight" of these branches, which corresponds to the probability of each outcome as described by the wavefunction. The "weights" reflect how much of the overall quantum state corresponds to each outcome. These weights help explain why, even in MWI, a person observing photons over time would see statistical frequencies matching quantum predictions (95% transmission, 5% reflection) I think this is what people associate with choices. Of each choice is perceived as a binary model. (evolutionary people are good at breaking down the individual choices of a decision) There are essentially two possible outcomes reflected for each person / particle / choice. I don't really know of we are simulated or if the MWI is real, but I enjoy the concept involved. I will sometimes look at abstract concepts with a perspective that intentionally misaligns with current ideas. Like all the black holes lead to the same place?! However, I try not to go too far down the rabbit hole while applying skewed logics.
  16. Must agree with Darth. When I was still installing mods my original KSP install directory.. I was enamored will all the pretty mods. As much as I liked the idea of creating inflatable hab modules on the end of a rotating ring... the referenced mod injectable a great deal of chaos. Do not be surprised when the Kraken arrives to munch on your installations. It loves chaos
  17. No doubt, and I honestly wonder how much of that was related to aspects outside of development. How much of the boulder was inability to manage a team the way he wanted, or hire replacements or being hamstringed by (intentional) corporate beauracracy. I've seen people crumble whem handed a crap sandwich. A hollow jaded look as they remain overwhelmed every moment of the day. There is a practice to dump excessive losses i to an asset you plan to dump.
  18. I deal with a great number of people smarter than me. Sometimes I'm completely astounded by how easily some people can remember advanced trig calcs or how thermal expansion throughout a hot desert day will make that 50' tall monster... fit like a champ if we wait to rig it until 5am. Among these very very intelligent individuals are other people. Those people that have taken credit for my ideas, or deflected blame onto another less senior person. I've seen heads roll without any really effort made to determine root cause. Currently we have a series of outstanding Corrective Actions centered around a single individual. I can track the error cost in upwards of 6x my annual salary for this single individuals. Worse, our audit will cost us significantly more due to various *dings* we will get for this individuals actions.. or really lack there of. You know what I heard this person say one time... the story of sisyphus. I kid you not. Vocabulary says alot about what people feel. He should have said "we wouldn't have never pushed the boulders as far as we did without the amazing team"
  19. I hope it will one day be similar to game like Minecraft, in that you will have optional texture loadouts to achieve graphics that will remain relevant for years to come. SIMCITY 4k just went through a resurgence in some mod scene activity with the addition of a 3D element to the engine. I do not understand enough of what was done to even begin to fathom the Voodoo involved, but I went back to the SC4K forums after years, and people were still there... chatting away and troubleshooting various install combos. I also am a person that suffers from a great deal of decision paralysis and find it difficult to choose mod combinations. I think it would be amazing if there were more Wiki / Tutorials / Ckan loadouts for specific playstyle experiences. IF there is a benevolent overlord that purchases the IP and a subsequent spiritual successor that arrives to rave reviews... I would love to see the source code released to the community. I am not certain how much hope i have for the idea... but Morrowind would be a decent example of what "could" happen. Some group of talented people, built a new engine for Morrowind and require the base game .exe / assets to play. Brings the game up a decade or so, Just hope its still around with people gathering here and shooting the breeze about the newest things we discover when we start sending entangled electrons through block holes.
  20. Well... as someone who has grown up under the shadow of the Imperial Influence my entire life, I must say, they are a bit intimidating. Everyone involved with the Imperium mindset is so self-important, believing their ideas are the best. ..SCOFF It's so conflicted and disjointed. To measure a simple distance, I have to understand Base 16, 12, and math out 5,280 feet? What kind of sorcery is this?. If I want to measure time, then I must use concepts of Base 10 and 60. And like most forms of dark magic, the practitioners are often unable to explain or debate the finer nuances of their imperialism... Dont even get me started on liquids or volume of moving air ... Inarticulate sound of Frustration SI ideologies and concepts are vastly superior. Aligning one's thoughts with the SI (Base 10) system allows for quicker thought processes and fewer errors in resolving any mathematical equation. As much as I feel the SI is superior, I am afraid to speak out. The eccentric Imperialists do not like having their views challenged. I secretly hope the SI would stage a coup. There was some traction and ground gained during the late '70s, especially in areas where foreigners were contributing greatly to some state-sponsored projects. There are still many places with KPH signs under the MPH. As much as I like to dream, the Imperium will continue to hold sway where I live. They have drones and lightsabers, after all.
  21. I am also curious if there is a way to blacklist parts from this mod. I am absolutely loving it, but play with a couple older parts mods. It seems to do an amazing job with "some" older mods, Dr. Kernasus parts looks way better. So many things are changing now with the VFX mods, I am never certain which one is doing what... but the end result is quite beautiful. Thank you for all your work, this is a really epic addition to the KSP mod library. P.S If you are somewhere that endorses the holidays and new year... be sure to get some down time in
  22. I'm not certain it's tufx or deferred yet and was hoping someone could point me the right direction before I went to the wrong repo. I'll get around to removing the mods and figuring which specifically is at fault and combile a cleaner request for the Hub. Thank you.
  23. Well... sometimes a bad reputation will last until it no longer matters. I feel there was genuine emotion, but it may be due to reason I am not fully aware. There has been a great deal of speculation.. Indeed enough to split the community. Many in the industry seem to disagree ... but the circumstantial evidence must account for something. I was amazing at how quickly they scooped up people fro KSP1 / KSP2 on the rocketwerkz project. Seems like every key or critical person was either acquired or at least offered a position... 2 am calls to creative.. guess they need to make sure that texture/ cutscene was on point? Because that's where the game needed focus. I am going to take closure. It must have been hard. Regardless whether it was confronting failure, lasting repercussions, or genuine KSP fan emotion... he came out and apologized a little and swallowed a lot of pride / grief.
  24. Question : is there a way to write a patch to exclude a part from various PBR magic? Reason : I've been told the PBR is causing the transparency with an old parts mod i love. (Thought it was deferred or TUFX but I'm personally ignorant of this stuff) I find myself hard pressed to let go of the USI Packrat Utility Rover mod by RoverDude. The external command sear is not invisible except for the shadow on the VAB floor. There is also a single green node to indicate attachment.. but orientation is impossible to discern. I can post logs if it will help. Any insight would be appreciated. If the answer is impossible, I do have janitors closet installed.
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