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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. I have a hard enough time getting the bed level when it's not shocking me and squirming around.
  2. Did you only disable mods or did you follow @jimmymcgoochie's steps listed above?
  3. Rule number one of doing a blind study: Never give the testees access to any info regarding the outcome. You might have skewed your numbers a bit.
  4. Since this satirical thread is not actually about KSP2, it has been moved to the Lounge.
  5. I actually had to check the thread title to remember what we were supposed to be talking about. Let’s keep the discussion to the KSP2 maneuver planner, and take add-on discussion to well, add-on discussion.
  6. It's a Steam Issue. Close and re-open steam to force an update. @adsii1970
  7. I'd guess it's a safety thing, mixed with the limitations of design and function. Straight/safety razors' cutting edge contact the skin directly, allowing for the ultra close shave. It works by shearing the hairs off, using the skin as the other side of the shear. A mechanical cutter has to work with two shearing faces closing against each other. That lower shear face has a thickness, as it can't be a purely two dimensional thing, and that thickness determines the closeness of the shave. Now, when they start to dull a bit, or by design, they will tend to grab the hairs and lift them into the cutting path more. But if you lift too much, you could cut the skin, and it will start to pinch your face as it pulls. Theoretically, you could have a set of spinning straight razor blades sliding across your face, but.... yeah... We called things like that in EMS as "Job Security". I would imagine, with enough engineering and production design, you could get a lower shear surface really thin, and get a great shave. But now we're talking increased cost mixed with increased frequency of having to change the cutting face more often, otherwise you'd start exfoliating violently rather than shaving. It'd be a pretty niche high priced razor, with high upkeep costs. Edit: I'm going to postulate that the answer to most of these questions will be: "It's too expensive to make it economically viable, and it wouldn't be safe for the average consumer to use".
  8. Overlapping threads have been merged. While one thread discussed the full release of the game, there has been plenty of discussion of that topic in this thread, and we'll redirect discussion about that here.
  9. I wouldn’t mind, instead of more classes, but specialization in a class. Ie engineers could specialize in mining or repair, giving them a bigger boost, or the ability to carry more. Scientists could be field researchers or physicians, giving science or life support boosts. Pilots could be plane pilots or lander pilots, giving fuel efficiency boosts. (That last one needs some detail work obviously).
  10. Please post a English translation of all posts outside the “International” sub.
  11. Since apparently we can’t have nice things, this topic is yet again locked pending review.
  12. It’s like Stephen Colbert, Bill Nye, and Kevin Smith had a child…… this is amazing.
  13. Seeing as this thread is getting pretty heated, we’re placing a temporary lock to let people cool off a bit before something gets said that people regret saying.
  14. I still have followed content from 4-5 years ago. I don't recall hearing much of anything like that recently.
  15. Having seen some of the articles and documentaries on the fiasco, I am not surprised this is going criminal. When you eliminate a "Stop Work" safety and QA system, and intentionally replace it with one that punishes, or at least suppresses, safety and QA reports for the sake of production schedules, then of course you're flirting with negligence.
  16. Since we apparently crossposted, I will reiterate. We will not be entertaining any religious arguments for or against here on the forums.
  17. There's a reason we don't allows religious discussion on the forums, it causes arguments. It's in the rules as defined by Private Division. As such, we won't be having religions in the game, or discussion of such on the forums.
  18. It’s be done, way back alpha days, there threads about one to one real time missions. I do recall some mun and minmus missions like this where the player scheduled their lives around the game if needed.
  19. There are plenty of valid arguments in each direction of the “completeness” debate. Some evidence implies it’s almost done, other evidence implies the opposite. The only people that know are the devs. There is no reason to badger or harass each other over what amounts to splitting hairs.
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