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Everything posted by theonegalen

  1. If I return to this and update it, I'll have it automatically disable depending on RO; not sure how MAS props with the fc.conditioned variable will react on their own though. Possible test for future if the future holds.
  2. oh my gosh, I'm very excited to see these! Which version of Warbird Cockpits did you require for the B-29? I'm assuming it's the 0.3 prerelease from years and years ago and not the random half-updated bits I have on github.
  3. Admiral Naismith? You know, you could easily be the twin of someone I met on Barryar - some vor lordling or another.
  4. @zer0Kerbal For the last week, I've been having an error with ODFC - the log continually spams "the _electriccharge is null" when I have an ODFC module on a loaded craft. It seems it especially happens with the Universal Storage II fuel cell but I've seen it occasionally with others.
  5. Can't say for sure, but I'd be willing to bet real money the answer is "Nertea will work on what he feels like when he feels like it."
  6. Has anyone else figured out a way to use action groups to change the gear ratio? It seems like that would be very much helpful, like having a gearshift in a car.
  7. If you're still working on this, I find it interesting. I think a few screenshots and an explanation of how you use it would help get people more interested.
  8. I'm about halfway through the TETRIX tree at the moment, would this update change anything I've been working on?
  9. just had a bug with Sensible Screenshot - it seemed to get caught in an infinite renaming loop KSP.log
  10. So was this effective for large-scale colony building? I've never done it because I hate the "everything jumps when physics loads" Kraken. Was this intended to fix that?
  11. I wish there was a more gamified UI for Kerbal Konstructs which allowed for the placement/construction of colonies in save-specific ways. I love the potential of KK, but it is a real pain to spend hours on making sure all the roads (for example) are at the same height. If they clicked together like parts in the VAB but then were permanently affixed to the surface through PQS, they would be perfect.
  12. the For Science! contracts are so much better than the KSP1 science mode or career contracts.
  13. Thanks for mentioning this! I've loved SCANsat for a decade now, but playing the KSP2 "For Science" mode really made me want to streamline things a bit in my current KSP1 career playthrough. This looks perfect. I really love Snacks. With the Air and Stress optional extensions turned on, it really affects how I plan missions beyond just "throw more life support parts on." I especially like that considering Kerbals getting Stressed has me designing ways to send more living space on longer missions. Snacks with the optional extras really hits the sweet spot for me.
  14. The clear cockpit glass. There are some really visually ugly things about OG KSP that were very much nicer in KSP2. Yeah, mods can help in KSP 1 but it's still essentially hacky.
  15. There's also Angelo Kerman's SunkWorks. Incomplete, but still probably the best.
  16. The music, the visuals, the possibilities.
  17. Discord is a terrible way to host images. I'd like to see what you've been working on, but the images are broken.
  18. The only problem here is using the :FOR[RocketSoundEnhancementDefault] block. Replace it with :AFTER[RocketSoundEnhancementDefault] so MM only does this if RSE Default is installed.
  19. This is the only reason I've always used other coloration mods. I look forward to replacing them.
  20. Did you download it from the github source or did you download the release? Github source is basically a major version change in (excruciatingly slow) progress and will not work.
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