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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I don't recall any re-entry images/videos except one KSP1/KSP2 image that showed re-entry heating compared between the two games. The only 3 things I can say about that image are: It for sure showed re-entry effects. They looked a lot better than the KSP1 effects. I am not at all sure it wasn't a trolling image. I have no idea how to find it now to post it.
  2. I'm going to address the subject line and not the subject of tutorials specifically. I can't speak on them as they're not aimed at me. My opinions on how tutorials are and should be are strong and could easily cause arguments I don't want to have in this thread. Regarding Scott's video. I was pretty unimpressed with the game as presented, to be blunt about it. I'm still not sure when I'm going to buy the game, but this video at BEST didn't improve my desire to buy it day-one. If anything, it gave me enough reasons to wait until at least the first major update (Which according to the road-map is Science mode?)
  3. I don't use MechJeb regularly but I don't recall it saying anything near to this. I do recall it having more options than"Continue" though.
  4. I would be shocked if there was no debug menu in KSP2 similar to the one in KSP1. I would also be shocked if there was no Hyperedit-like mod released within a week or so of KSP2 dropping. I would be doubly shocked if both of these things ended up being true.
  5. Yeah it's a reference to flat-earth "common sense" failing. I doubt the story is strictly true, but here's what I found about it on Wikipedia.
  6. If only there weren't 10,000 different graphics cards all with their own numbers that don't have anything at all to do with other graphics cards, I'd know how mine stacks up. A couple trips to Google tells me I'm between minimum and recommended which is fine. My core is faster than but a slightly lower 5-digit number than the recommended so I'm happy with that.
  7. We don't - and can't - know. I seriously doubt the game will just open them, but I could see an official (with caveats about 'this might not work on all vessels') or community-made (with no such caveat but we all know it'd fail a bunch) tool for just such a conversion. I also seriously doubt that the part stats are enough the same that the automatically converted vessels will run at all well. But I can guarantee you that the tool that will do the conversions the best is already released. It's your brain and when it has access to the new VAB you can convert all the vessels you want.
  8. My guess for "first mod created for KSP2" has changed from "old navball" to "/ instead of \ for pathing"
  9. Yeah like 70km worth or more. And in orbit it had a lot of Kinetic as well.
  10. I'm just happy that since the navball became moveable, I've had it down in the lower left. One less thing to get used to for me. As to the entire UI, I love it. Sure it'll take time to get used to but it's so much cleaner and more thought has gone into what goes where. KSP1's UI was just all the elements scattered wherever had the most room when they added it.
  11. Another mod that does (did?) this is Speed Unit Annex. No clue if it works or not the last post is from 2021.
  12. I'm leaning toward this, except I don't mind starting over with a new career. I'd probably do it anyway with each update if my past play loop is any indication.
  13. A group of Starlink satellites went overhead today. I knew they were coming but was expecting 1. It was quite a sight. (spoilered for largeish image)
  14. Right, so say you have a limit of... I don't know, 20 likes to make it easy. If you click like 1 time every hour for 24 hours, once you've clicked it the 20th time in the 20th hour, you cannot click like for 4 more hours, when you get one back. Then you can click like 1 more time each hour for the next 20 hours, when you'll have another 4-hour period where you won't get any likes. If at any time you try to click "like" twice in an hour during that 20-hour span, the 2nd attempt will fail. Note I'm not SURE it does this. I just THINK it does it, and it would explain what I've read in this and other threads.
  15. IIRC it's a number of likes within a 24 hour period. It's not like they reset at midnight.
  16. It's amazing how much people hate something they obviously love.
  17. Not 100% sure when I'm going to get it. It depends on many factors, not the least of which is do I think I'll enjoy playing it?
  18. Yeah I rarely thumbs-down youtube videos but that one earned it. So I was right to just mute the server and forget it existed. Good. --------- It's official, I'm taking the week after KSP2 comes out off. Now, it's not ENTIRELY to play video games but video games will be a big part of it I'm still luke-warm on KSP2 though. I'm going to watch some vids first before I decide to buy or not. If I decide "not", then I'll probably buy Dwarf Fortress instead and play that. Based on what I've seen so far, though, I fully expect I'll be buying KSP2.
  19. It helps simulate an observable phenomenon. They're not necessary, of course. The game is perfectly playable without them. However, you cannot put a ship in one of those spots in the base game and have it experience the stability that exists in real life. If you edit your save file or use the set orbit tool maybe. I'm not saying it should be in the base game or anything. I'm just wondering with all the people who want it, why no modder (who also wants it) has tried. (for what it's worth I tried to do it once and failed miserably)
  20. I still don't see why you can't set up a small sphere at L4 and L5 as if there was a tiny planet there, with enough "gravity" to keep something there in a little orbit. To fix the problem where you're essentially creating a black hole, put a 2nd patched conic in there with 0 or negative gravity, half the size of the Lagrange patched conic. Other than confusion when you pass through one unintentionally, I see no down sides to this idea.
  21. Judge the game based on how it looks (and plays) on release. You still have time to not buy it then.
  22. orbits are an ellipse with the thing being orbited at one of the ... uh... vertices (?) of the ellipse, NOT the center or anywhere else. In the video, for about 10 frames, this is not the case. It's not an ellipse and the planet is not correctly offset from the center. See this for more, or just look at your non-circular orbits in KSP map view. https://www.everythingrf.com/community/what-is-an-elliptical-orbit
  23. Workaround, you may be able to use the icons on the side of the screen instead of the buildings themselves. I remember having this issue a LONG time ago and it was a mod that caused it. No clue what mod that was or if it's causing it now for you, but you could do the old bifurcated search to see if it's a mod causing it. Uninstall/disable half of your mods and load the game to see if it works or not. If it works, one of those mods caused it. If it's still broken, try loading the game with the OTHER mods and see if one of them is causing it. Then, using the set of mods where it was still broken, repeat the process by disabling half of them. Repeat until you're down to a single mod causing the issue. It sounds daunting but it's not. 100 mods takes like 8 iterations.
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