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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Personally I don't use the Alarm Clock encounters and instead use either Transfer Window Planner or AstroGator. Both do a wonderful job of telling you the best time to go. One gives you the information to decide on your own (with a suggestion) while the other just gives you a series of maneuvers that get an encounter.
  2. It looks like you have RemoteTech installed. This is an old thread but it has the exact error you're getting. I don't use RemoteTech so can't really help past that.
  3. Amazing, but I can't help but notice that some major features are missing. This isn't *our* Mun. I'll get over it. I'm pretty sure. Probably. Probably. If it had been named "Time Zoom" for the past 9 years I bet everybody would be posting Rocky Horror references when they announced they were changing it to "Time Warp." I mean what is this, Star Trek? Are they adding warp drives? Warp drives confirmed. OMG I'm not buying this game they're adding Klingons. Etc. etc. etc. Not that I'm a huge fan of "Time Zoom." I just don't think it's inherently worse than "Time Warp"
  4. Minus the pay for the person to maintain the website. ...who is likely getting overtime right now.
  5. Just like in KSP(1) I think there should be a procedural INTERFACE to the static granular (Lego) part paradigm. Place a tank, and procedurally drag it larger and smaller to snap between all the tanks you have currently unlocked, both by length AND width. Have the nosecones auto change to fit, but also let me set them manually (and procedurally) too. And let me change what engine is on the bottom without having to take the engine off and put on another one. But letting me set the isp or twr or vacuum/atmo ratios of engines? No. No no no.
  6. I actually remember them because of Bill Nye the Science Guy and Bob the Builder. I just remember that they're reversed.
  7. I love the concept of a Punkpunk universe, in which every single -punk genre actually happened and the denizens of the punkpunk universe have all that collective knowledge and history.
  8. I'll go with Eve. You can't just slam into the atmosphere from interplanetary, or even orbital without planning. Once you DO slow down landing is trivial, but taking off again can be a chore. The only really easy part about Eve is the cost to get there, which is the cheapest ejection from Kerbin's SOI and cheapest encounter orbital burn. The plane change though usually makes it a bit more expensive than Duna. Another good candidate is Moho, because the need for a prolonged high DV burn both on ejection and encounter. once there though it's not much different than any other midrange airless world (of which it is the largest).
  9. B will brake while you're holding it. In the top of the screen to the right of the Altimeter are 3 buttons, the bottom one is the brake and it will then stay on until you click it again, or tap B once.
  10. Wow how did I miss this for 4 days!? ... Oh, the video's unlisted.
  11. Yep. So long as you set your preferences but don't otherwise play in Steam it works perfectly.
  12. I just copy all the files from my Steam install folder.
  13. I'll admit I've got high hopes, after the past couple updates. I don't know what will be in 1.12 but I'm expecting it to be good.
  14. I hate to say it but yes. It allows you to not need SAS, the entire point of the rule. However if all other rules are followed that sounds like a perfect addition to the Rogue's List.
  15. As in "can you construct a rudimentary lathe?"
  16. This. I build my payload as small as possible so my lifter can also be as small as possible. For various definitions of "as possible" usually up to and including "as much as I'll bother to"
  17. Because they live in a universe where "Count Dooku" is a perfectly viable name for a powerful villain.
  18. I can't see your movie. I've never tried hot-linking to discord so I'm assuming the forum or discord doesn't support it. Edit: I was able to jump through the hoops to watch it and with no numerical information I can only assume the periapsis is under 70km. Note stuff will "orbit" forever down to about 20km so long as you're not in its physics window. That would explain why it lasted weeks if you were, say, watching it in the tracking station.
  19. Ah yes if you run out of power the transmission aborts and you receive no points.
  20. If they don't immediately update your total then they were worth nothing transmitted. This only happens when transmitting something a second time and it shows (though it may not be clear) in the UI. That blue bar in your screenshot would be totally empty in that case.
  21. Sure. Lots of high ground there it looks. No. Quite the opposite. right in the center is a point where you'd be weightless. Or the game crashes depending on how they program it I wouldn't be surprised if you could make a colony "floating" on the lava with the support structures hidden underneath. Assuming of course that what we see from space is in fact large bodies of lava oceans.
  22. If they haven't fixed the requirement for a "materials bay" when what they actually want is a "Science Jr" I doubt they'll fix this. But all confusing wordings should be fixed.
  23. Same way you get to Carnegie Hall. Practice, kid. Practice.
  24. Sue-per-flu-us-jay Sue like the girl's name. Or that one boy from that song. Per as in "meters per second." Flu as in the illness I got every year until 2020 because I spent all of that year inside washing my hands. Us as in "Both of us" Jay as in Blue Jay.
  25. Great topic! Mine is probably my first Mun landing considering I still remember out now, nearly 8 years later. Odd that in all that time, my favorite first was one of my first ones. I did it within days of downloading the demo. 2 of them IIRC. I hadn't even bought the game yet.
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