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  1. catch me on Skype YumonStudios if you want to talk. The profile pic is of Kris from Pokemon.




    Also, would want to ask a bit on  it. The reason for skype is very simple- I'm using Onenote for my alternate history :P


    Goes up to at least 2200. :o

    Also, http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/did-you-guys-know-there-was-a-such-thing-as-victorian-weeaboo.454779399/


    Victorian Weeaboos. Looks like modern day isn't so different after all. :P

    Fun fact is Hitler invented Blow-up dolls for his soldiers to stop them from getting STDs.

    So Victorian Japanese Waifus are entirely possible. :cool:

  2. @adsii1970, I want to add that I think your tireless effort in curating the TOTM is also a worthy and great contribution to our community. I may have come across as overly harsh in my post above, and so I want to publicly apologize for that. One of the best things about KSP (1 or 2) has always been the community and how we work to help each other. Your work helps others to spot and find interesting, helpful, and fun threads - and as such your work here deserves to be celebrated! I just hope you might reconsider your position on the use of mods. It really does make me sad to see someone with a platform saying they're not going to use or even talk about KSP2 mods. If you would like a hand installing any to try them out I would be delighted to personally spend my time helping you.
  3. The clarification you made it's nice and a bit reassuring, but It would be nice if the KSP2 dev team would stop shooting themselves on the foot every week. You're like 2 years behind schedule, the game is a demo at best, and someone decided it was a good idea to talk about having DRM on a Kerbal Game? I don't want to be rude, but the mere suggestion of it, on this timeline, suggest some of the dev team is spending too much time on Eelo and too little time on Earth.
  4. I didn't talk about most people's position, what most people want can be found in the outcome of the poll when concerning wobbly rockets.
  5. Hey Untoldwind, I think it would be easier to discuss and help improve this mod if we have a discord server where we can discuss changes, bugs, and showcase what we made. Here is the link: https://discord.gg/wMpSergFKc Join if you want to showcase your projects/talk about the mod. Hopefully Untoldwind joins so we can more efficiently give suggestions and report bugs.
  6. Well, they might just do that. PS5 and XBSX both have DMA. Of course, that matters little because... well, the CPU and GPU are practically one in the same... so... yeah... AMD needs a Ryzen 5000 (Select 3000) and Radeon 6000 or higher models for DMA to work. Of course, they still need the CPU and GPU to talk, but their "Smart Access Memory" will increase performance by allow the CPU to talk to the GPU using a full PCIe bandwidth, instead of talking to one memory module at a time. NVIDIA has DMA, but it looks like it might be just for their server clients atm. No Geforce implementation that I can find. So, unless you're rocking the latest AMD CPUs and GPUs, you're SOL on the PC platform.
  7. each day i live, i grow more and more concerned about the future of our species, i firmly believe were not thinking hard enough as a species about where we want to be in 100 years, weve made it so far, weve modernised to a point that its possible no other species in the universe has yet reached our level of advancement, we were fortunate enough to evolve higher than average intelligence in the mess that is the evolution of life, and yet we choose to destroy our planet without thinking about where were going to go next when the planet can no longer support us, were well aware of the effects we have on it, and that were relying on outdated and non renewable methods of obtaining energy, so we cant be a stay at home civilisation as it stands, and were not certain such a civilisation is even possible, we fight each other, hunt species to extinction, and have extremely closed minded thinking when it comes to our view of the world. im going to get to the point now, if we are to continue surviving as a species, we need to leave the planet, this is extremely clear at this point and yet people only think of themselves and what the taxes they pay to the government can do for them personally, at this point theres probably a few people who think im a hypocrite for saying these things but let me make it very clear, i want the taxes they pay to go to turning us into a spacefaring species, not into weapons to wage war, not into a health care system ill only take advantage of later in my life, and not into construction projects to create jobs, none of these things matter while the clock counts down to the time when we run out of non renewable resources and no longer have a way to leave the planet weve now destroyed. if we invest in our space programs, things will be rough for a long time im not going to deny this truth. people in first world countries who dont have jobs will still not have jobs, the national debt in the case of the united states will still be there, people in first world countries will still starve and have no access to clean water, but with the population growth running as rampant as it is, we do not have the means to solve those problems directly no matter how much time and resources we put into it, but if we had access to the solar system weve been ignoring for next to no reason other than the general public isnt interested in "that waste of money, build more weapons to keep us safe, and my brother johnny still has no job", we would have the resources to solve all those problems and more, and the economy would enter a boom for the next couple of thousand years. my personal feelings are that we need to stop giving government run space programs pocket change that they can barely do anything besides send a small probe to some place with, and start giving them large amounts of money they can actually make some progress with, commercial spaceflight shouldnt just be about touring low earth orbit, it should be about settling humans on other worlds, we have access to so many asteroids we could gather valuable resources from, and use as space colonies using the rock of the asteroid to shield us from radiation extremely close to us on a cosmic scale, were missing out on a very powerful kickstart to completely solving the problems we have here on earth just because we feel we should focus on them right now, but the direct approach is not always the best as weve proven countless times throughout history and appear to be proving yet again anyway that was my real talk, feel free to add your thoughts
  8. @Dakota, I wasn't the poster who called it 'PR fluff', but it definitely came off a little too stage managed. My suggestions for the next would be to 1) have someone other than an Intercept Games employee moderating and asking the questions, and 2) do the talk while the subject of the session is playing the current build of the game live. Here's an interview Scott Manley did years ago with the developers of KSP1 - Talking With The Developers Of Kerbal Space Program At GDC 2014 - YouTube It's certainly not perfect - you can see the Squad Community Manager hovering awkwardly in the background recording the session, and the devs are a bit guarded at times talking about upcoming features in the game (ion engine thrust and acceleration under timewarp it appears were still being discussed). But by having an independent journalist or fan asking the questions does give it a better feel of authenticity. With 1), obviously I get why you would instinctively want to keep control of the process as much as possible. But remember - the person doing the AMA can always answer "no comment" or "I'm not sure about the answer to that" if a question comes up that might be outside of their remit. And 2), the part about seeing the developers playing the game live, we really haven't seen enough of this throughout KSP2's development history - we've instead been seeing a bit too much of screengrabs, still images, pre-rendered trailers, storyboards etc. Even the art director here loading up some of her creations in the VAB would have been much nicer to see.
  9. It's "ask me anything", not "I will answer everything". Answering to them all even with "not my area of expertise" or "can't talk about it" when there's hundreds of questions asked and the available time is just over an hour, would make it pretty much impossible. And boring. Yes, the questions are picked because they have to be when time is limited and the answers are expected to have any substance. Asking every single dev from every department why rockets are wobbly (for example) will lead to disap.. I mean, "disappointment". People have roles. And will answer according to their roles. And honestly, as a person who's more on the artsy side, rather than engineering, I very much enjoyed the AMA with all the chosen questions. As for live posted questions, scrolling through twitch chat spam ain't interesting. Especially when there are people crying about why their questions weren't picked like if that was the worst thing that ever happened in their lives.
  10. Next chapter is up... Family Tree Enely frowned at the silverlace in confusion. Then his jaw dropped. Sweet Kerm above… Oh I’m sorry, Jonelle, not you. The sudden flare of pain in his lip and the salty taste of blood in his mouth barely registered. Butterfies, he murmured under his breath. Jonelle, does Elton - the big Kerm -ever say anything else? <no. Nothing else. Just the stupid picture, then I scare it away.> Jonelle paused <what are butterfies?> Butterflies, said Enely. They’re the little creatures on Elton’s branches there but I’m not quite sure what he’s trying to say. He’s showing you a picture of Joenie’s birthday present from Jonton, he said, half to himself, does he want to talk to Joenie? The mindscape flickered as Enely shook his head, tugging at the leaf hairs embedded in his scalp. That can’t be right - he’d just ask Patbro to send a message next time they Communed. Maybe he’s trying to send you a birthday present, Jonelle - but why choose one that only me or Joenie would recognise? <what is a birthday present?> Hmmm? Oh - kerbals like to celebrate the day their kerblets - their small kerbals - were born by making them toys or giving them other nice things. It was a few years ago now but Jonton… arranged the butterfly tree as a pretty surprise for Joenie. <Joenie is Jonton’s kerblet?> Startled, Enely turned to face Jonelle’s presence. Yes of course - did nobody tell you that Jonton’s her father? He sensed the Kerm’s confusion. Do you remember what I told you about mummys? <yes. They look after the kerblets> That’s right. Well another word for mummy is mother. And along with their mother, most kerblets have a father too. <why?> Well it takes two kerbals to… Enely coughed. Never mind - they just do. But just like mothers, fathers look after their kerblets too and give them birthday presents. A blast of cinnamon assaulted his nostrils. <if the big Kerm is trying to send me a birthday present…is it trying to be my father?> Images flickered past: Gerselle holding a mottled yellow and brown gourd; a group of kerbals wearing robes and backpacks, standing on a rocky slope; a pair of hands scooping a shallow pit in a patch of gritty soil and placing the gourd in it; Gerselle tamping soil over the gourd before sprinkling water over it. I hadn’t thought about it like that before, Enely said slowly, but you grew from his seed pod so yes…yes I suppose in a way he is your father. The mindscape heaved, blowing Enely’s image of Elton into a thousand glittering fragments. <NO> NONONO> <not right! Not my father! Big Kerm fight me - I fight back! > Jonelle! It’s alright - it’s alright! How did Elt… the big Kerm fight you? Did he hurt you? The mindscape turned pitch black, incomprehensible streaks and whorls of multicoloured light firing back at him, drowned in a torrent of fear and raw anger. Sparks ripped by him, swarming against an relentless intruder more sensed than seen. Buffeted and bruised, Enely clung on to his vantage point, Jonelle’s presence expanding all around him. Another wave of sparks rippled past fanning out into twisting streams that coiled around hundreds of invisible somethings in a cobweb of brilliant motes. And at last, he saw. Jonelle - stop! All the sparks are yours - the big Kerm isn’t fighting back! Whatever he’s showing you the picture is for, that’s all he wants to do. <big Kerm in my soil. Doesn’t need sparks to make a fight!> Enely’s mind raced. Let me help you! I’ll talk to Elton and tell him you’ve seen the picture, that he can stop invading your soil. He cast about for anything to calm the enraged Kerm. I’ll talk to Jonton too and ask him if Joenie can talk to you! The mindscape froze. <I can talk to Joenie?> I don’t know. I need to talk to Jonton first but I promise I’ll ask him. If you let me go, I’ll go right now. The leaf hairs whipped free of his scalp. Enely collapsed against his pillows, a thin trickle of blood leaking from one corner of his mouth. —————— Jonton sat up in bed and eyed the large paper bag in Enely’s hand with keen anticipation His friend drew out a large bunch of sunfruit with a flourish and laid them on the bedside table. Jonton tore off a handful of berries and stuffed them into his mouth, a blissful smile lighting up his face. Grabbing a tissue he dabbed the juice from his chin and swallowed, before helping himself to another berry. “Ahhh. You would not believe how much I’ve been looking forward to some fruit - thanks, Enely. Hospital food isn’t as bad as it’s cracked up to be but it’s definitely been light on fresh produce lately.” Enely decided not to trouble him with details of Jonelle’s threatened blighting of the Grove crops. “Last of the season,” he said. “You were lucky I managed to save some.” He studied Jonton’s face, noting the puffy, still-darkened flesh around his eye and the line of scabbed-over puncture marks running from temple to nose. “You’re looking better than when I last saw you.” Jonton yawned. “Sorry. Yes - the punctures have been properly closed for a couple of days now but this finishing course of anti-venoms makes me awfully sleepy. I expect Dr. Altop will be here soon to chivvy me out of bed for an hour.” He popped another berry into his mouth and gestured at the window. “You couldn’t put these over there could you? Otherwise I’ll just lie here and munch the lot.” Enely arranged the remaining sunfruit in the fruit bowl on the windowsill before pulling up a chair beside Jonton’s bed and perching on the edge of it, hands knotted together in his lap. Jonton looked at him soberly “No news I take it? How’s Joenie doing?” Enely forced a smile onto his face. “Adbas is looking after her.” He saw Jonton’s raised eyebrows. “I caught the two of them in Gerselle’s room - the young lad assured me that he wouldn’t let Joenie talk to Jonelle. Not in so many words of course.” He raised a finger at Jonton’s rapidly darkening expression. “Meleny was keeping an eye on them too.” “Well that’s something.” Jonton muttered. “How about Jonelle. How’s she doing?” Enely stared at his hands. “Badly,” he said. “She’s missing Gerselle and still keeps wanting to Commune with Joenie instead. Patbro was a good distraction for a while but then he mentioned Elton and that was the end of that.” He looked up. “The garden’s in a sorry state and the village green is going the same way. Which isn’t encouraging the neighbours to visit.” Jonton saw the shadows behind his friend’s eyes. “Has anything happened?” he asked. “Joenie’s getting the worst of it,” said Enely. “None of them let their kerblets get anywhere near her. Pillars preserve Meleny - without her and Adbas around, I don’t know what we would have done.” He sighed. “The neighbours have made it quite clear that I’m about as welcome as speargrass in the malkaball field too but I’m old enough and ugly enough to handle it.” “That doesn’t make it any easier though,” said Jonton. “Pillars preserve you too for shouldering it all.” He rubbed his eyes. “For what it’s worth, they’re good people but they’ve been through a lot. Starting with a wrecked prickleberry harvest and…” The sudden tightening around the other’s jaw stopped him dead. “She hasn’t…” “No,” said Enely, “but she’s threatened to unless she gets to Commune with Joenie.” He forced himself to look Jonton in the eye. “They’d kill her wouldn’t they?” “And Gerselle with her.” Jonton held his head in his hands. “| don’t know - I just don’t know. Right now I think they’re still too frightened of the vines to do anything but if the crops start failing on top of everything else… What’s your expression about mallek backsides and cactus spines?” Enely didn’t reply. “There’s one more thing,” he said eventually. “Elton’s been trying to - talk to her I guess, or whatever the Kerm do instead. And I think he’s trying to send you a message too.” He told Jonton about the silverlace tree and his conversation with Jonelle. “Which didn’t go well. In fact its why I came to visit again so soon - I promised I’d ask you…” “To let Joenie Commune with her?” “Yes.” Enely hesitated. “I don’t think she’d hurt her, Jonton. Not deliberately. She wasn’t at all concerned about frightening everyone else but she was protective of Joenie.” He swallowed. “If she can’t be with Gerselle then I think she wants to be with Gerselle’s daughter instead.” Jonton’s expression turned stony then sagged in bitter resignation. “No choice,” he muttered to himself. “And the Pillars preserve me for it.” He looked at Enely. “Do it. But I want you there too to protect them both - and to persuade them to Commune with Elton.” He saw the skepticism in Enely’s eyes. “He wants to Commune with them - that much is clear, although I don’t know exactly why.” He gestured at the room around him in frustration. “I need to get out of here and talk to him.” The door opened and Dr Altop bustled in. He glanced at Enely. “Good - you can keep him company. Make sure he gets a proper hour of exercise.” Jonton noted the doctor’s rumpled white coat and lined face. “Actually,” he said. “I’m feeling well enough to go home, I think. I’m sure Enely would make sure I got there in one piece.” “Don’t be absurd.” Altop inspected Jonton’s scabs. “This is the first time all week that I haven’t needed to wake you up for your afternoon walk. He frowned. “And if you think I’m letting my test subject out of my sight when…” He sighed. “Never mind.” A chill ran down Jonton’s spine. “You’re treating more of them aren’t you? More Kerm-stung I mean.” “I am,” said Altop tersely. “And I need to get back to my other ward, so I think we’d better stick with our normal routine today if you don’t mind.” He saw the silent desperation in Jonton’s eyes and his expression softened. “Maybe for the weekend, if you’re still improving by the end of the week.” “But I need to Commune with…” Jonton’s voice tailed away. “Maybe he could help. If there’s any venom left in me, maybe he could treat it…” “Are you completely out of your mind?” snapped Altop. “Or have you just forgotten about your first examination?” “Elton would be different.” Jonton sat up, bedcovers falling away from him. “I could talk to him first, let him know what to expect - he wouldn’t panic like your Kerm! Please, doctor - I can explain everything.” Jonton launched into a hurried summary of his conversation with Enely. “So you see,” he concluded, “it’s for all their sakes, but especially…” His voice tailed away and he gave Altop a pleading look. The medic dropped onto the spare chair and fixed Jonton with a brittle stare. “You know,” he said conversationally. “If I was new to all this, I’d be taking you - very gently - along to the Blight trauma ward about now. I understand that our standard sedative causes very pleasant dreams. Fortunately - or unfortunately for me - I’m not new to it.” He rubbed his eyes. “And you do appear to be healing at last.” Jonton crossed his fingers under his bedcovers as Altop ran his fingers through his hair. “Oh Kerm take it all. Very well - I’ll arrange to have you discharged for care at home. On two conditions.” Altop held up a finger. “One - that you book yourself in for a weekly check-up until I’m convinced that you’re fully recovered.” A second finger joined the first. “And two - if Elton is able to treat you, that you promise to ask if he would be willing to help with our most desperate cases.” Jonton swallowed hard. “I will and I do,” he said. “I can’t promise that he’ll agree to help but I can promise to ask him.” —————— Head down, Enely walked across the much-recovered village green, oblivious to the scattering of kerbals watching him go. A splash of colour caught his eye as he approached the hut and he stopped to squat down by a lopsided square of newly planted star poppies, smiling at the sight of Joenie’s little wheelbarrow and her trowel stuck in the soil beside the flowers. He leaned over and tugged at a straggle of browning knotweed, nodding in satisfaction as it pulled free of the ground, a long, rank root emerging behind it. He tossed the dead weed into the wheelbarrow and continued on his way. Inside, he found Meleny watching over Joenie, Adbas on the floor by her feet working on a jigsaw puzzle. He jumped to his feet at the sound of the sleep room door opening. “Hi, Mr Enely!” “Hello, Adbas,” Enely looked at Meleny. “Any problems?” “None,” said Meleny. “No cinnamon, no drooping branches, thrashing branches, or anything. And Joenie seems quite happy too.” She sighed. “I think it’s doing them both good to have somebody to play with.” Enely thought back to the gardening tools by the star poppies. “Yes.” he said. “I know Joenie used to enjoy Communing with Jonton when he was an-Kerm, so I suppose Communing with Jonelle is even better - like talking to a friend rather than talking to her father.” A pensive expression crossed his face. “In some ways, Jonelle is very much like a kerblet.” “Complete with temper tantrums,” said Meleny with a shiver. Adbas looked up from his jigsaw. “I want to play with Jonelle too, Mummy.” “I know you do, sweetheart but we don’t want to scare her by letting too many people talk to her at once. Maybe when she gets a bit older.” Enely saw Adbas’s face turn sulky. “Your mum’s right, Adbas. I tell you what though - it’s almost time for lunch and after that I think it’s time for Joenie to play with her other friends instead.” He patted the kerblet on the shoulder before walking over to the spare bed and settling himself under the waiting leaf cluster. White light engulfed him and the sounds of giggling drifted past his ears. <hello, Enely> Enely! Do you want to play the creepy bug game too? Enely blinked. What game is that, Joenie? As if in response, the light swirled away and he found himself plummeting towards a lopsided square of rippling colours amidst a washed out pastel blur. There’s another one there! It was all Enely could do to fight off his sudden bout of motion sickness. The mindscape wobbled disconcertingly before swimming into focus, the washed out pastels flashing into a migrainous spike of colour before subsiding again. For a second he sensed Jonelle’s increased concentration. And another one! Get it, Jonelle! <I do not need to. These plants fight back> Enely watched rings of silvery speckles fanning out from a myriad of unseen points, criss-crossed by darker flecks. A diffuse swarm of blue sparks began to coalesce around the speckles, slowly but surely homing in on the flecks. He stared through them, deliberately letting his mind drift then, as before, he saw. Roots under attack by…something and exuding…something else to lure protectors to them. <you must find this fighting plant. More of it will help clean the soil near my roots> Clean up the mess that you made said a tiny voice in the back of Enely’s mind. He felt Joenie’s frown as she studied the projected image of her poppy patch. ‘kay. I’ll find it. Enely will help me, won’t you, Enely? Joenie’s mental voice brightened. I’ve been helping Jonelle find the bad bugs in my garden, so she can kill them with the good bugs! She sensed Enely’s bemusement. It’s fun - you’ll see! I’m sure it is, Joenie but it’s lunch time now - Adbas and Meleny are waiting for us. Enely paused. Has Elton tried to talk to you? The mindscape snapped back to a uniform white light. <no. Big Kerm hasn’t come back> I know, said Enely gently. Jonton asked him to stay away from your soil. The weight of Jonelle’s sudden puzzlement pressed against his mind. <Jonton tell big Kerm what to do?> Yes. He promised me that if you let Elton talk to you that he would be there to make him go away again if you started to get scared. <this is very strange. Big Kerm doing what kerbal says> There was a long silence. Enely felt Jonelle’s presence withdrawing before sidling back again. A sly thread of thought brushed against his mind. <I talk to big Kerm but only if Jonton and Enely and Joenie are there too> Of course. Enely kept his mental tone deliberately casual. Jonton will want to catch up with everyone anyway. But now - it really is time for us to eat. Could you let us both go please, Jonelle? ——————— <he comes> Jonelle’s mental voice was tense. Enely sensed the flicker of shared nervousness between the young Kerm and Joenie and imagined himself putting his arms around them both. The image of a kerbal with its arms wrapped around a Kerm trunk made Joenie giggle, and the tension eased slightly. <he comes> Enely steeled himself before projecting reassurance with all the conviction he could muster. It’s alright, Jonelle - he’s not here to fight. He just wants to talk. He felt the first faint flickers of another awareness at the fringes of Jonelle’s mindscape. The awareness expanded, acquiring definition and familiarity and then stopped. A second awareness came forward, as if out of a wall of mist. Joenie’s presence darted past him with a cry. Daddy! A flurry of images and emotions lit around them, quicksilver bright, whirling past too quickly to follow, before settling on an image of Jonton hugging his daughter. Enely caught snatches of laughter amidst the salty tang of tears. The misty wall at the edge of his vision seemed to absorb the outburst, its steadying presence maintaining a discreet distance. With a final squeeze, Jonton released Joenie and turned to face Jonelle with a respectful bow. Jonelle. Thank you for looking after Joenie for me. Jonelle was silent. Enely sensed her confusion and sudden shyness, followed by a sudden flicker of alarm as the wall of mist began to fade. All three kerbals instinctively reached out to her in reassurance. The last tatters of mist swirled away, revealing a vast, tranquil mindscape bordering Jonelle’s yet still separated by a thin black line. <I also thank you for looking after the daughter of my first of Keepers> A sapling sprouted from the black line, growing at an impossible rate. A gale of wholly alien emotions buffeted the emerging Kerm tree, its branches creaking and swaying under the onslaught and in the process, damping it. Then the branches shimmered under a sudden cloak of silver-winged butterflies and the gale abruptly blew itself out. <daddy?> Lightning flickered around the edges of the second mindscape accompanied by a fleeting wave of surprise. <I had not thought so in kerbal words but you speak truth…my daughter?> Elton seemed to gather himself <Yes, Jonelle, I am…daddy> Elton turned to the dumbfounded kerbals. One of the butterflies flew over and perched quivering on Joenie’s hand. <I would be happy to talk more, Joenie> The Kerm smiled. <but for now, I would ask you to leave us, my friends. My daughter and I - we have much to discuss> << Chapter 85 Chapter 87>>
  11. well @Dakota nothing against the host or anybody in particular but i would like to see a honest non PR fluff true AMA (ask me anything) ksp 2 type questions that are on the fly or asked in a chat room during the live event. I dont think a bunch of users in a discord asking questions and those questions going into a pool of sorts where they are then cherry-picked and only the "good ones" are addressed is the way to go and just seems a bit dishonest or fake. To me a true AMA event should be exactly that "Ask me anything" in regards to KSP2. And that includes the hard questions as well such as "When is the next patch due out ?" "Why was the game released in the condition it was ?" When will This bug or that bug be fixed ?" THESE are the REAL questions people want to ask. Now granted if some of those are covered by NDA then be honest and say "NDA, I cant talk about that !" people respect that more than PR double-speak and evasion of the question OR the question not being asked at all. And to solve the problem of multiple questions of the same topic being answered repeatedly perhaps when each question is asked AND answered then the question with the answer should be posted or pinned in the chat for late joining people or people that refuse to read can see it. And after that if someone does come in the chat asking a question that has been asked and is pinned then you can expect the other people in the chat to correct that person at which time the moderators of the chat will take care of the punishments of repeat offenders just trying to troll. Other people may add more to this if they like i just thinking off the top of my head. Perhaps this question or topic deserves its own thread. Ill leave that to the very capable moderators in this forum to decide. Lets see how it goes. EDIT: After thinking about it i came up with an example. Have you ever watched sitcom on tv and its not in front of a live audience? They add that what they call "canned laughter' to the program and you get the sound of laughter when the joke they telling wasnt even funny. THATS what im talking about. We need something more genuine. More down to earth. A REAL connection between the people at IG and its player base. Anyways yeah umm if more people want to add to this agree or disagree or better ideas please respond to this. They want to hear from us. Tell em nows your chance
  12. As the one who has been championing these and produced the new video version, what would make you want to tune in? Honestly, we did it because we think Ness is great and wanted her to have a platform to talk about her art and how things work behind-the-scenes - not really for any PR reason.
  13. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 Home | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 TI | RAM: 16,0 GB So I wanted to see if I could use the new airbreaks as "grid fins" stand in on a old rocket. I retrofitted it quick - also found the rocket to be more wobbly now and that I need to figure out drag again.. Its gone from very stable to very unstable. Swapped most of my wings for Airbreaks. Any way.. thats a different talk. When I got into space and seperated 1st and 2nd stage - the navball seemed to follow 1st stage, and the craft could not find Retrograde. I tried to see if I could "force" the game to give Navball date for the 1st stage by quick save / quick load - but that turned the 1st stage into a immovable object. Video for reference:
  14. Now composite pressure vessels are used for helium in rockets and here we talk of hundreds of bars but as you say that is to prevent expanding who composites are much better at. But it should still have microfracture issues more so because cryogenic temperatures. Else I agree it was an stupid material to use, its not that weight is critical here. As I understand the submarine was not an conversational submarine. It used weights, I assume they dropped one weight then the reached the bottom and the rest then they wanted to go up again. Sounds weird and cheap but it should be an very reliable system if designed correctly.
  15. Hah, I brought this up when we were trying to figure out the title for this one. "Hotfix Summer" is just a joke related to the phrase "hotgirl summer," and does not imply that additional hotfixes are coming past the second one mentioned above. Development will continue even without the weekly "upnates," so the hope is that the next one of these you see from Nate will have lots of new and exciting things to talk about.
  16. Well, I care, they definitely nailed the planet looks from space. Also, this might be an opinion, but I find the "height map" much more interesting in ksp2 than it was in ksp1 (just blob to make a mountain). However, I'm just a bit disappointed with how the ground texture looks, that's why I asked a question about this (and it was answered). I agree, but to be fair, here they talk about how they "want" different plasmas on different bodies. Nate talked about reentry with different colors in the first AMA, very different from the simple ksp1 vfx.
  17. First off, announcing the changes on the hotfix but not including the "you're now forced to use the launcher" change... Very naughty behavior. As for the answers... Regarding planet design: They insist the guided gamemode will be about exploration, yet refuse to talk about the important aspect of it. No one cares how the planets look on the map and scaledspace, the problem has always been landing on them to find yet another empty, unimaginative, boring wasteland. This answer did no favors to that, as they only talked about and showed scaledSpace planet design. Regarding graphical improvements: It was a bit of a red flag to hear they've known about the shiny grass for (I quote, which was omitted on the transcript) "Years", when it is such a simple problem to fix. They must really be waiting for HDRP so that their work to fix that (as insignificant as changing specularity values might be) isn't overwritten by work on the new pipeline. As for CBT, yall still need to show more regarding whatever it is, since what most people know for CBT doesn't look like much of a fit to solve the current problems. Regarding icon/stamp customization: A great idea, infinitely better than the mesh flags of KSP1. Regarding re-entry heating: Shame that this was a problem slated for "shortly after launch" yet we're barely talking about what "we want to do", this should be a done and closed issue by now. It is probably the most glaring gameplay mechanic currently missing from the game, and it is so basic... Regarding UI: The only thing that seems inherited from those inspirations shown is the eye friendly color scheme from IDEs. The practicality, compactness, and design rules of making something for people to use first, and pretty later, has been completely lost. The current UI is overly big, has tons of wasted space, and most of the used space is just "used" to convey useless information. I believe there's much more work to be done than just a maneuver panel. Regarding parachutes: I'm firmly on the camp that the upcoming EVA chutes and the ones currently in game need to be rescaled.
  18. A good point that I've sort of had in the back of my mind as well while making my posts - I like to mention performance and stability as separate issues when I talk about the state of the game. Here's how I personally view these, and my attempt to add a definition for accuracy. Performance - Does the game feel smooth to play? This includes framerate, framerate stuttering, scene load time and UI responsiveness. (I'm looking at you parts manager) Stability - Does the game function over time without failure, in the full range of situations the player can put it in? Lack of stability includes things like VAB construction bugs, flight bugs leading to sudden loss of vehicle through no fault of the player, wheels hitching on flat terrain for no reason, vehicle falling through terrain, improper physics behaviour, save file size explosions etc. Accuracy - Is the game simulation accurate enough with respect to the real world? This includes things like the game's part-based physics system using spring joints (wobbly rockets), part impact resistance, heating, aerodynamics model, wheel function, trajectories and terrain. The current trajectory bug that makes interplanetary transfers difficult is a great example of a lack of accuracy, as well as the orbital decay bug. Accuracy is where we see the effects of the game's foundation most of all. And like you said, I hoped that the foundations underlying accuracy would have been the ones improved in a new game built from the ground up. The most notable improvement here is the ability to use engines under timewarp, but other foundations were not significantly improved on compared to KSP1 such as spring-based joints and drag cubes. For example, the part-based physics system is the foundation of KSP's vehicle behaviour, and is primarily responsible for performance quickly getting worse when building vehicles with higher part count and many flight bugs as well as phantom forces (aka, the kraken) also originate here. There have been calls on the forum to get rid of the wobbliness or at least rein it in, as well as enabling scaling to high part count vehicles. Both of these come down to this foundational system.
  19. You answered the question yourself. They will not do it just because a random crazy dude sent them an email. The employee receiving it will just delete the email and forget about - Kraken knows how many of the emails I received at day job nowadays are SPAM and go the same way. But now it's not only a random crazy dude, it's some serious bunch of people, some of them influential community members. Additionally, we got a nice brainstorming where the pros and cons of the proposal were discussed, getting a grasp on how to better sell our fish. Sending an email to someone there (as long as we find one that would at least read it) is the final logical step, but never the first. About making plenty of money, assuming this is really happening - how much money more do you think they would make once the worst and more annoying bugs are properly fixed, cleaning up the code base and making at least feasible to repurpose it on new products (tablets, mobiles, whatever - there're wristwatches nowadays more powerful that the desktops that used to run the first versions of this game!)? In essence: we are a bunch of skilled workmanship willing to do some Pro Bono work with our free time in order to get this game tight now. Some people can do it in the shadows, outside this Community and for their own benefit. Some other people prefers to do it in the clear, inside the Community and giving back to it what this Community had given to us in the past. In the end, this is really the only choice to be made: who they want running the Modding Scene? People relying on shady practices or people in compliance with their own EULA? And that's the problem: we don't want another game, we want this one fixed. There're already open source initiatives around, but none of them will remotely open our savegames so we can keep playing them. And this is what really matters in the end for the users. And that's the confusion: we are not pledging a way to create a new KSP, we are pledging legal access to the KSP's source code so we can fix bugs and do a better job on modding it without relying on shady practices in violation of the EULA and Forum Publishing Guidelines and Rules (no to mention some few draconian legislations around the World), and nothing beyound that. Don't you see a problem here? A Community publicly relying on shady, EULA infringement practices in an officially sanctioned Forum? it took me some time to understand "C&D", the result that appeared the most on Google was "Construction & Demolition" But then I found "Creative & Development" and I finally understood. Nope, you are not getting it. The problem on long discussions like this one is that people usually don't have the time neither the patience to read trough all of it and we ended up in a misunderstanding. We do not want to clone KSP. We want legal access (even if limited) to the Source Code (and only to it) so we can do better our job on fixing bugs plaguing users and improving our Add'Ons. We don't want rights over the Creative Assets (meshes, lore, characters, textures, config files, missions, etc), we are not intending to recompile and redistribute the thing. You see, the Source itself is already available on the wild for people that knows how to use certain tools trough shady practices that this Forum consider piracy (believe on me about this one) and so I can't really talk about. But there're people around here (apparently the majority of us) that are not willing to engage on such shady practices, and so the only real way to do a better job on this Scene would be by having legal access to the Source Code, even than a very limited way - we don't need the right to change and redistribute the code, because we are not pledging the right to do derivatives. What we want is the right to legally read the Source Code without risking our SASes by violating the EULA (as well some few draconian legislations as mine) - not to mention this Forum's Publishing Guidelines. The Genie is already out of the Bottle, the Source is already being read by people that don't mind such details. Our pledge is to give us the same right, under EULA and Forum Rules compliance, so we can do a better job without disrespecting such EULA and Forum rules. Additionally, about Development… It's my understanding that game companies relies on outsourcing all the time. Why outsourcing the source code to Open Source workmanship would be bad? Apple did that in the past (Darwin), to say the least…
  20. Why not just ask T2 directly? They won't just do it because a bunch of people signed a petition. Literally send an email to (publicly and legally available) anyone at T2 if you guys believe this is doable. All this talk about a turning point and doing the right thing seems rather pointless. This is a community of maybe 5000-10000 people spread across the globe. Maybe 50% of those people will actually get on board. It won't just explode and become a social movement so I imagine asking is really your only option. I think the real solution is not to bark up this tree and waste the energy because I agree with most: they just wont release the source code for a barely 10 year old game still making plenty of money. The best possible solution (IMO) is to start an OpenKSP project (like OpenTTD, google it, highly successful). I am not a lawyer but I believe if you recreate the game with your own code they would have to issue a cease and desist to stop you. They only typically do that if it eats into the bottom line (this is a corporation, lets not forget). This is also easily possible but I imagine in the time it takes to recreate KSP with original (not crappy) code, KSP1 would hopefully be at a point where OpenKSP isn't a bottom line issue. Also issuing C&D's is typically not good for publicity especially in the PC game sphere and would probably tarnish the game's reputation.
  21. Granted: I have heard among this clan, You are called the forgotten man (Is that what they're saying, well did you evah!) (What a swell party this is) And have you heard the story of, A boy, a girl, unrequited love (Sounds like pure soap opera, tune in tomorrow) I May cry (What a swell party this is) (What frills, what frocks) What broads! (What furs, what rocks!) They're bootiful. (Why I've never seen such gaity) Neither have I. (Its all just too, too risque really) This french champagne (domestic) (So good for the brain) that's what I was going to Say. (You know you're a brilliant fellow?) Why thank You (Pick up jack. Please don't eat that glass my friend) (Have you heard, about dear Blanche?) (Got run down by an avalanche) No! (Oh don't worry, she's a game girl you know, got Up and finished 4th) The kids got guts. (Having a nice time? Grab a Line!) Have you heard that Mimsie Starr (what now) She got pinched in the Astor bar (Sloshed again, eh?) She was stoned. Well, did you evah? (Never!) What a swell party this is! Hey, check out that act! (That's a lovely dress. You think I can talk her out of it?) It's great, (aah it's great) So grand! (so grand) It's wonderland! La da da da... (We sing), oh we sing (So rare) so rare (Like old camembert) (Like baba au rhum!) Don't dig that kind of crooning chum! Have you heard? It's in the stars Next July we collide with Mars. Well, did you evah? What a swell party, a swell party A swelligant, elegant party this is! (I drink to your health) Naw, lets drink to your wealth Your my bon ami Hey, that's french A liberty fraternity Have you heard? It's in the stars Next July we collide with Mars. Well, did you evah? What a swell party, swell party Swelligant, elegant party this is! I wish for quality.
  22. I'm having problem with communication, I have a HG-5 antenna on all of my satelite with only KSC as a ground station enabled. However my one satelite which is blocked by Kerbin and cannot talk to KSC is unable to talk to other satelites, why does this happen? http://imgur.com/j05BjlZ(screenshot)
  23. Hi all. I've released the UpgradesGUI plugin, whose function is to complete the part/module upgrades feature introduced in KSP 1.2. Currently it has two main features : Provide a better integration of upgrade in the VAB/SPH part tooltips by showing upgraded part/module stats, something that is really lacking in stock, and very confusing to players. Provide a GUI interface to allow the player to select which upgrades should be activated. I've done this by hacking the tooltips to make widgets clickable. This allow for a nice stock-integrated GUI. Of course I encourage mod authors to use upgrades in their parts and to recommend or even bundle my plugin. But maybe we could go further and overcome the current upgrade implementation limitations : Upgrades can't reliably & easily be used to enable/disable modules : Being able to set the enabled / isEnabled properties in modules instances would allow upgrades to effectively add/remove modules. This has been requested a few times (by @MysterySloth, @sebi.zzr, @Skalou). Combined with the upgrade selection feature in my plugin, this would provide in practice a "module switching" feature to KSP, something that no common switcher plugin (IFS, B9, Firespitter...) currently allow. I know that Kerbalism by @ShotgunNinja does it, maybe also SSTU by @Shadowmage. Therefore I propose a "ModuleEnabler" partmodule that would allow this in a simple way : MODULE { name = ModuleEnabler targetType = ModuleResourceConverter // module to control targetEnable = false // is this module enabled initialy showWidget = false // in the tooltip modules list, is the widget visible showInfoInUpgrade = true // in the tooltip upgrades list, do the upgrade widget show the whole module info (or just the name) // Optional fields used to be sure the right module is targeted if multiple modules of the same type exist in the part : targetIdField = ConverterName // targeted module field name targetIdValue = Lf+Ox // targeted module field value UPGRADES { UPGRADE { name__ = ISRU_Upgrade description__ = Add an ISRU targetEnable = true // enable the ISRU module showWidget = true // show the ISRU module in the part tooltip module list showInfoInUpgrade = false // only show "ModuleResourceConverter" in the part tooltip upgrade list (to unclutter it) } } } Upgrades can't be used to change/switch RESOURCE{} nodes This could be done in a special "ModuleUpgradeableResources" partmodule. Note that the stock behaviour with nested ConfigNodes is to delete all the nodes of the type used in the UPGRADE (here "RESOURCE" nodes) in the module, and replace them with those defined in the UPGRADE node. Combined with the selection GUI, this allow for resource switching. MODULE { name = ModuleUpgradeableResources // Resource added by the module when no upgrade is applied RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 1000 maxAmount = 1000 } UPGRADES { UPGRADE { name__ = Monoprop_tank ExclusiveWith__ = resource // mandatory so only one resource set is enabled at a time description__ = Add a monopropellant fuel tank // replace the resources added to the part by the module with these ones RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 1000 maxAmount = 1000 } RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant amount = 40 maxAmount = 40 } } UPGRADE { name__ = Xenon_tank ExclusiveWith__ = resource // mandatory so only one resource set is enabled at a time description__ = Convert the whole part to a xenon tank // replace the resources added to the part by the module with these ones RESOURCE { name = xenonGaz amount = 40 maxAmount = 40 } } } } Also note that I'm planning to give a way for players to open the upgrades selection GUI (the whole part tooltip) for already placed parts in the editor. Still not 100 % sure I can manage this, so no promise. What do you guys think of all this ? Would those modules be useful for anybody ?
  24. Chapter 4 : Kerbin surface activities, Deep space telescopes & Eve foldable glider Baobab study: After all those years, I finally made it, my first helicopter using breaking ground parts (yeah I know, it took me some time ) It's ugly as a kraken face, if anyone has ever seen one, but hey, it flies ! Our kerbals will takes this to do some test takeoffs/landings/hover flight, and fly to the nearby biome in search for weird giant trees... We'll do a more streamlined and nice looking version in the future for sure ! This is just to measure safety, and maneuverability ! Acrobatics : Then, I designed a little and maneuvrable plane for Jeb : Space telescopes : I then deployed 2 space telescopes, one for taking very high definition pictures of Kerbol's bodies, and the other to track for potential DSP (Deep Space Pebbles) endangering Kerbin... Eve glider & further exploration of Moho I designed this unmanned Eve glider, for the next Eve window. It will be attached inside a 1.25m fairing, with a heatshield, itself attached to an orbiter.Upon entering Eve SOI, the reentry module will detach from the orbiter, and perform a direct Eve entry from its hyperbolic trajectory. Once passed the heat and fire things, the glider will detach and unfold its wings. It can also do incremental deploy, to control wing span and thus lift/drag. Sweet goal would be to aim at a spot with a lot of biomes, and glide as long as possible ! I tested this on Eve and could achieve a landing at 7 m/s, so no landing gear needed ^^ And water or land are both fine : ) For comms, it uses a standard C 16-S, and will talk to the orbiter which has the bigger relay antenna. It's in 0.625m size (using tweakscale), weights ~500 kg, and can even fly without any SAS/very little imputs ! Here's also some video of me testing this Kerbin : Aaaand finally, I designed a new heavy orbiter for Moho, that would do all the high resolutions scans of its surface, and also carry a small lander : It features deployable panels, both for the scanning instruments and the lander, to protect them during their deep space journey In the meantime, I did the first crew rotation on Starlab-1. I can confirm our Kerbonauts didn't turn into green gelly, which is fantastic ! I also started working on a very low tech SSTO reusable spaceplane, to improve funds efficieny (since we're not the richest space program right now....). Next coming soon ! Cheers
  25. Hello! - I finally got around to draw myself an avatar and update my profile somewhat... Still need a banner.. but I'll get there. I thought It was time to introduce myself so I wasn't just one of those blank spooky avatars. The Quick Facts: I'm 32 years old, as of now. Father to two: a 5 year old daughter and 2 year old son and I just ended a 10 year career in the Danish Army to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a "Graphic Storyteller" - Fancy way of saying comics artist. Hard Sci-fi lover, Outdoor person and Artist. The Long Version: I have been roaming the forum since March where I finally got out of my KSP closet with the launch of KSP2 doing this: Before that I've been low key following a few KSP content creators on YT... and I tried KSP myself back a few years ago, but found it a bit overwhelming and didn't know how to get going. In KSP2 having less tools and goals at my disposal actually ment it was easier for me to pick an direction, which became space stations xD - I guess its a bit like that if the buffet is really big... you just dont know where to start. How I got intrigued by KSP is probably a good question to answer. I've always been bit of a Hard Sci-Fi lover. I am also currently educating myself as a Graphic Storyteller - and have been brewing on a Epic Sci-Fi Multi volume graphic novels series for a while. I want to write it with realistic space.. So no FTL travel, no "Dog fights in space" or gravity generators... Something like The Martian, or Interstellar - but with the scope and conflict like Star Wars (I guess something like the Expanse..? but I wouldn't know... Its one of the many shows on my "To Watch List" I started when i became a father) Any way... That meant I looked into the nuances of space travel... and it turned out it was a "gateway" drug into a NASA/ESA and Space X fascination. One thing KSP also got going for it is you can play it only paying half attention.. and my children find the goofy Kerbals very funny. My daughter right now is also very much into space. And KSP is an easy way to rub that itch. Besides my family and loving wife I guess my military career has been very formative for me. I've served for 10 years, 1/3 in reconnaissance, 1/3 as infantry in a "cav" unit and 1/3 as crew on an Armored Personel Carrier. I wont bore you with the details. Other than that I love hiking, kayaking and other outdoor activities (unfortunately becoming a father has left little time for stuff like that) I guess that's enough for an introduction now - But I am not shy to talk about anything, so if you wanna know more you need only to ask!
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