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Ok, so I have a song stuck in my head. I know there's a thread for that; I've posted there many times already. The problem is, it's an Adam Sandler song, so of course it's loaded with foul language. I know I can't post it or even link to it on this forum. Am I even allowed to name it, with a suitable warning?

Edited by StrandedonEarth
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10 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

@StrandedonEarth, this might be a better place to ask. 


I'm not sure how that will help me, and I stay away from reddit unless there's an interesting AMA. I may not have stated my question clearly enough. Given that this is a family-friendly forum, am I allowed to name a song (no link or anything) that have decidedly adult lyrics (as in foul language)? It's pretty funny, so I'd like to post it if allowed, but not if it'll just get removed or earn me a warning.

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I have a couple questions.

First, is it possible to add a poll to an existing post (that is not a poll), and if so how? 

Second, how many @pings do you guys get a day? I know I see @Snarkpinged at least once a day, if not more, and I ping him myself if someone wants information about the game and he hasn't already popped in. I see the rest of you guys pinged too, sometimes.:wink:

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2 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

How many notifications in total, on average? Are we talking scientific notation, here?


I have 132 pages of notifications over the past 3 months, with another 2 left over. At 25 per page, that's 3,302 notifications since October 18th. It's been 94 days since October 18th.

3,302/94 = 3.512e1 notifications per day.

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7 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

I have 132 pages of notifications over the past 3 months, with another 2 left over. At 25 per page, that's 3,302 notifications since October 18th. It's been 94 days since October 18th.

3,302/94 = 3.512e1 notifications per day.

So, you’re more popular than Vanamonde, then?

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8 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

So, you’re more popular than Vanamonde, then?

Well, dunno 'bout that, but Dman's certainly a lot more popular than me, if he's getting 35ish per day.  Just now went and checked my notification history (by the highly scientific method of checking my last ten pages' worth of notifications, i.e. 250 of them, and seeing how long ago that covers), and it looks as though I get around 17-18 notifications per day on average, at least for the last couple of weeks.

Bear in mind, of course, that how many notifications you get also depends on how you have set up your notification settings.  Not everybody wants to get notified for the same things.  And if you've chosen to be notified for things like "someone I follow posts something", then that'll depend on how many people you choose to follow, and so forth.

My own notifications aren't particularly uniform in frequency over time; it fluctuates quite a bit.  For example, if I happen to post something that's unexpectedly suddenly popular, that can pile up quite a few "likes" in a short time.  Another major source of notifications is people quoting me-- which of course tends to happen only when I've been posting something, and my posting habits aren't super uniform.

Plus, "how many" notifications can also depend on variables such as how often I log in to the forum.  Not sure if you've noticed, but the forum software is designed to reduce "notification spam" by collapsing multiple "likes" from various people into a single notification.  That is, say you post something and log off, and then ten people like it, and then you log on.  Instead of getting ten notifications, you get one, which says something like "Vanamonde, Snark, Dman979, and 7 others reacted to a post in a topic Why Doesn't Anyone Like Me".  Whereas, if you were online and checking your notifications frequently, you would have gotten ten separate notifications for it, since the forum won't pile someone's "like" onto an existing notification if you've already seen that notification.

As a moderator, I tend to check the forum pretty frequently on my phone (to clear out the approval queue, if nothing else), which means the forum rarely has the opportunity to "stack" my notifications much this way.  So I wouldn't be surprised if that tends to inflate my notification count, compared with some hypothetical forum user who's not constantly checking things.

Out of curiosity, I went just now and tallied up my most recent few dozen notifications by "type".  Here's what the breakdown was (bearing in mind that the "likes" include some stacking such as I describe above):

  • 54% - reactions
  • 18% - moderator stuff
  • 14% - quoted
  • 12% - mentioned
  • 2% - got followed

So it's a bit of a grab bag, but for me at least, "reactions" are the most common by a fairly wide margin.  Actual @-pings are a pretty small minority.

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10 hours ago, Kerbalstar said:

First, is it possible to add a poll to an existing post (that is not a poll), and if so how?


9 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

1. No. 


Sure you can!  I just did it to my Falcon 9 post, and I know it was done to this one recently per @Snark's request:

On 1/17/2019 at 1:10 PM, Snark said:

This thread seems like the poster child for a poll.  :)  How about adding a couple of poll questions? 


You just need to Edit the OP, and there's a separate tab to add the poll.

Edited by Geonovast
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