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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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12 hours ago, lemon cup said:

In the download for BDB, there is a folder called “BDB Extras” that is packaged separately. In it is a patch called “Upper Stage Thrust Buff” which is very handy for 2.5x scale users.

You will have to manually take this patch and place it inside your own GameData folder.

Thank you! But I wanted to ask another question sorry, for the SINA deployable camera and material study on the side of the LM whenever I use kerbalism it will do the studies and photos, but it will not deploy, and it has no button to deploy.

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46 minutes ago, Adventures said:

Thank you! But I wanted to ask another question sorry, for the SINA deployable camera and material study on the side of the LM whenever I use kerbalism it will do the studies and photos, but it will not deploy, and it has no button to deploy.

That`s because there is no support for Kerbalism for some experiments yet.
You can make a new .cfg with this:


	!MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric]		{}
		%anim_deploy = deploy

MESA is the Material Experiment Stowage Assembly. I used this .cfg for other experiments in 1.11 and it works. You can edit it for every other experiment by changeing the partname.

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21 hours ago, Starhelperdude said:

would it be possible that we could get a command station config module on the Apollo 11 passive seismometer? IIRC, the apollo 11 surface operations only had 2 modules, the afroementioned seismometer (the one with the solars) and the laser reflector

I've been thinking about that too. I don't think I can have both an experiment module and a control station module on the same part, sadly.


EDIT: Gnomon and FROST telescope added.


Edited by CobaltWolf
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59 minutes ago, Starhelperdude said:

not yet

though it only happens to craft files with either the delta 2 or the delta composite fairing(s)

except in these cases, everything works

Hmmm, I suspect then it could be an RO config problem

thx for the insight!

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Hi all,
I've been running into an issue with all the deployable antenna parts from this mod. Basically every time I try to use one of them they don't work at all and when I right click them it shows their status as "Locked (see pic https://i.imgur.com/EQUo8BT.png). I have a bunch of mods installed but I actually went ahead and tested it with no other mods installed other than BDB and its dependencies but the issue persists. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this intended behavior and I'm maybe just missing something?



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4 hours ago, septemberWaves said:

Is it BDB or Procedural Fairings that maintains integration patches between the two mods? The reason I ask is because with Procedural Fairings installed, the 4.25m fairing base is instead 3.75m, though the 4.25m SAF ones are unaffected.

Oh uh. PF support is/was done with a blanket patch. I must have to update it for the new diameters

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On 3/11/2022 at 9:41 AM, DaveyJ576 said:

Okay, I have been trying out the new ALSEP experiments, and I am encountering an unusual problem. When I go to deploy the experiment, I click the white arrow in the inventory and the experiment appears in front of the Kerbal highlighted in green, ready to drop and activate. So far, so good. When I tap the space bar to actually drop and deploy the experiment, nothing happens. The experiment stays green and floats just above the surface. I can move it back and forth, rotate it, and even tap the Esc key to put it back, but it won't fully deploy. I can fully deploy and use the BG experiments, but not the new ALSEP ones. I have seen others here that can deploy them so the problem must be on my end. I suspect it is something very simple that I am missing. Thanks for your help.


On 3/11/2022 at 9:57 AM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Yeah, I just deployed them all last night to see the newest artwork (which is amazing btw). Do you use any mods that deal with deployed things like KIS? Maybe something is unhappy with the WIP status of the cfgs? Wish I could help more, but sounds like you're doing it right - they work just like BG ones in terms of getting them onto the ground.


On 3/11/2022 at 12:20 PM, CobaltWolf said:

Have you been able to get them working past that part? I haven't been able to figure it out yet!

So, I am still having an issue with this. I can do everything except actually deploy the experiment. I deleted BDB and reinstalled the dev branch and it didn't change. No issues with BG components now or prior to installing the latest dev branch with the ALSEP experiments. Below is my mod list and my KSP log.



@CobaltWolf, @Invaderchaos, do you have any thoughts on why this is happening? Thanks for your help.

Edited by DaveyJ576
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I've come across an issue with the Gemini fuel cells, after setting the cells to the hydrogen oxygen setting  in the vab they keep reverting to consuming monoprop, also if I do get it to launch with the setting I asked for when I switch away and come back to the craft it reverts again to consuming monoprop.


This may be an interaction somehow between KCT and the B9PS method for selecting the cells.
Has anyone come across this problem before? and is there a way i can get it to default on hydrogen oxygen or remove the monprop option altogether on my end?

Edit: I do not have the CRP fuel cells patch added from the extras folder, I will try adding it to see if this solves my problem
Edit 2:no change was found

Edited by macc92
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On 3/11/2022 at 9:20 PM, lemon cup said:

In the download for BDB, there is a folder called “BDB Extras” that is packaged separately. In it is a patch called “Upper Stage Thrust Buff” which is very handy for 2.5x scale users.

You will have to manually take this patch and place it inside your own GameData folder.

Wait, so I put the Upper Stage Thrust Buff from the BDB extras folder and just put the Upper Stage Thrust Buff folder in gamedata?

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37 minutes ago, dababykerman said:

Wait, so I put the Upper Stage Thrust Buff from the BDB extras folder and just put the Upper Stage Thrust Buff folder in gamedata?

That is correct. Though even without the folder, as long as the “UpperStageThrustBuff.cfg” makes it anywhere inside you GameData folder, it will work. It’s just a good idea to put it somewhere that you can easily keep track of it.

This applies to pretty much all of the patches that you would find in the “Extras” folders of most mods. You can poke around inside them, open up each .cfg and read the blurb at the top to see what they do. 

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3 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

Oh uh. PF support is/was done with a blanket patch. I must have to update it for the new diameters

As far as I can tell, the only ones that are broken are the S-IVB fairings. Skylab parts with fairings are scaled correctly, though I've not actually tested applying procedural fairings to them because I forgot to while I had the game open earlier, and all of the SAF ones are fine. I don't think anything else is broken, but it'll probably be wise to double check.

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Just spitballing here, but I was wondering if it might be possible to add inventory space to the LM MESA or to create a dedicated part to carrying extra BG surface equipment. The MESA was used to carry some of the equipment used on the surface, but also the ELMs used by Apollo J missions had expanded SEQ bays to carry the extra gear needed for their activities.

Right now the LM only has six slots which is enough for a central station, a single RTG, and four experiments. This isn’t enough. To recreate, for example, the Apollo 12 equipment suite one would need nine inventory slots; six for the ALSEP proper (Station, RTG, LSM, PSE, SWS, SIDE/CCIG) and three for miscellaneous gear (TV camera, S-band dish, SWC experiment). None of the stock cargo parts are really small enough to carry the extra gear on the LM without looking goofy, and it doesn’t feel right to just clip one into the center of the descent stage.

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9 hours ago, pTrevTrevs said:

Just spitballing here, but I was wondering if it might be possible to add inventory space to the LM MESA or to create a dedicated part to carrying extra BG surface equipment. The MESA was used to carry some of the equipment used on the surface, but also the ELMs used by Apollo J missions had expanded SEQ bays to carry the extra gear needed for their activities.

Right now the LM only has six slots which is enough for a central station, a single RTG, and four experiments. This isn’t enough. To recreate, for example, the Apollo 12 equipment suite one would need nine inventory slots; six for the ALSEP proper (Station, RTG, LSM, PSE, SWS, SIDE/CCIG) and three for miscellaneous gear (TV camera, S-band dish, SWC experiment). None of the stock cargo parts are really small enough to carry the extra gear on the LM without looking goofy, and it doesn’t feel right to just clip one into the center of the descent stage.

I had set the LM descent stage to 12 slots for my testing. There's also the ascent stage slots (and the Kerbal's inventory, it turns out). I was thinking 9 slots for release? And that's just because it's in rows of 3...


6 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

sum B1G

Heh, wasn't sure if anyone would notice. It's like... partially implemented lol.

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33 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

Heh, wasn't sure if anyone would notice. It's like... partially implemented lol.

I got lucky and checked at the right time last night. By your checkin comment I knew it might be a bit rough around the edges - but I only ran into a couple of tiny nits that might not even be nits!

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So while looking up pictures of Dyna-soar, I came across pictures of an interesting space station:


This might be the proposed Apollo A proposal which would use a S-IVA as the station, except with an inflatable section?

Apollo A (astronautix.com)

And while researching Apollo A and other Apollo applications, I found this: 

Apollo LMAL (astronautix.com)

lamlstat.gif (509×515) (astronautix.com)

Dat's a lotta Big Gemini service modules. 

Might make this Frankenstein of a station once I get the Big G update. 

Edited by GoldForest
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