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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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  On 4/8/2021 at 5:45 PM, Zorg said:

Overall its not as powerful as the RS-25 but quite the beast nonetheless and better Isp and optimised better throughout the envelope. Im not 100% sure on this but I believe P&W were out of the running by the time the shuttle had grown in size and that would explain why its noticeably less powerful than the final SSME that we got from Rocketdyne. 512,300 lbf (2,279 kN)


P&W was out of the running... but not officially at that time yes.   P&W was an outsider.   They had one "FAIR" engine to their Name (the RL-10.)   Terrestrial engines be damned.    NASA wanted a company they could "rely" on.   They felt that they could only do that with Rocketdyne. 

Then when Rocketdyne failed to make turbopumps that would do what they said they would, NASA paid P&W for their Turbo-pump design effort... Slapped it onto the Rocketdyne combustion chamber and exhaust bell and the actual SSME was born.

Had NASA bet on P&W it is likely P&W would have exited the rocket engine market with their need to "completely re-engineer" the XLR-129 to the 2100kn range.   Rocketdyne learned with the E-1 and F-1 you can't just scale things up in Rocket engines... it doesn't work that way.   P&W would have known this... but Congress not so much.   There would have been congressional hearings as to why NASA didn't pick the company that designed the bigger engine outright... In other words.. LOTS OF POLITCS for no gain.

It was best thing for P&W that Rocketdyne won the contract.  And that P&W had to come in and save the Rocketdyne engine, thus still earning a tidy sum from the SSME program lifecycle.   

But between this and the new RL-20 we have some potential for the paper HG-3 placeholder engine to be replaced with real engines.


the TEST:   Saturn INT-17

:P  My least favorite Saturn II proposal.





  On 4/9/2021 at 2:53 PM, Jcking said:

The master branch on Github has been updated as recently as two months ago.


Eh you mean a year and 2 months ago  Feb 2020....  Unless there is another Github you wish to share?

  On 4/9/2021 at 3:15 PM, SpaceFace545 said:



Zorg already answered this.  The goal is YES  the solution is PROBABLY the implimentation is yet to be seen.

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  On 4/9/2021 at 3:37 PM, Pappystein said:

Zorg already answered this.  The goal is YES  the solution is PROBABLY the implimentation is yet to be seen.


I'm no modder but my solution would to give it good isp and thrust in both sea level and vac, then make an animation for the bell which would cue at a certain atmospheric pressure.

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  On 4/9/2021 at 12:03 AM, shakuvendell said:

Had that bug with Diazo's Landing Height Display, horizontal landing aid, and vertical velocity controller. Never found what it conflicted with but adding any one of those three caused it to come back once I'd removed them all.

I guess let LGG know? Updates on his end fixed it on previous game versions.


And yes that was the culpret

VVC is causing the issue.   I am going to re-download it without using CKAN and give it one more try.    Given the issues I had with mass doubling on all of Beale's mods as well as some parts in a couple other mods with CKAN they can forget to have my support forever more (I only came back to CKAN to see if they had improved on all my old complaints... instead I have NEW complaints on-top-of the old ones!)


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  On 4/9/2021 at 4:42 PM, MashAndBangers said:

The Master branch for JNSQ was updated Feb 7 2021 by OhioBob.


You'll also want to use latest release of RationalResources, not the version in the JNSQ repository, if you enjoy @JadeOfMaar's changes to resource distribution . The version of RR in the JNSQ repository hasn't been updated since the last official release of JNSQ. 

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  On 4/9/2021 at 11:49 AM, alberro+ said:

Wdym buggy? I'm on 1.8.1, and i've never experienced an issue with it. Genuinely one of the best planet packs out there.


it's impossible to latch onto asteroids for one.


but more than the glitches i've been using it for awhile and have gotten bored with it

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  On 4/9/2021 at 3:54 PM, SpaceFace545 said:

I'm no modder but my solution would to give it good isp and thrust in both sea level and vac, then make an animation for the bell which would cue at a certain atmospheric pressure.


The required functionality already exists in Nerteas deployable engines exactly as needed, as I said in my previous post. Using DE's "multistage engine" module the XLR 129 will be able to operate with or without the bell extended with different stats depending on your choice.

The question is whether we integrate his code and update our plugin with it or add DE as a dependency (decision is for JSO).

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  On 4/10/2021 at 5:56 AM, Stepanek740 said:

I keep getting an error from B9 part switch that something is missing. How do i fix this?


Full disclosure: I am not a member of the BDB dev team, and don't pretend to know more than the devs. I'm just saying this from memory, based on something I read about two months ago in this thread.

IIRC that's a known error with BDB, should be harmless despite the 'FATAL ERROR' label from B9PS.


Maybe it's related to Waterfall and engine upgrades? Because that's happened to me with NFLV engines and Kiwi Tech Tree after updating those.



Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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  On 4/10/2021 at 6:02 AM, Stepanek740 said:

I installed everything properly atleast according to this thread



  On 4/10/2021 at 6:25 AM, OrdinaryKerman said:

That's a known error with BDB, should be harmless despite the 'FATAL ERROR' label from B9PS.


There should be no B9 errors with an up to date BDB in KSP 1.8.1 onwards. Would need to see a screenshot of the error first.

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No. I know with SSTU there is an issue with the max pressure setting, just raising that will solve the problem. 

BTW I've set the chutes to open when "Risky" and then they seem to work, maybe that will solve it for me.

Also: loving the real plumes for these engines!  :wub:

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  On 4/11/2021 at 8:14 PM, AmateurAstronaut1969 said:

Why does the Saturn 1B Flip, and am I flying it wrong as at stock scale, when I stage, the S-IVB just doesn’t have enough TWR it seems, and will just reach Apogee and fall back down when facing prograde, and if I don’t face prograde, it just flips.

Please Help!


do you play with a planetpack? if yes, which one? it should work prefectly on JNSQ (my experience) and KSRSS

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  On 4/11/2021 at 8:14 PM, AmateurAstronaut1969 said:

Why does the Saturn 1B Flip, and am I flying it wrong as at stock scale, when I stage, the S-IVB just doesn’t have enough TWR it seems, and will just reach Apogee and fall back down when facing prograde, and if I don’t face prograde, it just flips.

Please Help!


Are you using BDBNIC?  For some reason it causes an issue with the Apollo (Kane) parachutes, which is most noticeable on the Saturn 1B.  You can edit the parachute out of the BDBNIC config as a workaround.

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