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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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3 hours ago, astrokerb said:

Also, I just realized, the Kerbulans don't have any enemies, they dominate their planet. 

From what I read in the comics, the Kerbulan homeworld appears to be divided, and the KSC actually has many enemies they are at war with - that's why Kenlie was sent up to destroy stranded Kerbulans in their pods

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15 hours ago, Hotaru said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't that ship only have two missiles? If so, I think Kenlie may be out of ammo.

You're right, he's out of missiles. Phew! I guess we've got nothing to worry about now!

15 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

"KSC, Please respond,"
"Roger, what's the news?"
"We've lost contact with one of our Eve satalites, and a gilly (lander?), can't confirm which ones,"

That was Le Scansat (so named after Clauselle reprogrammed it) and the Alouette. Here's a link to their intro in Eve: Order Zero Chapter Two. for anyone who needs a refresher :) 

12 hours ago, Scotius said:

And here i was still hoping Kermulans were lurking in alternative universe, only sending their evil, moustache-twirling vibes to mess with Kenlie's head :( Alas...

Brace yourselves, indeed. This is for real...

9 hours ago, Willbl3pic said:

I love the little 'TGT: LOCKED' thing you did there!


8 hours ago, Starhawk said:

That cockpit view panel is great!

Thanks :) I might be having a little TOO much fun with the Kerbulans...and before anyone asks, no this is not a mod, just powerpoint :) 

7 hours ago, GregroxMun said:

Will we finally get to see Kerbulus in all of its glory? :D

Ever closer... ever closer...

4 hours ago, CliftonM said:

No, that would be the [OH MY!] hit the fans...

TurboJet Intake Resouce = MULCH

2 hours ago, Deddly said:

From what I read in the comics, the Kerbulan homeworld appears to be divided, and the KSC actually has many enemies they are at war with - that's why Kenlie was sent up to destroy stranded Kerbulans in their pods

Correct. We never really established the full scope of conflicts on Kerbulus, but the S.P.Q.K. (Kerbulan Empire) definitely preys on their local equivalents of Kerlington, Rockomax etc. to gather science and funds. (i.e. "tribute") Here's a link to the closest look we've had so far at Kerbulan society.

More coming... if you can take it :) 

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40 minutes ago, FlyingPete said:

With the Alouette gone, doesn't that scupper Kenlie's chances of getting enough fuel to return home to Kerbulus? Or is there already a stash of fuel at Evestation? I'm sure he'll find something to pillage...

Can you imagine a Kerbulan warrior grinding out mining missions? Not likely! Even the Kerbfleet crew got sick of singing "fifteen tons" after a few trips :) 

So yes, he's out of missiles and low on liquid fuel. What will Kenlie Kemulan do next, I wonder...







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53 minutes ago, Starhawk said:


Whaaaat!??  It would seem that the telepathic link works across time as well as space.



Not that you shouldn't be terrified, but no they can't really see the future. Kenlie Kermulan knows about Jool, and the big ship, and that Clauselle and Melbe will be on it because  Kenlie Kerman does. The rest is fictional speculation... so far, anyway. 

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Well then, I don't suppose Clauselle is going to die, along with Melbe? "Still-voo-play?"  S'il vous plaît is what she said, right? As in, Please don't kill us?


And that was Melbe, with her country style talk, "We'll give y'all all our science!"

Poo, they were actually my favourite characters....


EDIT: Oh, I just realized that was Evestation KenlieKermulan just destroyed!

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8 minutes ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

EDIT: Oh, I just realized that was Evestation KenlieKermulan just destroyed!

Yes, but only after he sucked out all the fuel.

This just doesn't bode well for our brave Kerbfleet explorers.  :(

Happy Concerned Anxious Frightened Alarmed Terrified landings!

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1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

Total side note: Are there pictures of the Kenlistar Awesum anywhere? ;)

No, sorry. Kenlie Kerman might be crazy enough to be a writer, but he's not quite crazy enough to do graphic novels. :) 

53 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

Yes, but only after he sucked out all the fuel.

Well, he did leave enough on board to drive the ship into Gilly at about 300 m/s :) 

49 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

You know, even though I knew this was coming it still gives me chills when I read it.

Aww, what't the big deal? So there's an evil race of sadistic murderous lunatics who destroy every 'foreign' craft they see and are so violent they even carry around pistols on EVA. It's not like they'll be able to figure out where Kerbin is, or find KSC, or--


...uh oh. 

51 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

This looks.... well.... wow!!!

High praise from the master of the omninous unseen enemy, thank you :) 

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On 1/19/2016 at 1:15 PM, Kuzzter said:

...well, be careful what you wish for, @TopHeavy11, it might come true. Congratulations to @Sanic for anticipating Kenlie's reaction to looking into the Munolith. And apologies to (anticlockwise from lower left) @Angel-125, @CAKE99, @VASMIR, @Mikki, @SaturnianBlue and of course @Parkaboy for dragging you all into this mess. It must be that when the first two Jebs jumped in it created a fusion vortex that sucked in all yours as well. Hopefully we'll have it all sorted out in the next few pages!


...I suddenly feel very glad I decided not to make "Sights of Kidonia" in graphic novel format xD

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We just learned two things about Evil Kenlie: 

1) He's a crack shot with a pistol, even when wearing spacesuit mitts and a helmet so huge he probably can't even see the gun he's holding

2) He is a better writer than Kerbfleet Kenlie

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5 hours ago, Scotius said:

he's fully dedicated to "Leave nothing behind" philosophy.

Well, order zero is "leave no-one behind", even for the Kerbulans.

12 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Here's a link to the closest look we've had so far at Kerbulan society.

Incredible, I managed to completely miss that interlude somehow. Thanks for bringing it up again.

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2 hours ago, kookoo_gr said:

did Evil Kenlie made  the bullet holes at ksc and the spaceship at the flag on purpose and does that mean anything?

He could have been trained to shoot at obvious targets and at spaceships. Also, drama!

2 hours ago, Deddly said:

He's a crack shot with a pistol, even when wearing spacesuit mitts and a helmet so huge he probably can't even see the gun he's holding

And don't forget, he has to compensate for recoil using the jetpack! 

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

And don't forget, he has to compensate for recoil using the jetpack! 

Assuming that an Agonizer is an energy weapon it should not have mush recoil.     (or create bullet holes.  or go "BLAM! BLAM!"  :wink:  )

Will Evil Kenlie return home now?  His orders where "Return with your missile racks empty, or not at all!"  so mission accomplished?

Evil Bob has kind of set that up with "But if he does return somehow..."

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