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[1.12.5] Knes 1.9.9


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On 8/1/2021 at 2:32 PM, chris-kerbal said:

Playing Kerbalism and always had issues with the ATV to properly supply my ISS. So I sat down and wrote a MM patch for Kerbalism and the five ATVs, trying to mimic their payload as much as possible. It is working for me in Stock Kerbalism, as well as JNSQ Kerbalism. Just the dry mass payload above food you need to add

Gas tanks are duplicated, to allow Nitrogen or Oxygen. There might be better options to structure the PartSwitch, happy on feedback to learn.

Leaving it here, for anyone interested.

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	name = ATV1
	tankMass =  0.00010627500
	tankCost = 0.15
	primaryColor = Azure

		name = Water
		unitsPerVolume = 0.112
		percentFilled = 33.33333333
		name = Food
		unitsPerVolume = 1.03619177
		percentFilled = 33.33333333
		name = Oxygen
		unitsPerVolume = 9.45626478
		percentFilled = 100
		name = Nitrogen
		unitsPerVolume = 10.65814015
		percentFilled = 0
		name = MonoPropellant
		unitsPerVolume = 0.15666666
		percentFilled = 47.87
		// 380kg
		name = LiquidFuel
		unitsPerVolume = 0.01013333
		percentFilled = 100
		// 465kg
		name = Oxidizer
		unitsPerVolume = 0.01238519
		percentFilled = 100
		// 5500kg
		name = Waste
		unitsPerVolume = 0.97777777
		percentFilled = 0
		// 840kg
		name = WasteWater
		unitsPerVolume = 0.11144278
		percentFilled = 0

	name = ATV2
	tankMass =  0.00010627500
	tankCost = 0.15
	primaryColor = Avocado

		name = Water
		unitsPerVolume = 0.112
		percentFilled = 0
		name = Food
		unitsPerVolume = 1.03619177
		percentFilled = 0
		name = Oxygen
		unitsPerVolume = 9.45626478
		percentFilled = 100
		name = Nitrogen
		unitsPerVolume = 10.65814015
		percentFilled = 0
		name = MonoPropellant
		unitsPerVolume = 0.15666666
		percentFilled = 96.49
		// 380kg
		name = LiquidFuel
		unitsPerVolume = 0.01013333
		percentFilled = 100
		// 465kg
		name = Oxidizer
		unitsPerVolume = 0.01238519
		percentFilled = 100
		// 5500kg
		name = Waste
		unitsPerVolume = 0.97777777
		percentFilled = 0
		// 840kg
		name = WasteWater
		unitsPerVolume = 0.11144278
		percentFilled = 0

	name = ATV3
	tankMass =  0.00010627500
	tankCost = 0.15
	primaryColor = Aubergine

		name = Water
		unitsPerVolume = 0.112
		percentFilled = 33.33333333
		name = Food
		unitsPerVolume = 1.03619177
		percentFilled = 33.33333333
		name = Oxygen
		unitsPerVolume = 9.45626478
		percentFilled = 100
		name = Nitrogen
		unitsPerVolume = 10.65814015
		percentFilled = 0
		name = MonoPropellant
		unitsPerVolume = 0.15666666
		percentFilled = 67.02
		// 380kg
		name = LiquidFuel
		unitsPerVolume = 0.01013333
		percentFilled = 100
		// 465kg
		name = Oxidizer
		unitsPerVolume = 0.01238519
		percentFilled = 100
		// 5500kg
		name = Waste
		unitsPerVolume = 0.97777777
		percentFilled = 0
		// 840kg
		name = WasteWater
		unitsPerVolume = 0.11144278
		percentFilled = 0

	name = ATV4
	tankMass =  0.00010627500
	tankCost = 0.15
	primaryColor = Banana

		name = Water
		unitsPerVolume = 0.112
		percentFilled = 66.66666666
		name = Food
		unitsPerVolume = 1.03619177
		percentFilled = 33.33333333
		name = Oxygen
		unitsPerVolume = 9.45626478
		percentFilled = 100
		name = Nitrogen
		unitsPerVolume = 10.65814015
		percentFilled = 0
		name = MonoPropellant
		unitsPerVolume = 0.15666666
		percentFilled = 52.02
		// 380kg
		name = LiquidFuel
		unitsPerVolume = 0.01013333
		percentFilled = 100
		// 465kg
		name = Oxidizer
		unitsPerVolume = 0.01238519
		percentFilled = 100
		// 5500kg
		name = Waste
		unitsPerVolume = 0.97777777
		percentFilled = 0
		// 840kg
		name = WasteWater
		unitsPerVolume = 0.11144278
		percentFilled = 0

	name = ATV5
	tankMass =  0.00010627500
	tankCost = 0.15
	primaryColor = BloodOrange

		name = Water
		unitsPerVolume = 0.112
		percentFilled = 100
		name = Food
		unitsPerVolume = 1.03619177
		percentFilled = 33.33333333
		name = Oxygen
		unitsPerVolume = 9.45626478
		percentFilled = 100
		name = Nitrogen
		unitsPerVolume = 10.65814015
		percentFilled = 0
		name = MonoPropellant
		unitsPerVolume = 0.15666666
		percentFilled = 42.40
		// 380kg
		name = LiquidFuel
		unitsPerVolume = 0.01013333
		percentFilled = 100
		// 465kg
		name = Oxidizer
		unitsPerVolume = 0.01238519
		percentFilled = 100
		// 5500kg
		name = Waste
		unitsPerVolume = 0.97777777
		percentFilled = 0
		// 840kg
		name = WasteWater
		unitsPerVolume = 0.11144278
		percentFilled = 0

	!CrewCapacity = 2
	!RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {}

	!MODULE[Configure] {}

		name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
		moduleID = fuelSwitch
		baseVolume = 7500
		switcherDescription = ATV Type

			name = ATV1
			title = Jules Verne
			tankType = ATV1
			name = ATV2
			title = Johannes Kepler
			tankType = ATV2
			name = ATV3
			title = Edoardo Amaldi
			tankType = ATV3
			name = ATV4
			title = Albert Einstein
			tankType = ATV4
			name = ATV5
			title = Georges Lemaitre
			tankType = ATV5



Thank you for doing this, but i don´t know how to bring that to work. Never wrote or modified a config for KSP by myself.

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26 minutes ago, JoeSheridan said:

Thank you for doing this, but i don´t know how to bring that to work. Never wrote or modified a config for KSP by myself.

It is actually not that hard. The patch uses B9 part switch, hence you need to have that installed.

Then you copy the patch I wrote into a .cfg file. For example myknes-patch.cfg and place that into the GameData folder. I normally create a folder in there to hold all my patches.

It will then be picked up by ModuleManager and change the config.

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2 hours ago, chris-kerbal said:

Then you copy the patch I wrote into a .cfg file. For example myknes-patch.cfg and place that into the GameData folder. I normally create a folder in there to hold all my patches.

Okay, thank you. now i see my mistake: I added your config text to the existing config of the ATV Cargo part. My mistake, thank you :)

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@well Hello , first thanks for this amazing mod ,it's great to be able to build these cool european rockets.

I only have one single question , i'm trying to make Realism Overhaul configs for it , and for that i would like to know if you used a specific way to scale the parts for stock , like half size or something alike.

Thanks in advance for your answer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Well Thanks again for this mod. I just started a new 1.12.2 career playthrough with JNSQ, and I'm reminded of the versatility of the MRK crew capsule plus its cargo service module.

Trips to Mun and Minmus; fill the cargo area with monoprop tanks. Science; the cargo area is a perfect place to store a Science Jr. plus other experiments Station ferry; one docking port on top of the capsule plus one on the bottom of the cargo module. The fact that it looks so great is a bonus.

Knes definitely belongs in the KSP modding Hall of Fame ;)

Edited by DeadJohn
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You need to unzip and then copy the content of GameData (folder Knes) into your GameData, like every other mod. The folder structure is predetermined in the download. GameData\Mod.
Note: Some Mods have dependencies you need to install. ModuleManager is needed for nearly all mods.
The KSP version can be found in the title of this thread (1.12.2) but it works in 1.12.3 too.



Edited by Cheesecake
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2 hours ago, Cheesecake said:

You need to unzip and then copy the content of GameData (folder Knes) into your GameData, like every other mod. The folder structure is predetermined in the download. GameData\Mod.
Note: Some Mods have dependencies you need to install. ModuleManager is needed for nearly all mods.
The KSP version can be found in the title of this thread (1.12.2) but it works in 1.12.3 too.



Thanks again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

If some of you want to have fun with Knes, i let you read this recent article: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0094576521006123


Salotti, J. M. (2022). Launcher size optimization for a crewed Mars mission. Acta Astronautica, 191, 235-244.



It's an article reviewing how Europeans could do a mission to Mars using the current elements of Ariane 6 through an Ariane 6 Heavy able to put 100t into orbit.
It's on a certain way an update of the Ariane 5 Heavy seen here :


@Well by trying to replicate the Ariane 6 Superheavy, I noticed that I can't freely put multiple Vulcain on a bottom of a rocket contrary to the Themis. I can only place a Vulcain engine under a node. Is it normal and intended?


Edited by ndiver
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Good evening all!

As a huge fan of Ariane IV launchers, I noticed something that may be interesting for this mod!
Bluedog Design Bureau done 2 fairings that you can put on an Ariane IV :  Delta III 2.5m Fairing Base & Commercial Titan III 2.5m Dual Payload Adapter SAF (c.f photos below). In fact, they are Ariane IV fairings which been sold to USA for some launches ( ref. : http://www.capcomespace.net/dossiers/espace_europeen/ariane/ariane4/caracteristiques.htm [in french only but online traductor can do the job :wink: ] ).

  • For Delta III 2.5m Fairing Base, you can put it on Probe Core AR4 "Baudry" Avionics System and set adapters of your choice.
  • For Commercial Titan III 2.5m Dual Payload Adapter SAF (also know as SPELDA [Structure Porteuse Externe de Lancement Double Ariane / Double Launch External Supporting Structure] )in French, you cannot put 2 parts on the upper attachement node Probe Core AR4 'Baudry" Avionics System (payload and fairing at the same spot).  So I tried a modification that works fine at this moment :

- I went to GameData\Knes\Parts\Launcher\L3S → _Knes_L3S_Avionics_250.cfg and add this text line to put an adapter and then the fairing.



// --- node definitions ---

    node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.44512, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
    node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 0.44512, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
    node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.29737, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0


- Came back to KSP and edited my launcher. On Probe Core AR4 "Baudry" Avionics System, I placed an adapter and then the fairing : it seems to not create conflicts between parts, only payload height have to be considered for SPELDA.

For both, number of segment must be 1 or it will be too high.

http://www.capcomespace.net/dossiers/espace_europeen/ariane/ariane4/config spelda 1988.jpg

Here some screenshots for demonstration ↓ 


It may be nothing in this post but as a person who's not good to build fairing by hand, it may be helpful for someone! :blush:

Thanks for reading Kerbonauts!

Edited by Space_nico
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