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19 hours ago, Maria Sirona said:

You know what would be cursed and epic? A Proton-Centaur launch vehicle

I’ll do you one better- N1 super heavy lift rocket + S-IVB upper stage. This vehicle exists in my world where an asteroid nearly destroyed Earth in 1967, and humanity was united in a 1970s disco LGBT+ socialist utopia.

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23 hours ago, Maria Sirona said:

You know what would be cursed and epic? A Proton-Centaur launch vehicle

Well, although I hate the way that guy presented but...


Similarly, there are stories about Soviets/Russians and Mars

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4 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

I’ll do you one better- N1 super heavy lift rocket + S-IVB upper stage. This vehicle exists in my world where an asteroid nearly destroyed Earth in 1967, and humanity was united in a 1970s disco LGBT+ socialist utopia.

That sounds so awesome :D

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Looking at the development of AI-assisted driving in China's domestic cars now - automatically change lanes to overtake when it is safe to do so with camera/radar monitoring. I wonder if in the future, in a decade or two, when this technology becomes more widespread, it will automatically coordinate all the vehicles on the whole road when they get on the highway and are connected to the Internet.

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5 hours ago, steve9728 said:

Looking at the development of AI-assisted driving in China's domestic cars now - automatically change lanes to overtake when it is safe to do so with camera/radar monitoring. I wonder if in the future, in a decade or two, when this technology becomes more widespread, it will automatically coordinate all the vehicles on the whole road when they get on the highway and are connected to the Internet.

I think this is a no brainer and I’m surprised there isn’t more visible progress towards V2X communications. The easiest way for an AI to predict what another vehicle is going to do is if the other vehicle tells it exactly what its intentions are, instead of trying to guess what that crazy, er, illogical human is going to do. Traffic could flow so much smoother when gaps are coordinated for turns. 

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Next steps.

1. AI gets great in driving the road traffic.

2. Cars appear being moving in queue chains. Ten here, twelve there.

3. AI of the chained cars delegate the whole chain management to AI of the head-most machine,

4. AI forms temporary caravans from the cars. New cars attach to the existing caravans. Traffic gets predictable, roads get more empty.

5. Cars become cars, attached to the locomotive car, with AI and powerplant. You get your car from garage into street, dock the caravan. It saves your power.

6. Road caravans turn into road trains.

7. Road trains stand on rails. Former cars become trams.

8. Trams get underground. Former cars become subway.

9. No cars. All go by subway.


10. PROFIT !!!

P.S. You may skip the steps 2..8.

P.P.S. If you don't want to, it just means that they pay you too much, as you can own a needless personal transport.

P.P.P.S. They The corporative AI starts paying you enough for a subway ticket.

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1 hour ago, steve9728 said:

Looking at the development of AI-assisted driving in China's domestic cars now - automatically change lanes to overtake when it is safe to do so with camera/radar monitoring. I wonder if in the future, in a decade or two, when this technology becomes more widespread, it will automatically coordinate all the vehicles on the whole road when they get on the highway and are connected to the Internet.

That is some of the many of the self driving cars advocates ides. 
It will probably work most of the time. Except then cell phone connection is bad because all are streaming video in their cars and one of the cell towers goes down. 
Or then Google treat all roads as equal even narrow ones who is practice is one lane because all the cars parked in the road. And then follow Google and drive an semi truck into that roads. 

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On 6/14/2023 at 6:00 PM, Superluminal Gremlin said:


You what?

Ronald Reagan signed the Marriage Equality Act in 1983, making gay marriage legal in the US. He and Gorbachev were noted for being the honorary leaders of the 1987 Pride Parade in unified Berlin.

On 6/15/2023 at 11:19 AM, steve9728 said:

Looking at the development of AI-assisted driving in China's domestic cars now - automatically change lanes to overtake when it is safe to do so with camera/radar monitoring. I wonder if in the future, in a decade or two, when this technology becomes more widespread, it will automatically coordinate all the vehicles on the whole road when they get on the highway and are connected to the Internet.

In Western countries the problem with this is giving a company your travel info. I for one prefer not to be tracked everywhere I am going just for the sake of safety.

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6 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

and Gorbachev were noted for being the honorary leaders of the 1987 Pride Parade in unified Berlin.

, right after the 1987 April Plenum of the CPSU, when the Gorbachev's party declared the new policy.

In such reality:

1. The people of the USSR (99% hating "Gorby" as a pathological empty chatterbox  (deservedly), a fool, a traitor, and an economics killer (mostly undeservedly, but he was doing everything he could to ensure, until being dismissed to everyone's pleasure)) , have seen that in addition to everything listed, he is also a moral decadent of the most despised manner (actually, he wasn't).

2. The GKChP happens in 1987 instead of 1991, when its members yet weren't looking like grotesque caricature figures, but as conservative state actors.
"Gorby" immediately gets arrested and imprisoned, while another Western favorite, Yeltsin, is still just the First Secretary of the Moscow City CPSU Committee, unknown to publics, and stays in this role.

3. The company of tragiclowns, known as "dissidents", stay drinking spent tea in poor kitchens, unknown, unhappy, and unfamous.
The mad (and overestimated thanks to another "hero", Solzhenitsin) scientist Sakharov has returned from Gorky to Moscow, but never becomes a delegate. Keeps living unknown.

4.  As the economics doesn't feel better, the regime of mobilization economics is established, and martial law on rioting peripheral territories. The nukes get stand-by.
An official military/special service temporary dictatorship is declared.

5. The ethnicities which had been relocated to Kazakhstan steppe in late 1940s stay there, and welcome a new replenishment of cultural landscape, with "Old European Traditions" (tm).

6. The Cold War gets colder. Or hotter.

A rather strange dream, I would say, a rather strange...

Edited by kerbiloid
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On 5/4/2018 at 7:42 PM, p1t1o said:

So I recently realised that there is no such thing as bird milk and that birds dont have nipples.

I am objectively aware that this is not necessarily surprising, especially if you know even the smallest amount about birds, but for some reason the realisation came upon me suddenly and its a weird concept to hold in my head.

You've probably never thought about "bird milk" before, but is that because you are consciously aware that it cant exist, or merely because you've never thought about it until now?


Yes, you're right. I never thought about it before, and I'm surprised and shocked to hear that birds don't have nipples or produce milk like.

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Contrary to the laymans superficial judgment, the martial arts are not just a kind of face punching,

Actually, they are a whole philosophy, the way to get deep inside your own nature, study and understand yourself, unite with the world around, grow spiritually and reach the next level of your mind perfection.

Even what's looking like a simple scuffle, is actually a dynamic meditation, the way to tame your internal power, to spill it to a peaceful, constructive course.

It is very strange and unexplainable that they have a lot of MMA, UFC, and other face punching tournaments, but nobody stands up, feeling inspired, in the middle of the meditation, and runs away to carry buckets of cement or feed chickens, like it should be expected...

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The scientists keep failing to find the very first writing system, trying to treat scratches as runes or pictograms.

That's because there were no runes or pictograms.

Based on the low-style speech, the closest to the wild nature, the first writing system were hieroglyphs.
There was less than ten of them, all obscene.

Their combination made it possible to express 90% of the spoken ideas, and if something stays unclear, explain with a picture.

Thus, the writing has evolved from the wild ape obscene gesture language, so humans were able to write before they had started speaking.

Btw, this explains the handprints on the cave walls. It's a chat.

(midfinger emoji is replaced by wordfilter)

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It's well-known that "brothel" in Ancient Rome was called "lupanar", from "lupa", "she-wolf", an euphemism for its personnel member.

How could this really happen, when their national symbol was

Totems aren't used by their adepts as pejoratives.

The texts aren't Ancient Roman, or the statue is not?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/4/2023 at 2:50 PM, Kerbalsaurus said:

How do Octopodes think? They clearly don’t think like us.

Interesting in that they are cold blooded but still pretty smart. All other smart animals are warm blooded birds or mammals. 
How smart are they? Now they might behave smarter as they are good with their tentacles. 

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2 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

There will never be Half-Life 3.

Because there are only two halves.

The #3 would be One-Third-Life 3.

Yes also its an game so hyped loads of people would be disappointed even if very good. And Valve make enough money on steam. 
Now you have the naked gun 2 1/2

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It's just hard to imagine... Looks so innocent...


Probably, the London police could not believe that it's so obvious, that can't be the truth.

Actually, he would be the first suspected for me, once I had read his name/surname.

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