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Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 and Making History 1.6.1 is live!


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Hello everyone!

Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 and Making History 1.6.1 is live!

This patch includes several fixes for both the base game and the Making History Expansion.

Check out this patch's Changelog for further details:

=================================== v1.6.1 & MH 1.6.1============================================================
1.6.1 Changelog - BaseGame ONLY (see below for MH changelog)
+++ Bugfixes
* Fix collider on Stayputnik.
* Fix issue with partdatabase.cfg - Drag cubes and Mods causing issues with Mk-2 lander can and associated NREs.
* Fix unable to launch old ships with old Mk-2 lander can in career and science sandbox games.
* Fix What’s new screen - Don’t show again text disappearing when hovering.
* Fix some issues on high gravity or heavy vessels suspension stability introduced in 1.6.0 by changing maximum suspension damper clamp back to a value of 2.
1.6.1 Changelog - Making History DLC ONLY
+++ Bugfixes
* Fix NRE when jettisoning SM-25 doors.
* Fix issue with failure nodes not working on Making History Stock missions.
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First off, kudos for getting this out.

Second, very nice to see that there were only a few, not so significant bugs in 1.6.  I've been playing in 1.6 for a few days, and haven't really come across any, possibly because I've been doing the double restart to fix the part database bug

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  On 1/9/2019 at 7:52 PM, UomoCapra said:


* Fix issue with partdatabase.cfg - Drag cubes and Mods causing issues with Mk-2 lander can and associated NREs.



Oh it was mods that were the cause of the issue, that's so weird. Juding by the recent Module Manager interim fix of this bug it would see as if the Vanilla loader was missing a Null Check during the parts database generation on game load with respect to how the procedural drag cubes were being generated for some parts. Its super weird that mods would be the root cause of that issue.

Mod Devs obviously don't want to cause bugs and issues in the stock game, even when no mods are installed, so is there anything that you could let Part Modders know so that they could avoid causing issues like this in the future?

Edited by Poodmund
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  On 1/9/2019 at 11:03 PM, Poodmund said:

Its super weird that mods would be the root cause of that issue.


They didn't say mods were the root cause. From what I know of the problem, it's triggered the first time you load the game, and any time after that that you change the part database. Without mods, you should only see this once. With mods, you should only see this once each time you load a mod (or mods) that change(s) the part database.

Mostly I thought this because it matches my experience, and when I read their line:

  On 1/9/2019 at 7:52 PM, UomoCapra said:

Fix issue with partdatabase.cfg - Drag cubes and Mods causing issues with Mk-2 lander can and associated NREs.


I assumed they meant "loading mods that change the part database"

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  On 1/10/2019 at 1:09 AM, 5thHorseman said:

They didn't say mods were the root cause. From what I know of the problem, it's triggered the first time you load the game, and any time after that that you change the part database. Without mods, you should only see this once. With mods, you should only see this once each time you load a mod (or mods) that change(s) the part database.

Mostly I thought this because it matches my experience, and when I read their line:

I assumed they meant "loading mods that change the part database"


The root cause was a combination of ModuleManager  and mods that add parts to the game which then exposed a bug in the way KSP generates the partdatabase.cfg file if it finds it missing, which when playing stock - can only happen if the user manually deleted it. However, when playing with ModuleManager and mods that add parts - ModuleManager would force KSP to rebuild the partdatabase.cfg by removing it - or forcing it to rebuild it via code based on ModuleManager code logic (not stock KSP code logic).
This bug also only created a problem for parts that use procedural drag cubes - such as the new stock MK2 landercan.

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Yea.  I got it without MM the first time i loaded the game as the new Mk2 landercan was the first thing I wanted to play with.  So yes MM but MM only triggered this bug.

Glad to see it's out and fixed but I'll wait till my fav. Verison locked mods update ;) Peace. 

Edited by theJesuit
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I of course checked for this thread immediately AFTER Steam auto-updated me to 1.6.1.  And more fool me, I had seen zero evidence that there was even going to BE a 1.6.1, so I never created a 1.6.0 backup copy.

And now I do not see an option in Steam to roll back to 1.6.0--I have to either stay with the new version (can't do that with my current save until the version-locked mod Kopernicus updates) or roll back to 1.5.1 or earlier (can't do that with my current save due to use of the new parts).

Is Steam going to be allowing a rollback to 1.6, or do I have to go cold turkey until Kopernicus updates?

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  On 1/10/2019 at 3:05 AM, Srpadget said:

can't do that with my current save until the version-locked mod Kopernicus updates


I don't know about Kopernicus in particular, but most mods you can get around that by editing the *.version file.

It's pretty likely that there's nothing in 1.6.1 that will not work, if Kopernicus works in 1.6.0. And it doesn't hurt to try.

Also, this should be the impetus you need to back up your game every once in a while. Or better, don't play the Steam version and instead play the "backup."

Edited by 5thHorseman
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  On 1/10/2019 at 3:23 AM, 5thHorseman said:

I don't know about Kopernicus in particular, but most mods you can get around that by editing the *.version file.

It's pretty likely that there's nothing in 1.6.1 that will not work, if Kopernicus works in 1.6.0. And it doesn't hurt to try.

Also, this should be the impetus you need to back up your game every once in a while. Or better, don't play the Steam version and instead play the "backup."


Kopernicus is version-locked in its dll.

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* Fix some issues on high gravity or heavy vessels suspension stability introduced in 1.6.0 by changing maximum suspension damper clamp back to a value of 2.

NOOOOOOO! Small probes (a core & 3 mini-legs) and the Kerbal X landing stage wobble like jello on the Mun, and setting damper/spring to 3 is the only fix!

Now I have to go back to editing the SLS file by hand.

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