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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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1 hour ago, Sigma88 said:

@MOARdV do you happen to know where the dimming component is? I assume CelestialBody.something

I can look for it myself but with the limited amount of freetime I have it'll take a while for me to find it

I don't know how dimming is done in stock (that is, how it decides to dim).  The knobs that control it are

GalaxyCubeControl.Instance.maxGalaxyColor = galaxyColor; // <-- appears to scale the skybox color (skybox texture color * this = displayed color)
GalaxyCubeControl.Instance.glareFadeLimit = glareFadeLimit; // <-- I don't remember what this does.  I set it to 1 in DOE.


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6 hours ago, SleweD said:

It seems (according to MoarDV, the dev of DOE) that Kopernicus removes the stock dimming effect on the sun, so I guess that's the issue.

4 hours ago, MOARdV said:

I don't know how dimming is done in stock (that is, how it decides to dim).  The knobs that control it are


I checked, and using KSP 1.3.0 + DOE 1.9.1 + Kopernicus 1.3.0-4 (with all dependencies) I can't reproduce this issue



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41 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

I checked, and using KSP 1.3.0 + DOE 1.9.1 + Kopernicus 1.3.0-4 (with all dependencies) I can't reproduce this issue

Oh this is embarrassing, I just went through removing every mod out of my gamedata folder and putting them back one by one to check the cause, and on doing that it's stopped happening. I don't know how that fixes anything but it apparently has. Sorry about wasting both your and @MOARdV's time :(

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On 7/20/2017 at 3:21 AM, ProtoJeb21 said:

*very heavy sigh*

I've had a case of planets spontaneously breaking. Like I give them a quick edit - improve atmosphere gradient colors or change PQSMods - and next thing you know they don't load at all. The two in question are Eotia (HD 219134 b) and Mikrogi (HD 219134 g II). You know the drill: configs, output logs.

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		name = Eotia
		cacheFile = IA_Revived/NiobeSystem/Eotia/Cache/Eotia.bin

            name = Tylo
			removeAllPQSMods = true

            referenceBody = Niobe
            inclination = 0.97
            eccentricity = 0.007
            semiMajorAxis = 519513897
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 90
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            color = 0.9,0.9,0.8,1
            description = Stuck between the blazing star and the rest of its planetary siblings, Eotia is a rocky Super-Kerbin with a very unique atmospheric effect. Thick clouds of shiny water vapor cover the planet, blocking out sunlught and making the surface hundreds of degrees cooler than it should be. Although this anti-greenhouse effect is significant, scientists highly advise travellers to still use plenty of radiators and heat shields.
            radius = 1021271
			mass = 2.83073e+23
			rotationPeriod = 33249.5612
			rotates = true
			tidallyLocked = true
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 60000 60000 65000 84000 105000 136000 189000
			biomeMap = IA_Revived/NiobeSystem/Eotia/PluginData/Eotia_Biomes.png
					name = No Kerman's Land
					value = 1
					color = 0,1,0,1
					name = Transitional Zone
					value = 1
					color = 1,1,0,1
					name = Dune Sea
					value = 1
					color = 1,0,0,1
					name = Mountains
					value = 1
					color = 1,1,1,1
				landedDataValue = 31.3
				splashedDataValue = 1
				flyingLowDataValue = 30
				flyingHighDataValue = 29
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 28.5
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 27.5
				recoveryValue = 31.55
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 50000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 10000
            ambientColor = RGBA(98,112,215,255)
            enabled = true
            oxygen = false
			altitude = 60000
			pressureCurveIsNormalized = False
			staticPressureASL = 288.79
			temperatureSeaLevel = 779
				key = 0 288.79 0 -0.0007
				key = 17000 41.03 -0.000223 -0.000223
				key = 25000 0.17 -4.22E-05 -4.22E-05
				key = 40000 0.00234 -2.787075E-06 -2.787075E-06
				key = 60000 0 0 0
				key = 0 779 0 -0.0004261126
				key = 1500 753 -0.000573325 -0.000573325
				key = 30000 698 -0.001877083 -0.001877083
				key = 40000 703 0 0
				key = 55000 643 0 0
				key = 60000 370 0.003746914 0
				key = 0 20 0 -0.0957164
				key = 50 0 -0.950278 -0.950278
				key = 70 -30 -1.955704 -1.955704
				key = 90 -50 -0.02418368 0
				waveLength = 0.5393258,1,0.4662922,0
			type = Atmospheric
			fadeStart = 44000
			fadeEnd = 47000
                texture = IA_Revived/NiobeSystem/Eotia/Textures/Eotia_Color
				normals = IA_Revived/NiobeSystem/Eotia/Textures/Eotia_Normal
                    0.0 = RGBA(63,154,225,255)
                    0.5 = RGBA(112.174,224,255)
                    1.0 = RGBA(156,193,222,255)
                rimPower = 1.7
                rimBlend = 0.9
				shininess = 0.01
				specular = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 2
            maxLevel = 12
            minDetailDistance = 8
            // Custom PQS material
            materialType = AtmosphericOptimized
                saturation = 1
                contrast = 3
                tintColor = 1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000
                powerNear = 0.6
                powerFar = 0.2
                groundTexStart = 0
                groundTexEnd = 1000
                steepPower = 2
                steepTexStart = 0
                steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00
                steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/RockyGround2
                steepNearTiling = 8000
                steepTiling = 500
                lowTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
                lowBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
                lowNearTiling = 2000
                lowMultiFactor = 10
                lowBumpNearTiling = 2000
                lowBumpFarTiling = 10
                midTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00
                midBumpMap = BUILTIN/SandyGround
                midNearTiling = 4000
                midMultiFactor = 10
                midBumpNearTiling = 8000
                midBumpFarTiling = 10
                highTex = BUILTIN/RockyGround
                highBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
                highNearTiling = 4000
                highMultiFactor = 10
                highBumpNearTiling = 4000
                highBumpFarTiling = 10
                lowStart = 0
                lowEnd = 0.3
                highStart = 0.8
                highEnd = 1
                globalDensity = -5E-06
                fogColorRamp = BUILTIN/desert_atmogradient
					map = IA_Revived/NiobeSystem/Eotia/Textures/Eotia_Color.png
					enabled = true
					order = 9999999
                    map = IA_Revived/NiobeSystem/Eotia/PluginData/Eotia_height.png
					offset = -500
                    deformity = 7808.9
                    order = 9999999
                    enabled = true
					blend = 0.7
					order = 201
					enabled = True
					name = _Color
					index = 0
							name = AbyPl
							color = 0.932,0.287,0,1
							altitudeStart = 0
							altitudeEnd = 0.575
							lerpToNext = True
							delete = False
							name = Beach
							color = 0.893,0.388,0,1
							altitudeStart = 0.575
							altitudeEnd = 0.625
							lerpToNext = True
							delete = False
							name = Beach2
							color = 0.949,0.657,0.174,1
							altitudeStart = 0.625
							altitudeEnd = 0.7
							lerpToNext = True
							delete = False
							name = Meow
							color = 0.466,0.466,0.455,1
							altitudeStart = 0.7
							altitudeEnd = 1
							lerpToNext = False
							delete = False
					heightStart = 0.2
					heightEnd = 1
					deformity = 200
					frequency = 400
					octaves = 2
					persistance = 0.7
					seed = 3475645
					mode = Low
					noiseType = Billow
					lacunarity = 1.5
					order = 30
					enabled = True
					name = _FineDetail
					index = 0
					deformity = 500
					frequency = 12
					octaves = 6
					persistence = 0.800000011920929
					seed = 23893455
					order = 12
					enabled = True
					name = _Height
					index = 0
					deformity = 1000
					ridgedAddFrequency = 12
					ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
					ridgedAddOctaves = 4
					ridgedAddSeed = 1212
					ridgedMode = Low
					ridgedSubFrequency = 12
					ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
					ridgedSubOctaves = 4
					ridgedSubSeed = 23234423
					simplexFrequency = 12
					simplexHeightEnd = 6500
					simplexHeightStart = 0
					simplexOctaves = 4
					simplexPersistence = 0.600000023841858
					simplexSeed = 654786
					order = 13
					enabled = True
					name = _Height
					index = 0
						key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263
						key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418
						key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985
					deformity = 2500
					frequency = 3
					octaves = 12
					persistence = 0.5
					seed = 500
					order = 21
					enabled = True
					name = _HeightNoise
					index = 0
					deformity = 500
					frequency = 7
					octaves = 4
					persistence = 0.7
					seed = 2500
					noiseType = RiggedMultifractal
					mode = Low
					lacunarity = 3
					order = 21
					enabled = True
					name = _HeightNoise
					index = 0
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 2
            maxLevel = 16
            minDetailDistance = 16
            oceanColor = RGBA(255,42,0,255)
                colorFromSpace = RGBA(255,42,0,255)
                color = RGBA(255,42,0,255)
                colorFromSpace = RGBA(255,42,0,255)
                color = RGBA(255,42,0,255)
                    globalDensity = -0.00001
                    heightFalloff = 6.75
                    atmosphereDepth = 150000
                    DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
                    cameraAlt = 0
                    cameraAtmosAlt = 0
                    heightDensAtViewer = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                        waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
                        waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
                        waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
                        waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
                        waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
                        waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
                        waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
                        waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
                    framesPerSecond = 1
                    spaceAltitude = 150000
                    blendA = 0
                    blendB = 0
                    texBlend = 0
                    angle = 0
                    specColor = 0.0,0.0,-1,1
                    oceanOpacity = 0
                    spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                fogColorEnd = RGBA(255,42,0,255)
                fogColorStart = RGBA(255,42,0,255)
                skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7


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		name = Mikrogi
		cacheFile = IA_Revived/NiobeSystem/Mikrogi/Cache/Mikrogi.bin

            name = Duna
			removeAllPQSMods = true

            referenceBody = Atmisgi
            inclination = 0.01456314
            eccentricity = 0.0027
            semiMajorAxis = 21133615
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 5
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 77
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1
            epoch = 0.19
            color = 0.1,0.77,0.1,1
            description = The largest moon of Atmisgi, Mikrogi is also one of two moons in the Niobe system with life. Little plant-like bacteria have managed to gain a foothold by using underground pockets of water.
            radius = 326514
			mass = 6.8689944e+21
			geeASL = 0.43791
			rotationPeriod = 33249.5612
			rotates = true
			tidallyLocked = true
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 50000 50000 50000 64000 85000 106000 189000
				landedDataValue = 31.3
				splashedDataValue = 1
				flyingLowDataValue = 30
				flyingHighDataValue = 29
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 28.5
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 27.5
				recoveryValue = 31.55
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 15000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 10000
			type = Atmospheric
			fadeStart = 41000
			fadeEnd = 55000
                texture = IA_Revived/NiobeSystem/Mikrogi/Textures/Mikrogi_Color
				normals = IA_Revived/NiobeSystem/Mikrogi/Textures/Mikrogi_Normal
                    0.0 = RGBA(84,143,72,255)
                    0.5 = RGBA(124.154,118,255)
                    1.0 = RGBA(189,203,186,255)
                rimPower = 1.13
                rimBlend = 0.45
				shininess = 0.072
				specular = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1
				localLightDirection = 1,0,0,0
            ambientColor = RGBA(48,166,45,255)
			lightColor = RGBA(179,241,178,255)
            enabled = true
            oxygen = true
			altitude = 50000
			pressureCurveIsNormalized = False
			staticPressureASL = 14.35
			temperatureSeaLevel = 311
			addAFG = True
				key = 0 14.35 0 -0.0007
				key = 12000 0.713 -0.000223 -0.000223
				key = 20000 0.0464 -4.22E-05 -4.22E-05
				key = 35000 0.0017 -2.787075E-06 -2.787075E-06
				key = 50000 0 0 0
				key = 0 311 0 -0.0004261126
				key = 1000 305 -0.000573325 -0.000573325
				key = 25000 300.2 -0.001877083 -0.001877083
				key = 30000 300.7 0 0
				key = 45000 300.0 0 0
				key = 50000 307.8 0.003746914 0
				key = 0 20 0 -0.0957164
				key = 50 0 -0.950278 -0.950278
				key = 70 -30 -1.955704 -1.955704
				key = 90 -50 -0.02418368 0
				waveLength = 0.6907248,0.5799295,0.6755673,0
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 2
            maxLevel = 12
            minDetailDistance = 8
            // Custom PQS material
            materialType = AtmosphericOptimized
                saturation = 1
                contrast = 3
                tintColor = 1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000
                powerNear = 0.6
                powerFar = 0.2
                groundTexStart = 0
                groundTexEnd = 1000
                steepPower = 2
                steepTexStart = 0
                steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00
                steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/RockyGround2
                steepNearTiling = 8000
                steepTiling = 500
                lowTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
                lowBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
                lowNearTiling = 2000
                lowMultiFactor = 10
                lowBumpNearTiling = 2000
                lowBumpFarTiling = 10
                midTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00
                midBumpMap = BUILTIN/SandyGround
                midNearTiling = 4000
                midMultiFactor = 10
                midBumpNearTiling = 8000
                midBumpFarTiling = 10
                highTex = BUILTIN/RockyGround
                highBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
                highNearTiling = 4000
                highMultiFactor = 10
                highBumpNearTiling = 4000
                highBumpFarTiling = 10
                lowStart = 0
                lowEnd = 0.3
                highStart = 0.8
                highEnd = 1
                globalDensity = -5E-06
                fogColorRamp = BUILTIN/desert_atmogradient
                    map = IA_Revived/NiobeSystem/Mikrogi/PluginData/Mikrogi_height.png
					offset = 1550
                    deformity = 9965.78
                    order = 9999999
                    enabled = true
					map = IA_Revived/NiobeSystem/Mikrogi/Textures/Mikrogi_color.png
					order = 9999999
					enabled = true
					deformity = 500
					frequency = 12
					octaves = 6
					persistence = 0.800000011920929
					seed = 23893455
					order = 12
					enabled = True
					name = _Height
					index = 0
					deformity = 1000
					ridgedAddFrequency = 12
					ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
					ridgedAddOctaves = 4
					ridgedAddSeed = 1212
					ridgedMode = Low
					ridgedSubFrequency = 12
					ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
					ridgedSubOctaves = 4
					ridgedSubSeed = 23234423
					simplexFrequency = 12
					simplexHeightEnd = 6500
					simplexHeightStart = 0
					simplexOctaves = 4
					simplexPersistence = 0.600000023841858
					simplexSeed = 654786
					order = 13
					enabled = True
					name = _Height
					index = 0
						key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263
						key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418
						key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985
					deformity = 1000
					ridgedAddFrequency = 18
					ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
					ridgedAddOctaves = 4
					ridgedAddSeed = 1212
					ridgedMode = Low
					ridgedSubFrequency = 18
					ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
					ridgedSubOctaves = 4
					ridgedSubSeed = 23234423
					simplexFrequency = 18
					simplexHeightEnd = 7500
					simplexHeightStart = 0
					simplexOctaves = 4
					simplexPersistence = 0.600000023841858
					simplexSeed = 654786
					order = 14
					enabled = True
					name = _Height
					index = 1
						key = 0 0 2 2
						key = 1 1 0 0
					deformity = 700
					frequency = 2.3
					octaves = 4
					persistence = 0.5
					seed = 590676637
					noiseType = RiggedMultifractal
					mode = Low
					lacunarity = 2.5
					order = 22
					enabled = True
					name = _HeightNoise
					index = 0
					blend = 0.7
					order = 201
					enabled = True
					name = _Color
					index = 0
							name = AbyPl
							color = 0,0.388,0,1
							altitudeStart = 0
							altitudeEnd = 0.65
							lerpToNext = True
							delete = False
							name = Beach
							color = 0.584,0.562,0.551,1
							altitudeStart = 0.65
							altitudeEnd = 0.75
							lerpToNext = True
							delete = False
							name = Beach2
							color = 0.326,0.309,0.292,1
							altitudeStart = 0.75
							altitudeEnd = 0.85
							lerpToNext = True
							delete = False
							name = Meow
							color = 0.663,0.629,0.601,1
							altitudeStart = 0.85
							altitudeEnd = 1
							lerpToNext = False
							delete = False



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//=====  Kopernicus 1.3.0-2 - (BuildDate: 30.05.2017 15:47:01; AssemblyHash: E+WSVBMBJeWSff7wEYRQXdZAzIs=)  =====//
[LOG 20:58:10]: Logger "Eotia.Body" was created
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target Template in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removePQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removeAtmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removeOcean in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removePQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.StringCollectionParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removeAllPQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removeProgressTree in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removeCoronas in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: [Kopernicus]: Configuration.Template: Using Template "Tylo"
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removing mods from pqs Tylo
[LOG 20:58:10]: Creating blacklist
[LOG 20:58:10]: Blacklist count = 4
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding all found PQSMods in pqs Tylo
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_FlattenOcean
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_HeightColorMap
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexColorMap
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSLandControl
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_MapDecal
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSCity
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_FlattenOcean
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_HeightColorMap
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexColorMap
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSLandControl
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_MapDecal
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target cacheFile in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target cbNameLater in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target flightGlobalsIndex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target finalizeOrbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target randomMainMenuBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target Properties in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target value in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target value in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target value in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target value in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.BiomeLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target description in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target radius in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target geeASL in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target mass in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target gravParameter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rotates in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target tidallyLocked in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target initialRotation in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target inverseRotThresholdAltitude in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target albedo in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target emissivity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target coreTemperatureOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target isHomeWorld in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target timewarpAltitudeLimits in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericCollectionParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target sphereOfInfluence in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target hillSphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target solarRotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target navballSwitchRadiusMult in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target navballSwitchRadiusMultLow in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target ScienceValues in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target landedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target splashedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target flyingLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target flyingHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target inSpaceLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target inSpaceHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target recoveryValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target flyingAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target spaceAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target biomeMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_RGB`1[CBAttributeMapSO])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target nonExactThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target exactSearch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target useTheInName in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target displayName in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target selectable in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target RDVisibility in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.EnumParser`1[Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader+RDVisibility])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target maxZoom in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Via mass, set gravParam to 18892518478400, surface G to 1.84708627125577
[LOG 20:58:10]: --------- Science Values ------------
[LOG 20:58:10]: LandedDataValue = 31.3
[LOG 20:58:10]: SplashedDataValue = 1
[LOG 20:58:10]: FlyingLowDataValue = 30
[LOG 20:58:10]: FlyingHighDataValue = 29
[LOG 20:58:10]: InSpaceLowDataValue = 28.5
[LOG 20:58:10]: InSpaceHighDataValue = 27.5
[LOG 20:58:10]: RecoveryValue = 31.55
[LOG 20:58:10]: flyingAltitudeThreshold = 50000
[LOG 20:58:10]: spaceAltitudeThreshold = 10000
[LOG 20:58:10]: --------------------------------------
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: No Kerman's Land : RGBA(0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 1.000) : 1
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Transitional Zone : RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 0.000, 1.000) : 1
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Dune Sea : RGBA(1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000) : 1
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Mountains : RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000) : 1
[LOG 20:58:10]: Added Progress Tree
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target Orbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target referenceBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target inclination in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target eccentricity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target semiMajorAxis in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target longitudeOfAscendingNode in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target argumentOfPeriapsis in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target meanAnomalyAtEpoch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target meanAnomalyAtEpochD in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target epoch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target iconColor in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target mode in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.EnumParser`1[OrbitRenderer+DrawMode])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target icon in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.EnumParser`1[OrbitRenderer+DrawIcons])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target cameraSmaRatioBounds in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericCollectionParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target ScaledVersion in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target type in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.EnumParser`1[Kopernicus.Configuration.BodyType])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target specColor in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target shininess in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target texture in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target mainTex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target mainTexScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target mainTexOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target normals in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target bumpMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target bumpMapScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target bumpMapOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target opacity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rimPower in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rimBlend in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rimColorRamp in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rimColorRampScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rimColorRampOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target Gradient in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Gradient)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Exception Was Recorded: Array index is out of range.
  at Kopernicus.ColorParser.SetFromString (System.String str) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Gradient.Kopernicus.IParserEventSubscriber.Apply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.CreateObjectFromConfigNode (System.Type type, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.CreateObjectFromConfigNode[ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader] (.ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader.Kopernicus.IParserEventSubscriber.Apply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.CreateObjectFromConfigNode (System.Type type, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Loader.Kopernicus.IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  Reveal hidden contents

//=====  Kopernicus 1.3.0-2 - (BuildDate: 30.05.2017 15:47:01; AssemblyHash: E+WSVBMBJeWSff7wEYRQXdZAzIs=)  =====//
[LOG 20:58:10]: Logger "Mikrogi.Body" was created
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target Template in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removePQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removeAtmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removeOcean in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removePQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.StringCollectionParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removeAllPQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removeProgressTree in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target removeCoronas in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: [Kopernicus]: Configuration.Template: Using Template "Duna"
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removing mods from pqs Duna
[LOG 20:58:10]: Creating blacklist
[LOG 20:58:10]: Blacklist count = 4
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding all found PQSMods in pqs Duna
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSLandControl
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSCity
[LOG 20:58:10]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_MapDecal
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSLandControl
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 20:58:10]: Removed mod PQSMod_MapDecal
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target cacheFile in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target cbNameLater in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target flightGlobalsIndex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target finalizeOrbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target randomMainMenuBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target Properties in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target description in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target radius in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target geeASL in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target mass in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target gravParameter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rotates in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target tidallyLocked in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target initialRotation in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target inverseRotThresholdAltitude in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target albedo in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target emissivity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target coreTemperatureOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target isHomeWorld in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target timewarpAltitudeLimits in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericCollectionParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target sphereOfInfluence in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target hillSphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target solarRotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target navballSwitchRadiusMult in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target navballSwitchRadiusMultLow in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target ScienceValues in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target landedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target splashedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target flyingLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target flyingHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target inSpaceLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target inSpaceHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target recoveryValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target flyingAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target spaceAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target biomeMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_RGB`1[CBAttributeMapSO])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target nonExactThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target exactSearch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target useTheInName in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target displayName in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target selectable in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target RDVisibility in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.EnumParser`1[Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader+RDVisibility])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target maxZoom in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Via mass, set gravParam to 458442181451.52, surface G to 0.438490592337114
[LOG 20:58:10]: --------- Science Values ------------
[LOG 20:58:10]: LandedDataValue = 31.3
[LOG 20:58:10]: SplashedDataValue = 1
[LOG 20:58:10]: FlyingLowDataValue = 30
[LOG 20:58:10]: FlyingHighDataValue = 29
[LOG 20:58:10]: InSpaceLowDataValue = 28.5
[LOG 20:58:10]: InSpaceHighDataValue = 27.5
[LOG 20:58:10]: RecoveryValue = 31.55
[LOG 20:58:10]: flyingAltitudeThreshold = 15000
[LOG 20:58:10]: spaceAltitudeThreshold = 10000
[LOG 20:58:10]: --------------------------------------
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Poles : RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Midlands : RGBA(0.988, 0.549, 0.349, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Lowlands : RGBA(0.914, 0.416, 0.192, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Craters : RGBA(0.718, 0.396, 0.004, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Highlands : RGBA(1.000, 0.667, 0.514, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Midland Sea : RGBA(1.000, 0.569, 0.008, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Northern Basin : RGBA(0.710, 0.161, 0.133, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Southern Basin : RGBA(0.824, 0.290, 0.263, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Northern Shelf : RGBA(0.580, 0.071, 0.043, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Midland Canyon : RGBA(0.733, 0.345, 0.035, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Eastern Canyon : RGBA(0.600, 0.267, 0.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Western Canyon : RGBA(0.435, 0.192, 0.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Polar Highlands : RGBA(0.902, 0.902, 0.902, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Found Biome: Polar Craters : RGBA(0.745, 0.745, 0.745, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 20:58:10]: Added Progress Tree
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target Orbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target referenceBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target inclination in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target eccentricity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target semiMajorAxis in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target longitudeOfAscendingNode in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target argumentOfPeriapsis in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target meanAnomalyAtEpoch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target meanAnomalyAtEpochD in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target epoch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target iconColor in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target mode in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.EnumParser`1[OrbitRenderer+DrawMode])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target icon in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.EnumParser`1[OrbitRenderer+DrawIcons])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target cameraSmaRatioBounds in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericCollectionParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target ScaledVersion in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target type in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.EnumParser`1[Kopernicus.Configuration.BodyType])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target specColor in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.ColorParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target shininess in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target texture in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target mainTex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target mainTexScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target mainTexOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target normals in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target bumpMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target bumpMapScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target bumpMapOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target opacity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rimPower in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rimBlend in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rimColorRamp in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rimColorRampScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target rimColorRampOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Parsing Target Gradient in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Gradient)
[LOG 20:58:10]: Exception Was Recorded: Array index is out of range.
  at Kopernicus.ColorParser.SetFromString (System.String str) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Gradient.Kopernicus.IParserEventSubscriber.Apply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.CreateObjectFromConfigNode (System.Type type, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader.Kopernicus.IParserEventSubscriber.Apply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.CreateObjectFromConfigNode (System.Type type, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, System.String modName, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Loader.Kopernicus.IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

Tagging @The White Guardian and @Gameslinx and @Thomas P. for help. Three things to note:

  1. I was adding clouds and dust storms to Eotia with EVE when it broke, and I had also just edited its atmospheric gradient colors.
  2. Mikrogi broke after I cut+pasted every PQSMod except for Vertex Height and Color Map into a separate text document. This had worked for every other planet/moon I did it with...but not this one.
  3. Yes, I really named a land class "Meow". Deal with it :P.

If you'd read the logfiles you would see that they error right after 'Gradient'.

Looking at the Gradient in ScaledVersion shows an error, where you placed a dot instead of a comma, resulting in 112.174 instead of 122,174 for example.


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57 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

If you'd read the logfiles you would see that they error right after 'Gradient'.

Looking at the Gradient in ScaledVersion shows an error, where you placed a dot instead of a comma, resulting in 112.174 instead of 122,174 for example.





But still, thanks for the help!

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27 minutes ago, UranianBlue said:

Is there a way to make the planets rotation axis tilted? I was working on a Uranus analog, and I wanted to make one that span on its side.

Nope. Not possible with kopernicus

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My idea for a proper Uranian planet would be as this.

  • Set its rotation to false (the toggle is there under Properties {})
  • Lock its rings rotation as well and set a desired LAN
  • Produce its surface texture with the proper technique (this will require some serious technique, I'm sure)
  • Setup EVE cloud animations that spin along the axis through the new ring plane (this is the vital part)
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1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:

My idea for a proper Uranian planet would be as this.

that's actually pretty ingenious, given that it's a gas planet with no surface it doesn't have to rotate - the movement of the cloud layers is all that's needed to give the perception of rotation.

I learned today we still have no idea how long Saturn's days are - which is another thing I never really thought about gas giants, measuring their spin rate given no fixed surface

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4 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

My idea for a proper Uranian planet would be as this.

  • Set its rotation to false (the toggle is there under Properties {})
  • Lock its rings rotation as well and set a desired LAN
  • Produce its surface texture with the proper technique (this will require some serious technique, I'm sure)
  • Setup EVE cloud animations that spin along the axis through the new ring plane (this is the vital part)

Yes this is the only way to get tilted planets, and it only works for 90 degrees tilt.

Also, you can't choose LAN of the rings so the orientation of your planet is forced.

This trick is what me an eleusis used two years ago to get Urlum to rotate on its side.

Eleusis has kinda abandoned his clouds pack now, but iirc my OPMTilt still has the cfgs required to rotate cloud layers on Urlum when EVE is installed

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@Galileo @Sigma88 I tried an experiment the other night, completely forgetting something fundamental that made the experiment a total waste of time, but nonetheless a great idea if the opening was there for this kind of thing.

I made black & white pattern layer and used it as an alpha mask for Nero's and Tellumo's ring textures to attempt to simulate the fact that a planet's rings are really just belts of dirt and pebbles. I could have upscaled this to whatever quality level is needed to look good on a very big screen. To add to realism it could possibly be dosed with some of @The White Guardian's fire moon particles magic, making apparent actual stones orbit along with the player, within phys range of course.

But then I got the reminder... Kopernicus only reads a 1px high row from the texture so I got epic banding like on this.

(Planet belongs to @NickRoss120)


I'm not gonna ask that Kopernicus gain a feature or update to allow this. But I thought I'd simply share my little misadventure as a budding texture modder and perform more Inception on everyone. :) 

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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@Galileo @OhioBob Furthermore. Given this revelation, 

15 hours ago, Drew Kerman said:

that's actually pretty ingenious, given that it's a gas planet with no surface it doesn't have to rotate - the movement of the cloud layers is all that's needed to give the perception of rotation.

we could lower Nero's rotation period and let the EVE animations compensate. So when players warp, Nero WON'T LOOK LIKE THIS anymore, lol.




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19 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

I'm not gonna ask that Kopernicus gain a feature or update to allow this.

I've thought about taking a stab at it; can anyone with Kopernicus development experience speak to whether or why that might be a bad idea? The sample texture in KopernicusExamples/Rings Example is 4x2048; would it be somehow undesirable to apply those 4 pixels in repeating wedges around the ring?

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As far as I can tell this is not an issue with kopernicus but an issue with the shaders used by kopernicus.

If my memory doesn't fail me, I remember thomas saying that he doesn't have the skills required to write a better shader for the rings but he will be happy to consider adding new shaders if better ones are provided by some other developers.

And that's how the new shader was added. (After blackrack submitted it)

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13 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

I've thought about taking a stab at it; can anyone with Kopernicus development experience speak to whether or why that might be a bad idea? The sample texture in KopernicusExamples/Rings Example is 4x2048; would it be somehow undesirable to apply those 4 pixels in repeating wedges around the ring?

As Sigma just revealed, it's not a shortcoming in Kopernicus but the ring shader. I'm up for retrying my experiment or sharing the PSDs or just the modified PNGs. I believe I kept them.

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1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Galileo @OhioBob Furthermore. Given this revelation, 

we could lower Nero's rotation period and let the EVE animations compensate. So when players warp, Nero WON'T LOOK LIKE THIS anymore, lol.

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I would be in favor of doing away with Nero's wobble (precession) if we can do it.  Although it looks kind of interesting, it's totally unrealistic (I think it's the mostly unrealistic part of GPP).  Planetary axes do wobble like that but not with such a short period.  (Earth's axis has a precession period of 26,000 years.)  If we want to talk about this further, we should move the conversation to the messenger so we don't hijack the Kopernicus thread.

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Hi, I've been making a planet mod for a few day now and some terrain features appear very sharp, and textures just look like big squares with very visible borders between them. I'm not sure what's causing this, any help would be appreciated. 

Config file:




Edited by TheWanderer05
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On 7/24/2017 at 9:30 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

My idea for a proper Uranian planet would be as this.

  • Set its rotation to false (the toggle is there under Properties {})
  • Lock its rings rotation as well and set a desired LAN
  • Produce its surface texture with the proper technique (this will require some serious technique, I'm sure)
  • Setup EVE cloud animations that spin along the axis through the new ring plane (this is the vital part)

Maybe the next Kopernicus update should include ways to tilt planets.

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4 minutes ago, UranianBlue said:

Maybe the next Kopernicus update should include ways to tilt planets.

Way harder to do than it is to say. This has been requested for a very very long time. But I know Thomas P. will gladly accept pull requests so feel free to implement it yourself. 

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