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Kerbal Space Program Breaks Ground with a New DLC!


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Hoping the ground experiments will  be something more than "click, wait, get science points," like the MPL tends to be.  But also hoping they're not too grindy, like the "take readings at 5 points" contracts.  I guess I don't have a good idea about make ground science entertaining within the constraints of the base game mechanics, but hoping they've figured it out.

The robotic parts alone look like they're probably worth the cost, though, so anything else is gravy.

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  On 5/7/2019 at 4:00 PM, Snark said:

So your theory is that they should spend a whole bunch of money to make a thing, and then give it away for free? 


Except I pretty clearly did not say that, did I? If you read it, carefully this time, you will realise that I support selling stuff... that doesn't belong in the core of the experience. Like I said, if a company wants to sells aesthetical things after the full release, then do it, there will always be content for it.

By your standards, bugfixes and patches should be behind a paywall too, shouldn't it? They're working on a product and they need to sell the product... So, do you want a functioning game after you bought it??? Well, buy the bugfixes too, of course. That's how the industry works! :D

  On 5/7/2019 at 4:00 PM, Snark said:

It's how commerce works.


I mean, I get it, man.

  On 5/7/2019 at 4:00 PM, Snark said:

They're not going to build a thing unless they think they can make money at it,


Yeah, I get it, I really do.

  On 5/7/2019 at 4:00 PM, Snark said:

When you walk into a grocery store, you gotta pay money if you want to walk out with stuff to eat.


Yeah, yeah. So you go in to buy a candy, you get out of the store and when you open the candy you see there's only half in there, "oh well", you think, "it's one of them candies, isn't it?", so you go back into the store and give the guy another buck so you can finally have the full candy you originally paid for. That's very reasonable, of course.

  On 5/7/2019 at 4:00 PM, Snark said:

and practically every KSP player will buy it[...] And the players win.



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Can the staff please give any information on what's happening with console? Do you have a team working on catching console up to PC or are you putting all your time into PC? I mean, you have now put out two updates since console went to after a year on xbox. What's going on in that department??


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  On 5/8/2019 at 3:16 AM, Aegolius13 said:

Hoping the ground experiments will  be something more than "click, wait, get science points," like the MPL tends to be.  But also hoping they're not too grindy, like the "take readings at 5 points" contracts.  I guess I don't have a good idea about make ground science entertaining within the constraints of the base game mechanics, but hoping they've figured it out.

The robotic parts alone look like they're probably worth the cost, though, so anything else is gravy.


The surface survey contracts are probably the flat-out best in the entire game, because they're not too wildly spaced apart to be boring to drive between but far enough to be a nontrivial distance from each other. Giving you a real reason to use rovers, which are probably my favorite method of getting around on the surface of a world.

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  On 5/8/2019 at 4:11 AM, lodiped said:

If you read it, carefully this time, you will realise that I support selling stuff... that doesn't belong in the core of the experience.


So basically you only support them selling stuff that no one actually wants then? Because that is exactly what would happen. 

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  On 5/8/2019 at 4:11 AM, lodiped said:

By your standards, bugfixes and patches should be behind a paywall too, shouldn't it?


There are three tiers of post-release content: things that everybody thinks should be free, things that everybody thinks is ok to be paid, and the contentious stuff that some are ok paying for and others think should be free.

You'll be hard pressed to find someone outside the boardrooms out the worst companies who thinks bug fixes should be paid.

Skins and dances and that garbage can be paid. I don't want it anyway and wouldn't probably download it even if it was free.

But if they want to keep the lights on, they need to charge for something that's actually worth paying for.

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  On 5/7/2019 at 12:23 AM, katateochi said:

Will the stock system have something akin to IR's sequencer? Cos that's a really essential part of anything more than a basic arm.



  On 5/7/2019 at 7:44 PM, Foxster said:

How do we think "spider leg motion" is going to work?

I'm guessing we are going to get motorised joints, hinges and electric motors, etc. So how will we make the timing work so that we can operate the parts in a sequence to make multi-leg craft walk? 


There's a new controller system, which allows you to coordinate robotic movement. From the PC Gamer article on Breaking Ground:

"Your rover's arms aren't the only fancy bit of robotic kit that you'll be able to take advantage of. Robotic hinges, pistons, rotors and rotational servos can be stuck onto spaceships, each of them with simulated physics affected things like force, torque and power consumption. These components and other parts of your ship can also be controlled via the new robotic controller system, which lets you coordinate their behaviour."

@Maxsimal @UomoCapra, I take it the new planetary surface features have colliders, does the current terrain scatter also get colliders? And are planet textures and geography updated, or will it still be the same bland terrain we have now?

Unlike Making History, I'm seriously considering buying this DLC depending on how the new features are implemented and what the reviews say. I may even consider venturing beyond Minmus now that there's actually something worth exploring (hopefully). Looking forward to hear the details!

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LTTP as usual but I love this. I've been a bit burned out on KSP but this looks like just the thing to rekindle the old flame. 

If you manage to fix the surface interaction issues so bases stay where they're put and don't completely kill the framerate, I will be your happiest customer ever. 

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  On 5/8/2019 at 10:48 AM, The_Cat_In_Space said:

Will this be coming out for console in like 6 months or something too? I'm curious


Pretty much guaranteed to come to console, as that is likely a rather large chunk of their user base pie. 

Hopefully it doesn’t take as long this time, but I guess that depends on how difficult the robotics interfaces is to use and if it could be ported over without major changes. 

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So... basically stock Infernal Robotics and stock Surface Experiment Pack? Heck yeah! Solid content, Squad. Bringing popular/loved mods into the 'official' fold (and adding new content to them...) is 100% what I want to see in future DLC.

(stock AVP/EVE/Scatterer and stock Outer Planets Mod/Kopernicus in the future, maybe..? And maybe just pay @CobaltWolf some $$$ and straight-up add his BDB parts? They're practically essential at this point.)

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I will ask what is the best thing?





I like the fact that there is a point for bases and that rovers will be better than ever

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  On 5/8/2019 at 2:11 PM, Angel-125 said:

Likewise. If the stock SEP could work in orbit, I could retire WBI Science. :)


Yeh I like SEP as it is one of the core mods I use in my non-dev install. And of course WBI (which I need for the new rotors mechanics and the helicarrier in CVX.

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