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Rational Resources 3.0.4 [Feb 03, 2025]


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Release 1.13.0

DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock

  • Added Antimatter presence to gas giant templates.
  • Added LqdDeuterium presence to ice atmospheres.
  • Added templates associated with Event Horizon: WormHole.
  • Added templates associated with Galaxies Unbound: AtmOxygen (not for gas giants), AtmGasHelium, BlackHole, StarNeutron, StarCarbon, StarDyingRedGiant.
  • Added templates for LOX oceans: OcnOxygen (pure), OcnOxygenC (with CO2 and various traces), OcnOxygenN (with Nitrogen).

Note: configs for giving the templates to the bodies in the named planet mods have not been done.

Added/updated explanations for templates on the wiki page.




Edited by JadeOfMaar
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The oxygen ocean templates will be useful for Minor Planets Expansion as the description in one of the bodies references the presence of liquid oxygen.

The liquid oxygen ocean idea was something I had been looking into recently, but a limited Google search didn't come up with much.

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@hemeac I considered Minor Planets Expansion actually (and forgot to name it in the changelog), and I polled a few guys in a planet modding Discord server. I anticipated that a LOX ocean would freeze out a big chunk of whatever atmosphere (other than Hydrogen or Helium) might happen to be with it so I ended up with variants to the LOX template.

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I don't know if you've run across this or not, but it appears as though the Extras file 'RR_SSPXr_ContainerTypes.cfg' is incompatible with Pathfinder's Classic Stock Play Mode. The game will crash on loading saying no tank type 'RR_Ammonia' exists.

Edited by Bombaatu
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12 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Bombaatu Oh. I didn't anticipate that but yes, these are incompatible (and meant to be so). I'll fix the SSPXr patch to not try to run when Classic Stock is present.

Is there a way to not run it if Wild Blue is in Classic Stock Play mode? That's the real kicker. Someone might have Classic Stock installed but decide to switch over to CRP.

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9 minutes ago, Bombaatu said:

Is there a way to not run it if Wild Blue is in Classic Stock Play mode?

Change the top line in the config to this/ Add this NEEDS to it:



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Explodium Breathing Engines gets clobbered

I'm going to do a lot more thorough testing before submitting a GitHub issue, but it appears Rational Resources clobbers the resources ExpVapour and ExpVapourLite from Eve and other worlds in Explodium Breathing Engines. The resource_definition sections appears in the Module Manager cache, but the planetary_resource sections do not.

Before I go off on a bug hunt, is this a known problem with part add-ons that introduce resources that has a work-around?

I've been working around this in JNSQ Exploration by omitting Rational Resources, but I'd like to have this part add-on coexist. Maybe the parts could use an existing defined atmospheric resource instead of ExpVapour if RR is detected.

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@Gordon Fecyk Your resources being purged is a feature, not a bug. Part of RR's behavior is that it removes any handwavium presence like USI's Karbonite, Karborundum and The Gold Standard's Unobtanium. Simply insert into your distribution nodes, Tag = Spared (any value works, actually, but you can take the opportunity to uniquely ID your mod by the value as may be done for some planet packs) .

RR does not add anything that is placed and could be purposed as an alternative to ExpVapor, and you're a very logically minded and and realism-oriented fellow so it's better that you whitelist your own resources.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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4 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Simply insert into your distribution nodes, Tag = Spared

Thanks. I'll review this and add it to my next release, which I'll have to release before episode 21 so other folks can make flying cars for Huygen. Fortunately "explodium" isn't really a harvestable resource and shouldn't mess with game balance.

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1 hour ago, Gordon Fecyk said:

flying cars for Huygen

Assuming you're not interested in Eve (which is a warm planet and needs the likes of LiquidFuel added onto it, and the sole reason I didn't suggest the following sooner), then Huygen and other cold, outer worlds such as Tekto are applicable for the likes of Explodium Breathing Engines due to the Methane gas and LqdMethane ocean presences that RR will give them, and this was planned far in advance with the knowledge of planned exploits for the IRL moon, Titan. Your mod would be perfect for Methane-breathing jets and rockets if you go this way. That's what I would do, personally, once Eve, with its affinity for heavy hydrocarbons, is ruled out.

That said, there's a self-contradiction at work where a methane planet's atmosphere won't have much methane in it, and modest amounts would be found instead in the atmosphere types: Vulcan, Ice-Water (thick) and Ammonia (and certain gas giants). So maybe it's better you stuck to the whitelist key. I may be setting you up to disappoint myself, yourself, and your fan-base. :D

The reason behind this is logic from @OhioBob: If a body has a Methane ocean, then it's cold enough that virtually all the Methane froze out of the atmosphere.

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5 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

That said, there's a self-contradiction at work where a methane planet's atmosphere won't have much methane in it, and modest amounts would be found instead in the atmosphere types.

The add-on was originally made for stock Eve and its possibly evaporated Explodium Seas, but I always wondered what it would take to operate such a engine at, say, real-life Titan. I'd suspect even if it worked the engine would ice-up rapidly from freezing water vapour.

From the math I did, it does seem to only need a little bit of fuel compared to a lot of oxidizer, so it doesn't need to be much. The 1-5% found in Titan's air could be enough if the icing problem could be solved.  The percentages in the current version are suggestions from OhioBob.

[Update] The tag text worked as described. I'll post an update to Explodium Breathing Engines this weekend.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
Jade's workaround worked
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The next update is finally nearly here. The center of it is improved Kerbalism integration (which required a very large config rewrite effort), and the idea is that harvesters and converters from various mods should be able to opt-in as easily as nuclear engines can with RR Nuclear Family. This system is also meant to easily add all relevant ISRU options to parts through stock modules when Kerbalism is absent.

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Release 1.14.1

DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock

With obligatory "I forgot something" :sticktongue:

  • Added Spodumene Splitter ISRU. Its primary output is Lithium, used by Near Future engines.
  • Added Spodumene-related B9 tank options.
  • Added Spodumene presence to planets. Most abundant in vulcan and metal worlds and warm mud and lava oceans.
  • Changed some engines to be inoperable when submerged.
  • Rewrite converter options/configs to use Kerbalism side profile system.
  • Rewrite ISRU mod integration system, create opt-in system to more easily integrate other ISRU mods.
  • Updated Extras:
    • RR_NuclearFamily.cfg to handle bimodal rockets and assume their secondary mode, if present, is Lox-Augmented.
    • RR_NuclearFamily.cfg to handle nuclear jets and give them characteristics like the example "Maine Coon" NTJ.
    • RR_NuclearFamily.cfg to handle Restock+ Cherenkov and the Space Tux/Atomic Age engines by default.
    • RR_NuclearFamily.cfg to to add Kerbalism radioactivity.
    • RR_SSPXr_ContainerTypes.cfg to not activate when WBI Classic Stock active.


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What are your thoughts on adding "Select RR Fuel" options for lithium, argon and xenon?

The reason I ask is because I am working on a vehicle which uses MK3 parts, so a seamless integration of tanks would go a long way rather than having to use the corresponding tanks.

I am aware this could introduce balancing issues as it could be argued that the Near-Future tanks are specifically there as the only option to restrict your options when working with such exotic fuels, so could introducing a mass and/or volume penalty be applicable? 

Edited by EimajOzear
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@EimajOzear I've delivered your request. See these two altered files at this commit. I have not added any cost or mass penalty to them as that's out of the scope of things I'm personally interested in. The tank options will be available only when NF Propulsion is installed. Let me know if they should be available always or when some other mod is installed such as FFT or KSPI.

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