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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

694 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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1 hour ago, Rutabaga22 said:

Is this a trustworthy download? I looked up the github page and found this.

That's a 2 year old download. The new one is on ballisticfox's github: https://github.com/ballisticfox/KSRSS-Reborn/releases

It's also on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS/-/tree/reborn


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8 hours ago, Socowez said:

ballisticfox has the beta for KSRSS Reborn on his GitHub. The original download link was removed because KSRSS reborn was being developed, and the old KSRSS was no longer supported.

Do not use this download

Use: https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS/-/tree/reborn

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3 hours ago, zapata21 said:

Hi, I can't make the game look like the first screenshot, would you help me? c: by the way the capture is from this thread


this is my game (a part of africa is missing and jupiter and sodas look weird)


Make your TextureRes FullRes

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 Tried the gitlab version of ksrss reborn, so far awesome work :D But I noticed that the atmosphere high is now about 80km, in ksrss 0.7  x2.5 it was about 90, now we're having a 2.7 scale, so shouldn't be the atmosphere a bit thicker not thinner ?


And another question is the new reborn compatible with ksc extended or any of the cape mods ? Or does anybody already have updated configs?

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5 minutes ago, Viper2 said:

so shouldn't be the atmosphere a bit thicker not thinner ?

It was too high in the old ksrss. In JNSQ the atmosphere is also 80 km high.

6 minutes ago, Viper2 said:

And another question is the new reborn compatible with ksc extended or any of the cape mods ?

Not yet

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Hi, I found a weird issue in the kopernicus settings for Neptune.  The radius has been set to ‘radius = 602125’ which makes it 602km. I think it supposed to be 6020km.

I also wrote a KSRSS SpaceDust patch for Nertea’s far future technology suites. May I upload my patch to this thread?

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56 minutes ago, zw_45 said:

The radius has been set to ‘radius = 602125’ which makes it 602km. I think it supposed to be 6020km.

You're right, it's fixed, thanks

58 minutes ago, zw_45 said:

I also wrote a KSRSS SpaceDust patch for Nertea’s far future technology suites. May I upload my patch to this thread?

Yes, and if you want we can include it in KSRSS

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4 hours ago, Rutabaga22 said:

Pls help it broked
Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lBXStQfaT8xQlB9Ake1ptcGY0NfKbpiX/view?usp=sharing
I should probably elaborate, it won't load, after the loading bar the planet wheel just spins and spins

You're using the old KSRSS ("megapack"). It isn't supported anymore AND not compatible with parallax. Wait for the next release or download the reborn beta here https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS/-/archive/reborn/KSRSS-reborn.zip

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16 minutes ago, tony48 said:

You're using the old KSRSS ("megapack"). It isn't supported anymore AND not compatible with parallax. Wait for the next release or download the reborn beta here https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS/-/archive/reborn/KSRSS-reborn.zip

Yeah, I've decided to wait for the next download. When will that be?

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21 hours ago, tony48 said:

You're right, it's fixed, thanks

Yes, and if you want we can include it in KSRSS

Here’s the resource config for KSRSS, I also added lqdMethane to harvestable resource since it’s quite abundant in gas giants.


I have encountered performance issues when I use the 64k texture for earth. The game runs on a i7 12700k and rtx3080ti, but the frame rate still drops below 30fps when I zoom in or rotate camera. I wonder if you could provides a lower resolution texture like 32k?


Edited by zw_45
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I'm getting a strange second atmosphere with Earth starting at 35km, and then it disappears after 60km



Link to my KSP.Log for the session:  https://web.tresorit.com/l/JJSVR#eyaKjtKUESgHiMLBEnD0BA

  • Latest KSRSS Reborn from GitLab
  • Scatterer .0837
  • Kopernicus 139
  • KSP 1.12.3
  • EVE redux
  • KSP community Fixes 1.20.0
  • Harmony


Edited by MashAndBangers
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15 hours ago, zw_45 said:

The game runs on a i7 12700k and rtx3080ti, but the frame rate still drops below 30fps when I zoom in or rotate camera. I wonder if you could provides a lower resolution texture like 32k?

Huh. So 64K can bring down even state-of-the-art rigs to their knees.

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@ballisticfox0@tony48 Have you thought about short-term and long-term goals for KSRSS Reborn launch sites? Is anyone planning to incorporate KK launch sites or are you opposed to that? If you need more grunts to implement your vision I'll volunteer to learn more about KK.

My random thoughts below if it's not too late to make comments:

  1. KSC Switcher is IMO less than ideal because it's the same old KSC everywhere, and we can't do things like launch from one base and land at another. Kerbal Konstructs provides a nicer looking and more functional approach but requires more effort to create.
  2. KSC: The @TruthfulGnome "KatnisssCapeCanaveral for KSRSS v1.0" looks amazing with its aerial decal and offers multiple pads. Its main limitation is the lack of collider so ground vehicles fall through the visual surface; it's a tolerable issue in exchange for the views. This mod might need adjusting after the change from 2.5x to 2.7x scale.
  3. Vandenberg: For large polar launches. Stages drop into the Pacific instead of bombarding Caribbean islands.
  4. Baikonur: For Tantares mod and other USSR inspired games.
  5. Kourou: For Knes mod, other ESA inspired games, and anytime an equatorial rather than inclined orbit is desirable.
  6. Major launch sites might deserve a full Katniss-like treatment with a photographic decal plus realistic pad placement. Long-term perhaps KSC Florida, Vandenberg, Baikonur, and Kourou are the major sites.
  7. In order to keep the scope of work at a manageable level, other sites might just get one pad and one runway each, no decals. Kodiak for small polar launches, Wallops, Japan, India, etc.
  8. I'm not sure whether, in the context of the major parts mods,  China should be considered a major or minor launch site. China's launching large rockets but we don't seem to have a popular mod tailored for building them.


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Earth looks really weird in my save with some strange glitches. Continents disappear everytime they rotate over this one place, its near where it turns dusk, and also it glows like the sun is rising even though it isn't up yet in the part prior to morning. Is this a KSRSS issue or scatterer/EVE/rescale/etc issue? In the spoiler you can see the issues, the daylight picture the entire America's is missing, you can see Japan on the left. And no it isn't just the Pacific Ocean :confused:






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7 hours ago, DeadJohn said:

@ballisticfox0@tony48 Have you thought about short-term and long-term goals for KSRSS Reborn launch sites? Is anyone planning to incorporate KK launch sites or are you opposed to that? If you need more grunts to implement your vision I'll volunteer to learn more about KK.

My random thoughts below if it's not too late to make comments:

  1. KSC Switcher is IMO less than ideal because it's the same old KSC everywhere, and we can't do things like launch from one base and land at another. Kerbal Konstructs provides a nicer looking and more functional approach but requires more effort to create.
  2. KSC: The @TruthfulGnome "KatnisssCapeCanaveral for KSRSS v1.0" looks amazing with its aerial decal and offers multiple pads. Its main limitation is the lack of collider so ground vehicles fall through the visual surface; it's a tolerable issue in exchange for the views. This mod might need adjusting after the change from 2.5x to 2.7x scale.
  3. Vandenberg: For large polar launches. Stages drop into the Pacific instead of bombarding Caribbean islands.
  4. Baikonur: For Tantares mod and other USSR inspired games.
  5. Kourou: For Knes mod, other ESA inspired games, and anytime an equatorial rather than inclined orbit is desirable.
  6. Major launch sites might deserve a full Katniss-like treatment with a photographic decal plus realistic pad placement. Long-term perhaps KSC Florida, Vandenberg, Baikonur, and Kourou are the major sites.
  7. In order to keep the scope of work at a manageable level, other sites might just get one pad and one runway each, no decals. Kodiak for small polar launches, Wallops, Japan, India, etc.
  8. I'm not sure whether, in the context of the major parts mods,  China should be considered a major or minor launch site. China's launching large rockets but we don't seem to have a popular mod tailored for building them.


Please allow me to add:

9.  White Sands Missile Range. A lot of early rocketry took place here, including WAC Corporal, V-2/ Bumper, and Viking.

10. Johnston Island Air Force Base. While no actual orbital launches took place from here, quite a bit of testing did, and there are some alt-history scenarios that postulated that JIAFB would make an excellent site for classified military manned orbital launches. 

11. Katniss is a great mod and well done, but personally I prefer the look of the Cape Kanaveral mod. Please include compatibility for this one. 

Thank you!

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2 hours ago, DaveyJ576 said:

Please allow me to add:

9.  White Sands Missile Range. A lot of early rocketry took place here, including WAC Corporal, V-2/ Bumper, and Viking.

10. Johnston Island Air Force Base. While no actual orbital launches took place from here, quite a bit of testing did, and there are some alt-history scenarios that postulated that JIAFB would make an excellent site for classified military manned orbital launches. 

11. Katniss is a great mod and well done, but personally I prefer the look of the Cape Kanaveral mod. Please include compatibility for this one. 

Thank you!

Some other recommendations I would make would be:

12: Edwards Air Force Base and the TAL sites for all your shuttle recreation needs. 

13. Colomb-Bechar and Hammaguir for early French launches.

14. SpaceX droneship statics near Vandenburg and Cape Canaveral, for obvious reasons.

If the dev team wants, I could try my hand at Kerbal Konstructs if I have some spare time...

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13 hours ago, Heliotrope said:

Earth looks really weird in my save with some strange glitches. Continents disappear everytime they rotate over this one place, its near where it turns dusk, and also it glows like the sun is rising even though it isn't up yet in the part prior to morning. Is this a KSRSS issue or scatterer/EVE/rescale/etc issue? In the spoiler you can see the issues, the daylight picture the entire America's is missing, you can see Japan on the left. And no it isn't just the Pacific Ocean :confused:


Things that might help:

Check your KSRSS and Scatterer versions. KSRSS 0.7 needs Scatterer 0.077xxx. KSRSS Reborn beta works with the latest Scatterer 0.08xxx.

Check your KSP textures setting. Use full resolution not half.

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