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Will you boycott KSP 2 if T2 throws it under the bus?

Will you boycott KSP 2 if T2 throws it under the bus?  

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  1. 1. Will you boycott KSP 2 if T2 throws it under the bus?

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2 hours ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

Just curious how any microtransactions would ever even fit in this game

If they make core gameplay robust enough, I could see them believing that a DRM / mod ban / paid mod scheme would be viable.

Edited by ExtremeSquared
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Some content has been redacted and/or removed.  Folks, just a friendly reminder that everyone needs to follow the forum rules that you agreed to when you created your account, same as always.

I know you guys already know the rules (right?), but it appears that a refresher may be in order:

  • Please don't "backseat moderate" (rule 3.2).  You're not a moderator, so it's not your place to tell other people what to do or not to do.  If you think someone's breaking rules, by all means file a report-- but beyond that, please don't try to boss other folks around.
  • Please stay on topic (rule 2.2.o).  The topic of this thread is about what your actions will be in response to T2, etc.  It's not about "what did the moderators do" etc., that's not why people come to this thread.
  • Please don't openly discuss moderator action (rule 3.3).  We try to stay as transparent and explicit as we can, when we have to take action.  But if our reasoning isn't clear-- or if you think we've made a mistake and want to let us know-- by all means, drop us a note via PM.  We know we're human, and we encourage feedback.  But open discussion is against the rules, and always has been.
  • Please don't make personal remarks about each other (rule 2.2.d).  People are entitled to express their opinions and make their arguments.  If you disagree, by all means, do so in civil fashion, but please address the post rather than the poster.

To be clear:  There was a video linked to, earlier in the thread, which violated the forum rules all to heck due to copious profanity (rule 2.2.g).  Therefore it was removed, and the reason for the removal was made pretty explicit at the time:

1 hour ago, Geonovast said:

Some content has been removed for containing an embedded video with large amount of vulgar language, which is against our forum rules.

We understand that it's easy to get frustrated if something you wanted to post is removed-- but remember, profanity has never been allowed here, and the rules don't change just because you happen to be really mad.

There's clearly no "censorship" going on here-- note the lively debate going on here or here, for example, or for that matter just see the other video that was linked here and is, of course, allowed to stand because it does not violate the rules.

Folks are free to express themselves here and share whatever opinions they want-- just, please adhere to the rules when doing so.

Thank you for your understanding.


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I will say that I've gone from "pre-order" to "no longer a first-week purchaser" at the very least. I will wait for the dust to settle after release, for the hype to die down, and see what the game is actually like.

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Based on today's news I've definitely gone from pre-order to maybe buy on sale  1-2 year after release, {2024ish}

I've got KSP 1 + mods, and that will have to be enough. 


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1 hour ago, Superfluous J said:

Totally separate topic, but you should never pre-order anyway. There are far too many variables about games that you can't determine before reviews and Let's Plays come out.

More and more I am becoming a trailing edge gamer. 


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Honestly, I am just waiting for a disgruntled Intercept Games employee to leak gameplay and features :) I will decide if I want to not buy it or not not buy it thereafter.

But seriously speaking, KSP2 has become perhaps the 4th game that I am looking forward to play in near future, from first.

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We aren't aware of how the devs might be feeling about this and if they have the same sort of will or drive to make KSP2 the way they want to make it, pulling the rug out of a company like this is what we in the trade call a bit of douche move and since we don't have all the facts and Take 2 doesn't seem to want to disclose them.

tl;dr - Everything is bad, the world's on fire

Edited by Krulliam
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3 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

Totally separate topic, but you should never pre-order anyway. There are far too many variables about games that you can't determine before reviews and Let's Plays come out.


If they put an embargo on reviews I'm gonna wait for a week or two, if they don't I'm going to read/watch review from trusted sources (KSP1 Youtubers mainly, how can you trust a generic game journalist with KSP?) and then buy the game as soon as possible (even D1 if the reviews are released before), this if the game is on Steam, so I can test it out for 2 hours in 14 days and eventually refund it automatically.

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Don't forget to leave a negative review on Steam. Between T2 and issues with KSP2 itself, it's important to warn people. They're not getting my money, either, though TBH, I wasn't going to buy an "educational" game I already know to teach humbug. Well, unless T2 removes the bad science from the game, but I doubt that'll happen.

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Release is planned in about 1.5 years from now. Plenty of time to see how the development goes, and if it sucks, don't buy it.

Till then, cool your heads, drink tea, enjoy KSP1 for what it is.


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The way take 2 overtook KSP2 reads like a joke..... that stuff like this is legal.... now iam even more unsecure if we get the game we deserve.
If they [~snip~] it up and there is a good chance they will i will definelty not buy the game.
THX take 2 for ruining my day.

Edited by Starhawk
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I will boycott ksp2 if it’s not the sequel portal 2 was. And if it isn’t, it’s not worth my money. Intercept games can release ksp2 tomorrow for all I care.

4 hours ago, Krulliam said:

the world's on fire

and Kerbol is a deadly lazer

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Personally I'm still gonna get the game but i'm not buying it on day 1 like I was going to, i'd rather wait a week or two to let reviews and any problems rise before buying the game.

The change in studio has me worried while I know some of the developers are star theory's developers, it could possibly hurt the quality of the game because of the change of staff(this in fact wouldn't be the first time this happens)

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When I'm interested in something, first of all I google "subject_name  synonym_for_excrements_in_your_language".

Then I review first several links, where the most disappointed predecessors emotionally describe the weaknesses of the subject that annoy them very much.

Then I google "subject_name" and read benevolent and neutral feedbacks, paying my attention to the known weaknesses.

Usually it works.

The same protocol I will apply to KSP2 if/when they release it.

Edited by kerbiloid
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7 minutes ago, KerbolExplorer said:

, i'd rather wait a week or two

I’d wait months. KSP2 has suffered a permanent blow in my eyes, and the problem with people like Take Two and Intercept Games is that they are actually talented. It’s usually never enough at times like this. You wait your weeks, I’m waiting months or years.


i just wish that ksp2 will be very bad, everyone will ask for a refund and T2 will consider their actions.


it won’t tho.



and that’s the horrible part

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Just now, ShakeNBake said:

I’m strongly anti-capitalist to begin with and shenanigans like this turn me off significantly. Honestly, I might now be done with KSP1.

Why? KSP is a great game. It has nothing to do with stupid intercept stupid games. Don’t do that. :(

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