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1 hour ago, Poodmund said:

Ooooooh, Nate's comment was about the KSP2 preview NavBall, I thought that he was referring to KSP1's NavBall (which is absolutely fine). 

I also feel like if folks’ biggest concern was the navball then the overall spirit being put forward wasn’t too far off the mark. 

Anyhoo, cool to see you on the forum, Nate. We’re basically always like this. Overanxious speculation is a time honored tradition here. 

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@Nate Simpson  Not wanting to fuel hysteria, I'll still say this:

Pardon my skepticism, although yout news seem encouraging, the videogame industry used to take players to a new low each year and even each month that goes by. From there it is not surprising that the news of Star Theory's closure by an aggressive move from a greedy publisher who just wanted to mark their teritory against a well advised red pilled studio manager raises some concernes in the player base.

As for me, I'll be wary of everything that you or any other will publish until the game release. Players were tricked in the past and will be tricked again.  I want to say that it is not your fault, I'm not angry at you or your colleagues personally. You were forced to make a decision, stay on the project or finish your career under a street bench, and given the difficult times, chosing to keep a job and a project in which you poored every bit of your soul is nothing short of understandable.

Despite adressing this message in my own name, I guess many other players and fans think alike.

If what you said is deemed to be true in the end, the better, However, if you were forced to lie, we players will take note of it and, at least as far as am concerned, I, won't buy the game.  Understand that with current worldwide difficulties, you are not the only one to suffer, many players won't be able to afford the, at least, announced 60 dollars price of the game, especially if they are lied to about its content an its delivery.

In the meantime, I still wish you the best for this big project, fair solar winds, the less possible kraken attacks and as would speak one of the most influencial conmunity members, FLY SAFE !

Edited by Quoniam Kerman
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2 hours ago, Matt Lowne said:

[The]  business side of Take-Two’s hostile acquisition of the KSP 2 development, [is] something I still feel is a wholly negative thing and is part of an aspect of the publisher/developer relationship across the games industry that I hope will continue to grow better as the industry matures.

I wish no ill-feelings to any of the KSP 2 developers, and I am still wholeheartedly excited for the sequel. I have no doubt that your collective passion will result in an incredible sequel and I am very excited to see what you and your team produce.

(Edited slightly by Clamp-o-Tron to make sense)

At risk of simply repeating what has already been said, this is exactly my view on the matter. I am disappointed by the corporate politics going on and the loss of Star Theory, but I wholly support the development team and hope that the game turns out well, untouched by T2's (and other game publisher's) history of bad stuff happening to games that were taken over. Good luck @Nate Simpson, stay safe, and have fun.

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Hi Nate.

Glad to hear from you and your quick response makes me think that it´s probably genuine. I obviously can´t speak for everybody here. My distrust that I expressed in the other thread is not at all directed at you and your fellow devs. It´s just that the limited information I got out of that article doesn´t give me a warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach. plain and simple: I lost trust.


2 hours ago, Nate Simpson said:

As usual, we have more stuff we want to show off in the coming weeks and months as we continue to bring new systems online.


But with this ^ you could probably give it back to me and I hope others as well. What I particularly liked about the development of KSP1 was how public it was. We almost always had something to look forward to in the next update and dev diaries delivered more often than not some pictures with that info. Regarding KSP2... well, I´ll wait and see. But, and this is a big but: If the publisher is acting too unethically (we have to be realistic here) for my taste, then I won´t buy your game. Sorry.

Greetings to your colleagues. Especially your former ones. I hope they all got new jobs and are well.

Cheers, stay safe, Mü

P.S.: I´m not playing as long as you are, but when I started there were no wheels and I distinctly remember a launch tower at the pad. Ah, good old simple times... ;) 

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Well, what a great first post! It's good to know that you're following what goes on on the forum, Nate - it's something "we" (arrogantly calling itself "the community," ignoring the thousands of players not on the forum) care about a lot and often think the forum is ignored by developers - prove us wrong!

Also, I think I speak for most of us when I say that we prefer many small updates -- even if there's not a lot to tell -- over fancy big stories with videos and many screenshots. Because those small updates mean that the game we love and care about is getting closer to its release.

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Wow! It’s really cool to see the big fish @Matt Lowne, @ShadowZone and @Nate Simpson comment on the forum! First off, we are glad to hear that you guys are doing well over at t2 and we hope that you can preserve ksp2 as you originally wished it to be. Man, at this point it’s gotta be like a brainchild. And it’s really neat to hear Shadowzones input, it was interesting and eye opening. And as for @Matt Lowne....I’m A HUGE fan! :D 

It’s really great to hear from you guys, it really is. Nate, I wish you and your team well. 

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Hi Nate, 

     I certainly understand your difficult position in this matter,  you're just a guy trying to get thru like everyone else. I don't see any need to bash on you for doing what you must to get by.  It must have been quite difficult to find a project you had put so much into suddenly in limbo, and yourself out of a job. I can empathize, I've been there myself. 

     But for my part, no matter how excited I am about KSP 2 I can't in good conscience reward Take-2's  behavior in this matter.  If I put myself in Michael or Allen's shoes I would be absolutely livid, by all accounts Take-2 was quite happy with the progress Start Theory had made on the game, and had even given them an extension. The sticking point here seems to have been Michael and Allen not wanting to sell the company on Take-2's terms. Even if the sale was a no-go there was no indication that the completion of the game was in any danger. This was a business move, and a pretty shady one at that.  

   I've been playing KSP since .18, and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I learned alot, and made many memories playing the game. I am deeply excited for everything you are doing in KSP 2, But now knowing the sleezy things that have been done, for no reason beyond pure, simple greed, I don't think I'll every be able to enjoy it in the same way.  I seriously doubt Take-2 will miss my 60$, but I can't just overlook such ruthless behavior.  I wish you good luck with this project,  but  honestly I'd feel guilty enabling such behavior.    

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I certainly hope that all you've said here is true. That being said, it would be great if all the actors here would come clean about what transpired to let the KSP community decide how to deal with it. This reads like a Promotional piece, that everything is hunky-dory and everyone is blissfully working away, but let's be honest; even in KSP the all mighty dollar holds sway. If what we've heard about staff poaching attempts is true, own it. Do the right thing and be honest with us. If it's not, explain what happened so we can understand where such a nasty rumor would have started. Either way, tell the truth! Trust me, we REALLY WANT TO BELIEVE YOU!

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6 hours ago, Nate Simpson said:

I say all this now because it sounds like some people are concerned that this project has changed -- either it's canceled (it's not) or it's going to be a freemium game with microtransactions (it's not), or it'll be debased in some way (it won't be). I want to make super clear that nothing from our original vision for this game has been altered in any way. And I want to be extra, super clear that we've never once gotten any pressure from the publisher or anyone else to change, add, or remove any feature from KSP2. I especially want to call out Michael Cook, our executive producer at Private Division, as somebody who has been supportive of us from day one and who I've seen get visibly giddy during conversations about Z-pinch fusion devices.

No microtransactions (phew!) and no pressure to add or remove anything? I can rest in peace 

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9 hours ago, Matt Lowne said:

The focus of the reporting (and my video) was to highlight the business side of Take-Two’s hostile acquisition of the KSP 2 development, which is something I still feel is a wholly negative thing and is part of an aspect of the publisher/developer relationship across the games industry that I hope will continue to grow better as the industry matures.

I see your point, but I want to share my own - harsh, heavy hand attitudes may not be polite or nice, but on the other hand they are not always evil.

In the early 2k, I was working on a technology park where a few big tech companies were taking out sourcing contracts from some really big players on that era, as Nokia, Siemens Mobile at all

On a project I was working, we had a problem - my boss was involved on a CMM homologation process and had personal interests on the matter, to the point that he ended up hindering my deliveries, as the development process was still too immature to real life application. The client was getting somewhat impatient, and I was the one between two colliding forces.

So the CTO of the client came to my working station, and gave me a hell of a cheeks bash. He almost yelled to me that he was the one paying the bills there, he was the one calling the shots and he was the one firing people on that company. And made absolutely clear that I would be held responsible for the outcome of the project I was working on.

Dude, and all of that with my team mates with their white faces looking into each other.

One may think that the client's CTO was too harsh on me, even utterly unfair. You can bet your mouse it was what I thought at the time.

Now, 20 years later and with a wiser version of me looking back, let me explain what he did: he set me free. Once I was entirely responsible for the outcome of the project I was working, I also became the one calling the shots and, yes, I overrun my boss every single time he decided something that would affect my project. Pretty nasty, I must say - at that time I had no other place to work (small park, the companies had an agreement of not hiring each other employees) and I did everything I could to do not lose that job (I had a kid to rise).

The after math? The project was delivered on time and on budget.

Some time later, due unrelated happenings, the Business Unit I was working was disbanded and a lot of people, unfortunately, lost their jobs. I stayed and was moved to another Business Unit - to tell you the true, I could choose the B.U. I wanted to go.

So, without further (and reliable) information, it's way premature to call T2 evilness. As I said on other post, there are evilness on this industry (see what Konami did to Kojima), but not all evil deeds are meant to accomplish evil purposes - see the history I told above.

Edited by Lisias
twenties? I wrote twenties? I need a new brand of coffee...
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It’s nice to hear from someone involved in this. I have to remain skeptical of the promises made, because it’s got to be hard to convince Take-Two to put out a game that you only pay once for. I still won’t be preordering, of course (don’t do that, guys) but you have reassured me somewhat that the developers have more creative freedom than I’d assumed since the takeover.

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But I'm afraid that's the issue, that all of this is nothing but talk currently. [snip]

Now I'm not going to pretend i would've done differently, and i don't know all the details surrounding this. But the point is that I'm getting really tired of nothing but talk, about hearing about passion and how fantastic the people on your team are.

Right now the sum total of everything we know about KSP 2 comes from 2 canned trailers that were made months apart, interviews that were conducted even earlier, and a couple development blogs. I understand that you'll need time to reorganize and get back into a flow after everything, and that's fine.

But i don't want to hear another word about how KSP2 will be fantastic, i don't want to see another development blog about inconsequential improvements in explosions or canned trailers that mean absolutely nothing.

Show me that KSP2 will be fantastic, Show me that KSP2 will actually uphold all of your promises, and demonstrate that KSP2 can manage to pull it's way out of the tailspin it currently seems to be in.

And while you're at it, also show me that KSP2 addresses many of the flaws that frustrate people in KSP currently. Show me that KSP2 doesn't have landing legs that become reactionless engines at random upon the slightest urging and fling me into a hyperbolic orbit above minmus, show me that Wheels, Landing Gear and bases all work properly and how they'd be expected to.

And if you just can't help the urge to talk and discuss, then do it to address the community like you're doing here. There's a sizable portion (Including me) who don't like the inclusion of Metallic Hydrogen engines in KSP2, and want to see a parallel tree of progressively more powerful Nuclear engines to be used instead. And also technical deep-dives on the foundational elements that were promised; the Physics LOD system that was mentioned time and time again could use much further explanation. Alongside the much mentioned "Improved modding support", and the nitty-gritty details there.

How will acceleration during timewarp function? How will interstellar travel work? Will there be a satisfying climb from 40's-50's technologies to the Near-Future Technologies that enable it? Will i be able to spend hundreds of hours in the Kerbin System before ever going interstellar? Or will it all be simplified and streamlined to the point where it becomes nothing but a backdrop to what amounts to a Science-Fiction show of our making?

Now i don't want any actual answers to those from you here, because i don't have any belief that anything you say right now is valid either way. But this all goes to my main point, and the one i want you to understand above all if nothing else in here sticks. In the coming months the success of KSP2 will come from showing what it does, how it's an improvement over KSP I and why anyone in their right mind should even consider buying it after all of this.

It won't be fun, it won't be pretty, and it won't make you any friends, but that's what will make the difference between KSP2 being a quirky footnote or a successful game in my mind.

I appreciate you reaching out, and i know this post will come off abrasive and downright rude. But the reason i posted at all is because despite my cynicism and doubt i know that some of my favorite games were forged in the fires of development hell, and that despite all of this with enough determination and leadership that KSP2 can still be made into a great game. 


Edited by Vanamonde
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What's wrong with the navball again? :sticktongue: apart from being in the right place (I just moved my ksp1 navball to the side, and I could finally see where the heck I'm landing)

One thing Nate, you should take more constructive criticism, than "I don't like it because I don't like it/old is better" kind of thing. Especially if these opinions are based on low resolution, blurry early alpha screenshot. Since there seem to be few people around here who know what they're talking about, so hey, maybe they'll have some good ideas. don't listen to those old grumpy "mine is better" grumps 

Keep up the good job!

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4 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

What's wrong with the navball again? :sticktongue: apart from being in the right place (I just moved my ksp1 navball to the side, and I could finally see where the heck I'm landing)

One thing Nate, you should take more constructive criticism, than "I don't like it because I don't like it/old is better" kind of thing. Especially if these opinions are based on low resolution, blurry early alpha screenshot. Since there seem to be few people around here who know what they're talking about, so hey, maybe they'll have some good ideas. don't listen to those old grumpy "mine is better" grumps 

Keep up the good job!

In the preview it was in the bottom left hand corner. People thought this would be kind of awkward as it has always been in the bottom middle and because it makes more sense for it to be there as we're generally looking at the center of the screen anyway. 

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People, whatever your feelings on the subject, verbal aggression will not persuade anyone to adopt your views. We do not allow forum members to insult each other here, and there's no call to subject the game's makers to that sort of abusiveness, either. 

Some remarks have been edited. 

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55 minutes ago, Incarnation of Chaos said:


But I'm afraid that's the issue, that all of this is nothing but talk currently. [snip]


Now I'm not going to pretend i would've done differently, and i don't know all the details surrounding this. But the point is that I'm getting really tired of nothing but talk, about hearing about passion and how fantastic the people on your team are.

Right now the sum total of everything we know about KSP 2 comes from 2 canned trailers that were made months apart, interviews that were conducted even earlier, and a couple development blogs. I understand that you'll need time to reorganize and get back into a flow after everything, and that's fine.

But i don't want to hear another word about how KSP2 will be fantastic, i don't want to see another development blog about inconsequential improvements in explosions or canned trailers that mean absolutely nothing.

Show me that KSP2 will be fantastic, Show me that KSP2 will actually uphold all of your promises, and demonstrate that KSP2 can manage to pull it's way out of the tailspin it currently seems to be in.

And while you're at it, also show me that KSP2 addresses many of the flaws that frustrate people in KSP currently. Show me that KSP2 doesn't have landing legs that become reactionless engines at random upon the slightest urging and fling me into a hyperbolic orbit above minmus, show me that Wheels, Landing Gear and bases all work properly and how they'd be expected to.

And if you just can't help the urge to talk and discuss, then do it to address the community like you're doing here. There's a sizable portion (Including me) who don't like the inclusion of Metallic Hydrogen engines in KSP2, and want to see a parallel tree of progressively more powerful Nuclear engines to be used instead. And also technical deep-dives on the foundational elements that were promised; the Physics LOD system that was mentioned time and time again could use much further explanation. Alongside the much mentioned "Improved modding support", and the nitty-gritty details there.

How will acceleration during timewarp function? How will interstellar travel work? Will there be a satisfying climb from 40's-50's technologies to the Near-Future Technologies that enable it? Will i be able to spend hundreds of hours in the Kerbin System before ever going interstellar? Or will it all be simplified and streamlined to the point where it becomes nothing but a backdrop to what amounts to a Science-Fiction show of our making?

Now i don't want any actual answers to those from you here, because i don't have any belief that anything you say right now is valid either way. But this all goes to my main point, and the one i want you to understand above all if nothing else in here sticks. In the coming months the success of KSP2 will come from showing what it does, how it's an improvement over KSP I and why anyone in their right mind should even consider buying it after all of this.

It won't be fun, it won't be pretty, and it won't make you any friends, but that's what will make the difference between KSP2 being a quirky footnote or a successful game in my mind.

I appreciate you reaching out, and i know this post will come off abrasive and downright rude. But the reason i posted at all is because despite my cynicism and doubt i know that some of my favorite games were forged in the fires of development hell, and that despite all of this with enough determination and leadership that KSP2 can still be made into a great game.

I'm all out of likes.

In summary:  KSP 2 needs to show and keep showing and keep showing more.  Telling ain't going to cut it anymore.

As well, people talk about "willing suspension of disbelief".  I think that's the wrong way to look at it.

It's really "willing extension of belief".  The difference is vital.

We've accepted Little Green Kerbals.

We've accepted weird small planetary bodies of impossible density that sort of work out as a smaller solar system.

Metallic Hydrogen is almost certainly limited to planetary cores and fantastically-high-pressure apparatus.  Because if there was a meta-stable form at lower pressures and temperatures, I think signs of it would have been seen by now.  It's no more practically useful than meta-stable Monatomic Hydrogen.

There are plenty of other near and far-future technologies that will work.

We're watching you.  Be seeing you.

Edited by Jacke
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@Nate Simpson  A little late for a direct response here, but I would like to bring something to your attention. We as the KSP community fear for the games' future and for your (As a team) treatment within Take Two Interactive as we have all experienced firsthand the corporate greed displayed by corporations like Take Two. I'm by no means saying they're the worst offender, but they are still under that umbrella that I think we all associate them with. As such, when you, Nate Simpson, creative director of KSP2 come out and make these promises that the game will be exactly what we've always wanted, I want to sooo badly believe every word of it. But the unfortunate truth here is that, now that you officially work for Take Two, for all we know they could've just told you to say these things to simmer us down. To make matters worse (And here's the part that scares me the most), if things go really south, you've now given Take Two the opportunity to say "Nate promised those things to you under his own volition. He however was not speaking on behalf of us." Essentially I'm afraid they'll not only take advantage of this to justify their wrong-doings (If such things occur) but also in the process, use you as their scapegoat. Realistically, until it's Cooke himself or Take-Two Interactive making these statements and promises, they mean nothing. That's not to downplay your credibility as a Superfan of Kerbal Space Program. We all believe that to be true. It's just that until this information comes straight from the horse's mouth if you will, we can't really sit back and relax. 

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