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KSP resolutions for 2021


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I don’t see a thread for this yet, so I’ll start one.

What’s your 2021 new year’s resolution for KSP? What goal have you never achieved in KSP but want to try? Any lost saves or half finished missions that you want to restart? A community challenge you want to complete?

I have three:

  • Land Kerbals on the Moon and Mars in my RP-1 career game, still a long way to go as I can’t even get a Kerbal into LEO yet;
  • Reboot my stock system career and finish off that pesky Gilly mission, though that could take several game years and I’m holding out for Kerbalism 4.0 to fix some annoying bugs with long term experiments;
  • Complete my JNSQ Jool exploration, which has made it to Tylo so far and is heading to Laythe, though the chronically low frame rates and game speed plus long burn times due to a big, heavy, high part count ship is a big disincentive.

And hopefully get some more chapters for Audacity done and posted too!

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There are a few things I'd like to do in 2021:

1. Spend more time playing KSP. This includes the saved game in 1.3 (the saved game I use for Kerny) and my new saved game in the current version of the game.

2. Be more active on the forums. It's been rough with the workload I've been doing this past academic year. And by being active, this includes moderator duties, working on image projects, etc.

3. Work on getting regular installments in Kerny's journal. Try to set out a new chapter every two weeks. 

4. Finish my planetary mod pack I've been working on since 2017. 

Even if I only accomplish some of these things, it will be an improvement over 2020.

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Finish writing "Lost on Laythe" at some point (I've got the plot laid out to the end, just need to write it) as I've left the crew abandoned there for a year or so now.

I should post a new image to "The Truth Can Now Be Told" too.

... but we all know about NY resolutions.

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For me it has to be the same goal I've had from first downloading KSP (in 2017).  I still have to figure out a way of getting back into orbit from the surface of Eve!

This is one I think I'm never going to pull off.  I've tried to design vessels myself to do this and failed miserably.  I've even downloaded craft files I know can do it as I've watched them on Youtube, and STILL I fluff it.  I think I'm just not an accurate/precise enough pilot to do this, but will obviously continue trying.

Apart from that, I'm not making any resolutions this year.  I intend to remain the mean-spirited, sarcastic, foul-mouthed lout you've all come to know and love so well! :D

Happy New Year everyone!

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My KSP-Plans for 2021 are:

1. land a kerbal on duna with kerbalism (please without a third save game break before the ship enteres duna orbit)
2. Visit all the Bodys of the Minor Planets Expansion Pack
3. Build up a fully reusable space program
4. Begin a career with Beyond Home, this Pack fascinates me since it came out and i want to use it now.
5. Finish my attempt to bring something into Orbit in RP-1.... so many of my brave kerbals died in X-Planes... i don´t want that they died for nothing :D

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1. Finish Stockalike Hypergols

2. Do more work on Kiwi Tech Tree

3. Make some parts that I think the game needs

4. Write Leonidas (Part 2!) Sorry that Part 1 kind of abruptly ended, part 2 will be more character-driven, which should give me better motivation to write it.

5. Kerbalism + JNSQ + NFT Duna expedition

6. Try RP-1 for once.

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I need to complete 7-10 more launches for my Laythe colonization mission. It's kind of a pain docking 100t+ things in orbit, and then I need to launch the RocketParts, fuel, and landers. Should be cool once finished though!

After that? Probably start a new game, but with even more Mods. I've actually been looking at KTT, because iit seems like an interesting revamp of the stock progression.

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  On 1/1/2021 at 8:21 PM, Poodmund said:

For me I'm sticking to 2560 x 1440.


I moved to this during and haven't looked back since.


Update Kerbalism Simplex.

Also NF and FFT with Simplex Resources.

Redo my career with an updated Kerbalism Simplex and light modded career with Simplex TechTree and Simplex Resources  in the stock system. Flags and footprints on all bodies 

Blog about this.

Then complete the same in a modded save with JNSQ.  This to include the Tetrix TechTree, Kerbalism Simplex and Resources, and NF and FFT suites.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 1/3/2021 at 7:46 PM, NHunter said:

1920 x 1080

Jokes aside, I'll return to Kerbol and explore all planets and moons there in my BH career and I'll explore Grannus in my GPP career


My resolution this year is 2560 x 1440. I upgraded last year :)

Actually complete a Simplex based career with Kerbalism Simplex, Simplex TechTree and Simplex Resources.  The only part mods being kerbalism, hullcamvds and restockplus.

By complete I mean flags and footprints on all stock bodies that can be landed on.

I also want to do the same in JNSQ but with the NearFuture Suite and the TETRIX TechTree.


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Since I started this thread, I’ve got as far as designing and testing my Moon landing system using a Gemini pod and a lander with lunar orbit rendezvous, and have a possible 1960 landing opportunity if I ignore everything else for a year, or 1961 if I do other missions to other places. I’m also now running that career in KSP 1.11.1, which is mostly fine except for the EVA jetpacks being broken due to the separate jetpack part not being recognised properly by configs written for the old system. That’s what happens when you upgrade to an unsupported version of the core game with a huge and complex set of mods, but I’m quite surprised that that’s the only real issue I’ve had after the initial configuration problems were ironed out within a day.

Hopefully the next chapter of Audacity won’t take 3 months like the last one did!

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- Finish my PC and re-install the game

- Land on the moon and come back successfully since I haven't done that in my 5 or so years of playing

- Play career mode and actually do good

-Watch more Scott Manley tutorials

I never really did much more than build in-atmosphere planes and I want to try and play the game better. I still don't know how to rendezvous in orbit or do a transfer burn or find a transfer window or consistently get to orbit, and I want to change that!

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