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[1.12.5] KSC Extended [3.0.3]


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Expand! Space Center! For (nearly) all your space program needs!

Originally made by @damonvv and now adopted by me (on his request).



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  • Statics grass colors for all supported planet packs (by disabling their built-in launch site module and adding Universal Spawn Points over them (they are currently visible for debug purposes)).
  • Major clean-up to the TSC (Tundra Space Center).


  • Runway to the TSC. Expect support for it in the JNSQ GAP contracts pack made by @Caerfinon.
  • Support for these planet packs:
    • Beyond Home (used a legacy version before Parallax as my GPU cannot handle it).
    • KSRSS (old school, 0.6.1). Questionable support for this in 2.5x scale due to known PQS issues.

Remaining issues or To-Do

  • Support for Edge of Eternity if requested.
  • Place a barge in the water downrange of the KSC for LVs with kOS to target, if requested. This might only make sense in 2.5x scale.
  • Support for upcoming fork of KSRSS.
  • Custom MapDecal for TSC to restore its original cliffside/seaside position on Squad Kerbin. It's somewhat far inland now due to using a plain square MapDecal.
  • Warning: I don't use KerbinSide so if support for that happens to break, it's not on me to catch up or fix that.
  • Not compatible with Galileo's Planet Pack. This may change... One of these days.
  • TSC is aligned nearly polar on Squad Kerbin but laterally on planet mods.


Recommended mods

Compatible with these planet packs

  • JNSQ
  • Beyond Home


  • MIT


Edited by JadeOfMaar
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35 minutes ago, CollectingSP said:

So if he’s no longer maintaining this, I’m wondering if TSC will be adopted at some point as well.

TSC (the asset pack) doesn't need to be adopted. There's no need to add or fix statics, and if I could make statics, I wouldn't make any that would belong in TSC.

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3 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

TSC (the asset pack) doesn't need to be adopted. There's no need to add or fix statics, and if I could make statics, I wouldn't make any that would belong in TSC.

Runways… Runways everywhere!

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I might be a bit picky, but can the facilities north of the runway at KSC be moved so that those hangar buildings etc. don’t have a gap between them and the runway’s edge? See the image at the top of the thread, the new SPH has a big gap to the runway and you have to taxi down the edge of the hangar tile then up the runway, whereas the stock SPH sits flush with the runway and taxiing is smooth tarmac to tarmac. It’s a thing in the old KSC Expanded too.

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11 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:


Hey, just spotted the adoption by pure chance. I noticed that KerbinSideRemastered is no longer listed as dependency, but only recommendation. It has initially been added with version 2.0 of KSCExtended (release notes).
Is this correct, should we move it from dependencies to recommendations on CKAN as well?

While I'm on it, the version file currently has a link to the repository as its "URL" property. However, the URL property is supposed to link to an online copy of the version file itself, if used. So in this case the value should be "https://github.com/JadeOfMaar/KSC_Extended/raw/main/GameData/KSCExtended/Version/KSC_Extended.version" or "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JadeOfMaar/KSC_Extended/main/GameData/KSCExtended/Version/KSC_Extended.version".

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@DasSkelett In spite of the gap between the runway and the north-side level 4 VAB which is meant to be filled by a KerbinSide road, I've always viewed KerbinSide as a recommendation, not a requirement, as KSC Extended is quite complete with only Omega's and Tundra's statics packs. But that might just be me, and maybe KerbinSide should stay as a requirement. (Or not? I'd like other users of CKAN and KSC Extended to weigh in.)

As for the version file issue, thanks for noticing. I'll fix that soon-ish. There are other little things I need to address.

@jimmymcgoochie Green text. ^ I could setup a thing where that gap is closed when KerbinSide is not installed..... Or use some thick edged triangle tiles to fill it.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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14 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

and maybe KerbinSide should stay as a requirement. (Or not?

I vote for recommendation.  If it is a requirement, then when it is installed as part of a JNSQ build then Kerbin Side Remastered gets installed into JNSQ and has to be removed manually. Best leave it up to the end user if they want it or not. 

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13 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@DasSkelett In spite of the gap between the runway and the north-side level 4 VAB which is meant to be filled by a KerbinSide road, I've always viewed KerbinSide as a recommendation, not a requirement, as KSC Extended is quite complete with only Omega's and Tundra's statics packs. But that might just be me, and maybe KerbinSide should stay as a requirement. (Or not? I'd like other users of CKAN and KSC Extended to weigh in.)

Thanks for explaining the technical details behind this, always helps understanding why things are like they are.
I'm going to move it to a recommendation then for now, since that's what you as the author have in mind. If you change your mind some day, because users don't stop asking about the empty space, just let us know :P

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On 7/5/2021 at 2:17 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

There are a lot of whispers about roll programs around the KSC now, though.

Lol! If there are issues with the spawn point orientations and size limits, let me know. I'm seriously waiting for feedback on that.

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11 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Lol! If there are issues with the spawn point orientations and size limits, let me know. I'm seriously waiting for feedback on that.

My feedback is that I'm enjoying the orientations. Since I don't mash the D key to get to space, my guidance systems have adapted without issue :D   I've used all the KSC pads, and spawned at several others just to see them. I also Bumblebee'd all over the row where TSC 46 is just to visually check it out - and everything looked great.

You'll turn off the visible spawn points in a  future release, or is that something I need to do on my end?

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On 7/6/2021 at 3:58 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

You'll turn off the visible spawn points in a  future release, or is that something I need to do on my end?

That's for me to do. They're visible for troubleshooting.

On 7/6/2021 at 3:58 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

My feedback is that I'm enjoying the orientations.

TSC on Squad Kerbin or on JNSQ Kerbin? TSC's orientation is different between Squad Kerbin and any planet packs.

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32 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

TSC on Squad Kerbin or on JNSQ Kerbin?

All JNSQ. I'm doing a bunch of moon stuff right now and had 3 launches lined up at the KSC at the same time ... it was glorious, and expensive. I'll try more of the off-equator sites this weekend but so far everything is great! I was very fortunate  recently to get some great info from blackrack on the scatterer thread about AA settings, and your KSC was featured heavily :)

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The most recent version of KSC Extended doesn't seem to work with JNSQ. I've tried launching the game without mods other than KSC Extended with all of its dependencies and it worked out fine, but it doesn't work when I launch the game with JNSQ.

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Quick couple of requests:

Could you rotate the vehicle spawn position about 90° to what it was in the old mod?

And would it be possible to raise/flatten the terrain around the JNSQ KSC to fix the floating trees and LC-39?

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Release 3.0.1

  • Added TSC custom MapDecal.
  • Fixed TSC heading and position on Squad Kerbin.
    • Made it cliff-side as it should be.
  • Fixed TSC heading and position on KSRSS Earth.
    • Made it cliff-side as it should be.
    • It's supposed to be in California, not Florida.
  • Updated spawn points (rotated 90deg counterclockwise and made them invisible).


On 7/13/2021 at 4:19 PM, VostokV5 said:

The most recent version of KSC Extended doesn't seem to work with JNSQ. I've tried launching the game without mods other than KSC Extended with all of its dependencies and it worked out fine, but it doesn't work when I launch the game with JNSQ.

If you're on KSP 1.12, I can't help you. I have no incentive to get on that version myself, in which case, maybe there's some fundamental KK breakage going on. Alternatively, did you install CustomPreLaunchChecks which is included beside KK? That's a hard dependency for KK itself.

Lastly, you may be using a very old version (where this problem existed) but you think you have v3.0... I've had this issue of "you think you have the latest" a few times with OPT Spaceplane.

On 7/14/2021 at 7:28 PM, thunder175 said:

Was there ever an acceptable resolution for use cases with KK additions and rescaled systems with SigmaDimensions? @Sigma88, is KKtoSD still a thing here for this newly updated version?

I'm not sure I get it. But at the time KKtoSD was necessary, the KK bases had a different config syntax or they were setup very wrongly (I know this is the case with GPP, and will be so until I finish remaking those myself). The distance between statics was somehow dependent on the terrain tile size and so, that distance between them increased as the planet was enlarged via rescale. Aside from in in GPP, KKtoSD should no longer be required.

On 7/15/2021 at 5:01 PM, KeaKaka said:

Quick couple of requests:

Could you rotate the vehicle spawn position about 90° to what it was in the old mod?

And would it be possible to raise/flatten the terrain around the JNSQ KSC to fix the floating trees and LC-39?

Spawn point rotation: done. Note: I am not a rocket person so I was not aware of what the default orientations should have been. I've been advised, however, so it should be fixed now.

I've tried to fix that but not yet succeeded.

On 7/16/2021 at 2:41 AM, EndAllFilms said:

Why is there a blue circle in the 39A and B and all the tundra launchpads?

The spawn points were visible for debug purposes (as I said in the opening post). Debug should be done now so they're no longer visible.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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............Hi 0_0

I just witnessed what is probably the weirdest glitches in the history of my time playing KSP :0.0: :0.0: :0.0: 

Just..... take a look and see for yourself....



I don't know what the actual crap this is  

I don't know if this is a problem with this mod (and the mods it requires) or JNSQ - I will paste this post in both threads :/ 

It could be that some mods I am using are outdated - that is my best guess :P :P :P 

But I was also running the game before this happened, with the it working perfectly fine! :confused:

I'm running in 1.11.2 with the latest versions of all mods I am using




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