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Kerbal Space Progam 1.12.2 is live!


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7 hours ago, Anth12 said:

Locking docking ports ONLY allows autostruts through, it was never made to fix the drift.

Yep. Definitely an issue. Here's my bug report that I did for this on the 18th of July


1.11 and all previous versions crafts with docking ports and excluding robotics would snap back into position on timewarp/reloading scene.

This doesn't happen in 1.12, the video in my bug report shows the test craft (with 1 docking port) giving a little each time timewarp is disengaged.

In my opinion 1.12 is broken unless they give us at least a docking port variant that is using the old code. It confuses me why @SQUADare ignoring this issue.

I love 1.12 except for the rotational docking ports causing drift.


I really wonder why we only get silence on this topic. We already spotlighted this showstopper issue already in the 1.12.1 thread intensively. @SQUAD, @Just Jim ... Can we please get a statement on this issue? Can we get a bugfix on this, as it prohibits any complex space structure (station/vessel) to last. Or are the complex-things-builders doomed to stay on 1.11.2 with all it's other bugs? Is this issue in the scope of the remaining bugfix team? 

Please communicate to us. 

Edited by Rakete
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4 hours ago, serdan said:

Open source can have restrictive licensing. They could allow pull requests from fans while retaining full rights.

As for competition, if they do a good job on the sequel it'll only be die hard fans who continue playing the original (and most of those will buy the sequel regardless).

They're probably not going to do it, because corporations are gonna corporate, but the arguments against aren't nearly as strong as you'd think.

My point is that I can't see any commercial gains to be found for Take Two.

And as a commercial company they're obligated to seek the best economical solution for their owners.

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Since the update i cant use my SAS properly anymore (from 1.12.1 savefile) in carrier modus.  The Button is shown and some  features work like stabilization, but other like maneuver or target  arent even displayed. I wonder if anyone else have the same problem.


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1 hour ago, Rakete said:

I really wonder why we only get silence on this topic. We already spotlighted this showstopper issue already in the 1.12.1 thread intensively. @SQUAD, @Just Jim ... Can we please get a statement on this issue? Can we get a bugfix on this, as it prohibits any complex space structure (station/vessel) to last. Or are the complex-things-builders doomed to stay on 1.11.2 with all it's other bugs? Is this issue in the scope of the remaining bugfix team? 

Please communicate to us. 

Thank you for logging this. We are aware of the issue.

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45 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Thank you for logging this. We are aware of the issue.

Okay, than i will modify my question slightly: Will this issue be in focus for the next "here and there when needed"-minor-bugfix-update? This bug is unfortunately a major one. 

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@Just Jim A work around with a old docking port variant (that uses the old code) is all that is needed in my opinion for KSP 1.12 to be viable, this bypasses the drift that is a lot harder to fix. 

Edited by Anth12
I already said this...nm
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2 hours ago, Anth12 said:

@Just Jim A work around with a old docking port variant (that uses the old code) is all that is needed in my opinion for KSP 1.12 to be viable, this bypasses the drift that is a lot harder to fix. 

I think there's another option.

Instead of changing an already deployed and in production code (the new DockingPort Module), I think a new (custom) module can fix the problem: Every time the craft goes on rails, the module would save the current attachment positions of its Part, and once the craft goes off rails, the module would restore these values. Additional benefit is you being able to patch this module on any needing part, and not only on Docking Ports - any similar glitch on any other part would be fixed with a new MM patch.

I will give this a try this WeekEnd on KSP-Recall, let's see if I manage to pull this stunt.

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Here is a mod I've created that will fix the stock docking port drift.

NOTE: This fix ONLY works for docking ports that are LOCKED or Undocked!

It will not fix docking ports that are unlocked and docked!!! So the bottom line is leave your docking ports LOCKED unless you are actively rotating them.

Thanks @Anth12 for helping me test it.


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1 minute ago, Anth12 said:

I am sure its not that simple. But you have peaked my interest @dok_377

Let me see if I can make the code for the docking port drift work for robotics even in a limited form

There surely has to be a way. That one fix would literally change the whole game and improve it immensely. 

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@JPLRepo thanks a lot for this, why not make it stock? I would guess, you can put it in 1.12.3 as Lead engineer.

Also: does the effects of the Mod also take affect on mod-dockingports like the ones from @Nertea's packages (Restock, NF Launch Vehicles, NF Construction, etc?) or will they have to actively made compatible to use your docking port stabilizer?

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18 minutes ago, Rakete said:

@JPLRepo thanks a lot for this, why not make it stock? I would guess, you can put it in 1.12.3 as Lead engineer.

Also: does the effects of the Mod also take affect on mod-dockingports like the ones from @Nertea's packages (Restock, NF Launch Vehicles, NF Construction, etc?) or will they have to actively made compatible to use your docking port stabilizer?

Depends on what module the mod uses. If it uses the stock module then yes. If it uses its own module then no.

as for making it stock, you did read the opening post of this thread yeah?

17 minutes ago, Anth12 said:

My coding is limited to creating a mod that can display parts coordinates. How I make the ModuleManager hook into the code I am not sure yet.

I will take a look tomorrow at what I can do about the robotic drift. But that’s a different problem with bigger issues you have to deal with than the docking ports. But will see what I can do.

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1 hour ago, JPLRepo said:

as for making it stock, you did read the opening post of this thread yeah?

Sure but it did also preface that statement with: "Even though we still may release a minor patch here and there when needed..."

I guess it depends on how 'game-breaking' this issue is to be judged alongside others like persistent issues with the new alarm clock and ground anchors. I would hope to see a 1.12.3 at some point, not soon... but at some point, to give the game one last pat on the head.

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20 hours ago, Curveball Anders said:

My point is that I can't see any commercial gains to be found for Take Two.

And as a commercial company they're obligated to seek the best economical solution for their owners.

You seem to be implying that they're legally prevented from doing the thing, That's silly. Requiring every single decision to be directly profitable would be insane. Open sourcing KSP would fall under "community care/relations" which is something they already spend resources on. I've already granted that it's not going to happen in reality, but it's absolutely something they could do.

Edited by serdan
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3 hours ago, JPLRepo said:

as for making it stock, you did read the opening post of this thread yeah?

Yeah, but i'd consider it a bugfix of the base game of ksp ("here and there when needed") not a feature increment. :sticktongue: This means, the base game will not receive this as a bugfix?

Anyway, thank you for this. 

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