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KatnisssCapeCanaveral for KSRSS v1.0


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33 minutes ago, Death Engineering said:

Is this only when on the KSC overview screen, but normal everywhere else?  There was a mod that caused that bug at one point...  harmless mostly harmless.

ooh i haven't checked if it's fine or not during flight
i'll try that next time i encounter it

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1 hour ago, Arthurism said:

ooh i haven't checked if it's fine or not during flight

It's not.

I have a very minimal install where this is happening to me, too. Here are some things I'm extremely confident about:

- there are no modifications of cfg files happening. The mod remains binary identical to the distribution files whether the game starts up and works, or whether it starts up and fails. This is easily confirmed by observing that MM doesn't recreate the cache on startup.

- I cannot deny that although it completely defies logic, there does appear to be a cyclic nature about the failures. In other words, it will work for a few starts, and then not work for a few starts, rinse, repeat. These are restarts where identical keystrokes/mouse clicks are performed at every start, and different results are observed after loading the same game every time. I'm also doing identical keystrokes/clicks to exit, since I know KSP can write things at exit that change the next startup. I'm the first to say that this observation sounds insane, but something is causing this, and it's not a cfg change.

- The one glimmer of hope that I had for a brief moment was a difference I found in the persistent.sfs file that had to do with KK's initialization. After further testing, the difference seems to not affect the actual outcome of the issue. In other words, it can fail or work with or without this initialized flag being set.



I've spend a lot of time restarting KSP over and over and don't really have the drive to pursue this much farther. Hopefully someone will discover what's up with this.


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On 6/2/2022 at 11:24 AM, DeadJohn said:

This album shows some of my problems https://imgur.com/a/ZXySOW9

This looks like a bunch of KSC Extended and other KK stuff which isn't supported 

17 hours ago, GoldForest said:

Does the crawler work in 1.12.3 do you know?

No reason it shouldn't just need KSPWheel

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6 hours ago, TruthfulGnome said:

This looks like a bunch of KSC Extended and other KK stuff which isn't supported 

You are correct about KSC Extended. I removed it and can launch planes from the normal runway now. Thanks.

You should add the KSC Extended conflict to the top post. Since KSC Extended is in KSRSS' list of supported mods, other users might already have that installed before they discover this mod, and like me not realize they need to uninstall Extended.

Note that the first restart after removing KSC Extended triggered the map decal problem. A 2nd restart brought the decal back.

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I think the latest KSRSS Reborn (as of https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS/-/commit/79108ac108493ba1834209c3314065f35b6fa686) on Sep 5th 2022, changed the name of "Earth" to "Kerbin" so Parallax would work. However this breaks this mod if you've downloaded KSRSS Reborn from gitlab since then and are only using V1.0 of this mod from the releases on GitHub.

I believe using the master branch direct will fix it.

  • If you only see the map, with the KSC on, but no other KK statics, as @Fabled_Mikehas mentioned then you'll likely have this problem.
  • Check the file GameData/KSRSS/Configs/03_Earth/03_Earth.cfg - if it says "Body { name = Kerbin" near the top, then you'll need the master branch of this mod.
Edited by 610yesnolovely
Use master branch, not 1.0 - d'oh
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10 hours ago, 610yesnolovely said:

I think the latest KSRSS Reborn (as of https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS/-/commit/79108ac108493ba1834209c3314065f35b6fa686) on Sep 5th 2022, changed the name of "Earth" to "Kerbin" so Parallax would work. However this breaks this mod if you've downloaded KSRSS Reborn from gitlab since then and are only using V1.0 of this mod from the releases on GitHub.

I believe using the master branch direct will fix it.

  • If you only see the map, with the KSC on, but no other KK statics, as @Fabled_Mikehas mentioned then you'll likely have this problem.
  • Check the file GameData/KSRSS/Configs/03_Earth/03_Earth.cfg - if it says "Body { name = Kerbin" near the top, then you'll need the master branch of this mod.

V1.0 is for older KSRSS which is why it isn't supported. the master branch is for KSRSS Reborn

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7 hours ago, TruthfulGnome said:

V1.0 is for older KSRSS which is why it isn't supported. the master branch is for KSRSS Reborn

Oof, my bad... sometimes it's hard to know if "Releases" are current on various GitHub projects, or the master branch is better (or not). Happy to live dangerously.

Thanks so much for the mod (and thanks @Katniss218 for the original), looks pretty, and especially like the alternative runway having collision (trying out older alternatives I got surprised when I sank into the sea).


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