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More from day 3: home-made battery display thing, about 200 lines of source code.



For those who want to know, it just reads from  /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity  (percentage) and  /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/state  (for state: charging/discharging/unknown)

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Having a fire in my chiminea right now. Probably a stupid idea as its 83°F with 71% humidity but there is something primal and soothing about a fire. Id share a pic but i forget my login with imgur and doubt i can put a pic here direct from my iphone


The wind shifted a bit and caused a mini fire tornado in my chiminea. Pretty cool to see!


kinda shocked at how hot this fires burning… wood is something in the bass wood family. Super light weight, burns fast, burns HOT and likes to give off a ton of sparks when it pops!


alas my fire is but coals and embers now. Was a nice fire, but im happy to be back in the ac.


Edited by AlamoVampire
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  • 2 weeks later...

Completed a report of 30,000 words. Have to say, after we changed to a younger team leader, everything goes better - at least I won't be suspected by the annoying leader that I'm being distracted by listening to the videos playing symphony while I'm writing things at work.

Edited by steve9728
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Cursed Github. They want me to "enroll" into 2FA (2-factor authentication), but they only provide ways to do it with a mobile phone, which I have none of. (for reasons.) So in 30 days I'll no longer be able to log in on Github >:(
Well, they've lost a user. I hope they're happy.

Also, the use of the term "enroll" is well... Usually, when you "enroll" into something, it's the army.

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29 minutes ago, Nazalassa said:

Cursed Github. They want me to "enroll" into 2FA (2-factor authentication), but they only provide ways to do it with a mobile phone, which I have none of. (for reasons.) So in 30 days I'll no longer be able to log in on Github >:(

If you'd rather stay on Github, you could try to follow thew instructions for the recommended Android app (that is FreeOTP, if I remember correctly ), but use a compatible TOTP generator for your desktop environment instead ("oathtool" is a good choice for Linux, for Windows or MacOS I don't have any idea). Should probably work out of the box, different TOTP implementations are usually compatible. And worst case is it doesn't work and you are in the same situation as now...

Edit: Googling for '"oathtool" "github" "2fa"' came up with this as the first hit: https://docs.github.com/de/organizations/keeping-your-organization-secure/managing-two-factor-authentication-for-your-organization/managing-bots-and-service-accounts-with-two-factor-authentication So just pretend you are a bot and follow the instructions, and you should be set :D


29 minutes ago, Nazalassa said:

Also, the use of the term "enroll" is well... Usually, when you "enroll" into something, it's the army.

Could also be a university (at least over here in Europe). Although they tend to use the Latin "immatriculate" (which even literally translates to English as "enroll").

Edited by RKunze
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1 hour ago, RKunze said:

If you'd rather stay on Github, you could try to follow thew instructions for the recommended Android app (that is FreeOTP, if I remember correctly ), but use a compatible TOTP generator for your desktop environment instead ("oathtool" is a good choice for Linux, for Windows or MacOS I don't have any idea). Should probably work out of the box, different TOTP implementations are usually compatible. And worst case is it doesn't work and you are in the same situation as now...

It works :D

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i worked on my hovercraft, still doesn't have enough power to hover. either all my 18650 cells are trash, or they are too heavy. thinking about chucking it in the dumpster after unceremoniously ripping out useful parts. i think ive been working on it for five summers now. 

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i saw saturn through a 70mm refractor. the magnification was 120x and it appeared as a small disc to me with a noticeable cut where the rings were. (i couldn’t see the actual ring unless i was on a lower magnification). the telescope itself is 3 years old and was only used twice before this, because i thought it broke. turned out not to be the case!

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We got free tickets to SeaWorld this summer. ("Free" tickets. They were veteran appreciation tickets, so technically I paid for them with the best six years of my life.) But we had to use them before Labor Day, so we drove out to California this weekend, spent a couple days with my in-laws, then spent Monday down at SeaWorld. Just got back this evening. Always a good time.

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I flew from Tokyo to San Francisco and am now in the terminal waiting to go home to Portland.

I didn’t take my medication before leaving Tokushima in Japan ~36 hours ago, so I felt like absolute garbage when I got off the plane.

It didn’t help that I had a much harder time sleeping on the plane for some reason (probably the lack of medication). I slept like a baby on the flight to Japan.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am currently in the process of creating my own pakset for simutrans, and I just spend a few hours today trying to find why it did a floating point exception. Turns out it's in one of the  ground.*.pak , more precisely, there is (was now) a missing image for outside.dat. Fixed now.

Edited by Nazalassa
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Currently? Resisting a very strong urge to take my computer outside and beat it with a bat. I just want to do a flight in flightsim and im fighting my computer. Itself wants updates, my sim wants updates, my payware aircraft want updates, my charts want updates, my gpu wants updates…. Then it said bandwidth was too low for data streaming…. Im getting 234-235mbps down and 23mbps up which is my normal… ugh


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