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[1.12.x] Psi Wedge (May 21, 2024)


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Made with permission from @Daishi, one of the creators of the Universal Storage 2 mod and aimed at compatibility with @Angel-125's Wild Blue Industries suite of mods and adding value to undersea exploration and microsat design. Notable features include:

  • Racks have height variants (1, 2 or 4 rows). The 2.5m and Buffalo 2 racks contain WBI science processors.
  • Integrated probe body wedges which include solar panel, battery, RCS and are cargo bays or inventory parts.
  • Experiment wedges are designed to require time and resources when started and only work when submerged. One or more experiments are concerned with ocean life and won't function on planets that are not whitelisted. As they may require several in-game days, submarine vessels have more reason to wait and hang around.
  • Milli-kit boxes fit the cargo bay wedges or will precisely fill the solar inventory wedges. The boxes' features can be installed into the host part (primarily the solar inventory wedge) via the WIP Rackmount mod.
  • High-volume (relatively, without the nerf of stock balancing) battery wedges can hold generous amounts of ElectricCharge.

Known Issues

  • Some wedge experiments are intended to have defined negative (undersea) altitude ranges. This feature does not appear to function. The affected experiments are the Bathymetry series and Goo Evolution series.
  • Indicator Lights integration might not work properly on the Milli-kit experiments.
  • Indicator Lights integration does not work on the experiment wedges. They do not use stock modules.


  • B9 Part Switch
  • Wild Blue Tools
  • Wild Blue Core


  • RackMount (WIP, not on CKAN)
  • Buffalo 2
  • Indicator Lights


  • FreeIVA and Connected Living Spaces (the racks that have hatches are crew passable)


DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock

Edited by JadeOfMaar
full release
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Guppalo submarine is setting sail reactor again loaded with new equipment.... and immediately sinks because liquid intakes on science containers rapidly flood it's ballast tanks :D I really like the idea of occasionally sinking because someone opened the wrong valve at the wrong time... or didn't close the right valve at the right time, this adds more fun to operating submarines.  Need to seal all ballast tanks before flooding the hull with seawater for science. 

Edited by Manul
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  On 2/20/2023 at 10:20 PM, stk2008 said:

this errror


That would be System Heat. I didn't test for that. You can ignore it, though. That particular B9 switch is only needed if you want to use the supercomputer parts in this mod to assist the same in the WBI mods for WBI's science gameplay.


  On 2/20/2023 at 9:58 PM, Manul said:

Guppalo submarine is setting sail reactor again loaded with new equipment.... and immediately sinks because liquid intakes on science containers rapidly flood it's ballast tanks :D I really like the idea of occasionally sinking because someone opened the wrong valve at the wrong time... or didn't close the right valve at the right time, this adds more fun to operating submarines.  Need to seal all ballast tanks before flooding the hull with seawater for science. 


Oops indeed. xD Well now I know that intake speed matters when underwater!

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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  • 4 weeks later...



Release 0.9.3

  • Added Fishing Drone wedge: Produces Fish resource every few hours. (Requires Buffalo 2 but not also Snacks and SunkWorks.)
  • Added CookBook / "Seafood Mis-adventures #1" basic experiment. (Requires Buffalo 2.)
  • Added (untested) support for the Experiments Take Time mod. Converts WBI experiments to stock-ish and makes them require time. I happened to stumble over it while looking for the mod for extended info for stock experiments. I decided I'd whip this up for folks who really want just the ocean experiments and might strongly not want the WBI mechanics surrounding them. Some experiments may be disabled in accordance with this option.
  • Fixed fuel tank patch problem that caused the fuel tank wedge to not appear.
  • Gave parts shiny material where needed.


Known issues

  • Cargo bays don't want to aero shield their contents.
  • Some Indicator Lights issues mentioned in the OP may remain.
  • Allowed Planets (a spoiler function where these experiments are concerned) has a toggle to not show but that toggle isn't currently functional.
  • Extra experiments on the Goo Response wedge and Bathymetry wedge become a cheat when there's no plugin for altitude ranges for experiments. Wild Blue Tools is currently the only mod that does provide for this.
  • Linux's mod(s) don't appear to give correct time values for the experiments.
Edited by JadeOfMaar
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More ocean science is exactly what I've been looking for! :D :D :D.

1 Question for clarity: If I don't have Linux's Experiments Take Time mod, do these experiments take longer than stock ones? (I don't mind if they do, just curious :D)


Never mind I am a blind fool who can't read XD. Just reread the OP and saw the answer. This is great! :D

Edited by nascarlaser1
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  • 1 month later...
  On 5/12/2023 at 9:32 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

That's right. ;)

Be sure to get Angelo Kerman's Sunkworks and Buffalo 2 for more ocean gameplay goodness.


Thank you for those mod recommendations, really adds "water" into the exploration equation!
Going for a swim, but also working on ensuring my capsules don't sink (actually a lot of fun with extra design) still testing the PSI Wedge system but I'm still early in my tech tree this career.

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  • 9 months later...

Release 0.9.5

  • Added CookBook basic experiment. (Requires Fishing Drone wedge on ship and Buffalo 2 mod installed.)
  • Added missing solar panel modules.
  • Disabled altitude tiers in deep sea dive experiments. The WBI plugin has not been confirmed to support them.
  • Updated cost, capability and CTT location of wedge RTG.
  • Updated localization in several places.
  • Updated subtype names in 1.25m rack. May upset some craft files.
  • Now available on SpaceDock

@JonnyOThan Ready for CKAN. Relationships in opening post.

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  On 2/22/2024 at 4:21 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Release 0.9.5

  • Added CookBook basic experiment. (Requires Fishing Drone wedge on ship and Buffalo 2 mod installed.)
  • Added missing solar panel modules.
  • Disabled altitude tiers in deep sea dive experiments. The WBI plugin has not been confirmed to support them.
  • Updated cost, capability and CTT location of wedge RTG.
  • Updated localization in several places.
  • Updated subtype names in 1.25m rack. May upset some craft files.
  • Now available on SpaceDock

@JonnyOThan Ready for CKAN. Relationships in opening post.


Would you mind checking the "add to ckan" box on spacedock?  That will automate a lot of the process.

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  • 3 months later...
  On 6/13/2024 at 4:45 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

I'm not sure what the case is (I see that the CKAN marker is missing on the spaceDock page) but this mod is indeed on CKAN.

@JonnyOThan your thoughts on this? Should I hit that tickbox again?


What's really weird, is that I had to manually update CKAN before I could see it. 

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  • 8 months later...

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