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What did you do in KSP2 today?


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I hit F5 every 30 µs, shoving my credit card into my CD tray, until Steam allowed me to download KSP2. While it downloaded and installed, I blacked out from excitement. Once it was finished, I launched it, created a campaign, and watched the intro cinematic. In the VAB, I built a tiny suborbital rocket to test things out, colored it in a tasteful neon green and purple, and was surprised to see that TWR had made it in already after that ESA event. I sent it to the launchpad, and listened to the countdown. At T-0, I lifted off the pad. While admiring the audio and music, at approximately T+5, I realized I had forgotten a parachute, and wept softly. So long, Bill and Bob. We love you, and thank you for your service.

Edited by whatsEJstandfor
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Well so far:

  • I've selected the new player experience and, well, experienced some of that.
  • I built a simple rocket to push Val close to space, realized I forgot the decoupler, deployed the parachute too early, and injected Val into the Kerbal oceans.
  • I reset to the VAB and built what should have been a simple orbiter. Got so far as plotting a maneuver node, getting set to initiate my burn, and pressing space instead of Z. Val's new fate? TBD.
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20 minutes ago, DwightLee said:

Downloading now, I could not be more pleased.

I am expecting a buggy, unoptimized, frustrating start, bring it on!

I could not be happier to be involved in the early days of what I expect will become the greatest game I will ever have.

( IM getting old, 67 years here )

I am even considering to buy it even without there being a linux client. I miss the fun I had with very unbelievably early access of the original KSP. If people get it the download version (non-steam/non-epic) running under Linux, I guess I will chip in.


It is nice meeting so many non-twentysomething people at a game release! Something cool and unique!

Edited by dr.phees
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