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What did you do in KSP2 today?


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1 hour ago, epaga said:

First time ever for me... it's a pretty impressive structure.

The Mun arches are cool. I guess I'm spoiled - the very first time I landed on the Mun in KSP (March or early April 2013?), I happened to be passing very low over the northern rim an equatorial crater where a Mun arch is located totally by accident. I ended up landing within walking distance. It was a pretty great introduction to the world of KSP to find something so surprising and delightfully mysterious so early after my exposure to the game. 

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With some slight difficulty, a few loaded saves and a couple of game restarts... I made it to the interesting Arch.

Was overall quite pleased with today's gaming.

Sadly I could not get a save where both my lander and booster/return ship survived the HorribleTerribleTraumaticKrakenSummoning experience of undocking.  So... Bob?  ...Enjoy the view!

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Well, I postponed visiting other bodies since... kraken... but decided to go for Minmus anyway. Man, the music in this f***g game. I've ditched the headphones immediately, and blasted in-game sounds on all of my speakers. Approach and landing felt so goddamn epic :sealed:

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1 hour ago, TickleMyMary said:

I logged in, entered the VAB and went to load up a craft... Nothing but stock craft in the list, again... Alt+F4 and called it a day.

I have faith this could be what we're all after, just not yet.

Yeah - not being able to see your own saved crafts is a letdown 

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I made a largish SSTO. Experimental and I don't know just how much dV it had upon reaching orbit because the readouts are broken but my empty test launch worked at least. Cargo bay is nice and centered around the CoM so it ought to be able to haul up something useful. It's built around the 3.75 m cargo bay. 

Also that big nuclear engine bangs. I hope they won't nerf it, it's just too much fun!


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Perfected my shuttle some more
I really hate how the MK3 cockpit has the RCS holes but no rcs, so they need placed manually
Made the wings better and more like the real shuttle in shape, I still hate procedural wings, but it is what it is at the moment.


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Built my first heavy ship and took a trip out to Jool and Vall. More pictures behind the spoiler tag!



Gotta say, the new Jool is gorgeous


Investigated this scar on Vall.


Turns out it was full of water at the bottom


Was quite the fun trip!


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10 minutes ago, Casellina X said:

For the people going interplanetary, how are you figuring out transfer windows? Just setting up a node and fiddling until you get an SOI intersection? Or are you actually doing some sort of planning work to get a maneuver?

I've just been fiddling for the most part. I learned a few tricks in KSP that allow me to fudge things a bit in KSP2 and still get there. 

My normal  'no plan' process is this:

1: Launch out from Kerbin to get 'close' to the orbit of my target planet.
2. Check the yellow dotted line that shows where the inclinations can be adjusted.
3. Set a maneuver on that line and use it to get the inclination in line.
4. Play with that maneuver to see if an intercept is possible near the AP. If not, just keep it on the inclination fix.
5. Warp warp warp until you see one of the two intercept markers get close. 
6. Set a maneuver near or at the PE and play with it until intercept.
7. Warp somewhat closer, but not to the sphere of influence.
8. Set another maneuver node and play with it until you can see the a few things: 
                a. The entry and exit points on the sphere of influence are in line with the plane of the system

                b. The exit trajectory is vastly changed, but still in line with the plane of the system.
9. Finally enter the sphere of influence, slow down time, and make final adjustments.

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54 minutes ago, Casellina X said:

For the people going interplanetary, how are you figuring out transfer windows? Just setting up a node and fiddling until you get an SOI intersection? Or are you actually doing some sort of planning work to get a maneuver?

Pretty much what @Xacktar stated, but with the added step of time-warping until the planet you wish to go to is in the actual transfer window.  You can use the following graphic to line up Kerbin and your chosen destination (roughly) so the amount of maneuver node fiddling is minimal (in the sense that minimal in KSP2 is rather maximal in KSP1).


For example, if you wanted to go to Duna, put Kerbin (the blue dot) on the right side of Kerbol at 0 on the x axis (as shown).  Then time warp until Duna is pretty much in a straight line above Kerbin.  That's your window.

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got my single craft deplorer of 12x units of my "Com-Links (because space needs WiFi too)" into orbit.
this is a lag monster.

it use 12 XL cargo bays placed alternated rotated 180 so they open to different sides, have solar on the underside as well for when ion deep space unit is attached.
its motor is docked for easy replacement, this is the 3rd stage, had first stage to get off planet and 2nd stage was same engine with side mounted drop tanks, 

here's the Com-link

here's a view of a single cargo unit, 
the design allows the Com-Link's solar panel to be used as well, increasing the overall available power for long ion boosts.


Previously deployed 3x into KSO with one above space center, and 3 in orbit around Mun

- rescue Tim C Kermin who is stranded in low Kerbin orbit. 
- send up the Deep space engine and dock onto craft
- send to Mun orbit, waiting for Mun to be "radial in orbit " (closest to sun), then escape into solar orbit on lower than Kerbin orbit, 
- deploy Com-Link's at equal spacing in same solar orbit as Kerbin
- retire Deployer by raising orbit to match moon's radial out and scrapping it on Mun by means of high velocity impact

Long term goal:
complete Com network by deploying 3x Com-Link into orbit around every planet and moon

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1 hour ago, Casellina X said:

For the people going interplanetary, how are you figuring out transfer windows? Just setting up a node and fiddling until you get an SOI intersection? Or are you actually doing some sort of planning work to get a maneuver?

I tend to use a combination of this porkchop plotter:  https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ and this visual guide https://ksp.olex.biz/

With the current maneuver node wonkiness, you'll be hard pressed to nail it exactly, so bring some extra dV for in-course corrections.

Oh - IMPORTANT - do your major timewarps to line up the planets before you launch, as KSP 2 limits your warp pretty badly while in ~100km orbit above Kerbin.

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6 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

Pretty much what @Xacktar stated, but with the added step of time-warping until the planet you wish to go to is in the actual transfer window.  You can use the following graphic to line up Kerbin and your chosen destination (roughly) so the amount of maneuver node fiddling is minimal (in the sense that minimal in KSP2 is rather maximal in KSP1).


For example, if you wanted to go to Duna, put Kerbin (the blue dot) on the right side of Kerbol at 0 on the x axis (as shown).  Then time warp until Duna is pretty much in a straight line above Kerbin.  That's your window.

Tried to go to Duna today using this handy-dandy map.  Except the planets won't move under full (or any) warp.  So... no trips for me.

If the planets don't align - y'aint goin nowhare!

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On 2/26/2023 at 11:21 PM, Peter Stephens said:

Jumping from a 750ti to a new shiny 4080. Final hardware arrives later this week.

For fun, tried on the old rig and got around 6fps at 1280x720 with low settings. Made it to orbit but was not the most pleasant rocket launch! Looking forward to trying on new hardware.

Took KSP2 for a spin on the new rig. Butter smooth with max settings at 4K resolution. Will see how well it works when I build the monster stations and bases ;-)

Didn't catch the frame rate but will report back when I have a bit more time with it.

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7 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Tried to go to Duna today using this handy-dandy map.  Except the planets won't move under full (or any) warp.  So... no trips for me.

I have seen this happen. It is a bug and lots of things are really getting kraken when it appears. I don't know how to reproduce it but my work around when it happens is to shut down the game ASAP and restart.

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I had a weird bug what where I executed a maneuver node that set me up for an intercept with Minmus, then I time warped for a bit and suddenly Minmus was on the opposite of Kerbin compared to the point where I was supposed to intercept. I did not have a save prior, so I am not sure if the trajectory prediction was bugged or whether it was Minmus's orbit.

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