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  On 5/19/2023 at 8:58 PM, LameLefty said:

Next month?  That's disappointing. A fix for the broken-since-launch SOI trajectory displays/calculations would have been much appreciated. :( 


IDK buddy, I really don't know why they insist on outlining the progress made on graphics fixes/tweaks, patch after patch, but nothing about the core stuff that's already been acknowledged that it needs fixing.

They must enjoy the flak.

Edited by GGG-GoodGuyGreg
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Remember guys - the entire squad team completed support for KSP1 to help Nate's team with KSP2. Imagine what would have happened to KSP2 without their help! But then we would get more patches for KSP1.


  On 5/19/2023 at 9:03 PM, Superfluous J said:

Are you on a deadline?


Actually, yes. Of course, I can consider myself immortal, because so far I have been quite successful in it, but something tells me that I have a deadline. Like all people.

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  On 5/19/2023 at 9:03 PM, Alexoff said:


Regardless, we’re feeling good about our progress in all areas and are confident that the next update will provide good performance, stability, and gameplay improvements.

No parts in this patch


Didnt say no parts only that they are confident that the next update will provide good performance, stability, and gameplay improvements.

that's what they are confident in.

they may not be confident they can add new parts but there's still a chance.

also gameplay improvements could be seen as new parts but that depends how you interpret what they said.

Guess we will have to wait to see though or for clarification from the devs.

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  On 5/19/2023 at 9:08 PM, Alexoff said:

Remember guys - the entire squad team completed support for KSP1 to help Nate's team with KSP2. Imagine what would have happened to KSP2 without their help! But then we would get more patches for KSP1.


Actually, yes. Of course, I can consider myself immortal, because so far I have been quite successful in it, but something tells me that I have a deadline. Like all people.


Nah, you've got time. And you have a way to spend it while waiting.

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  On 5/19/2023 at 9:01 PM, uglyduckling81 said:

Next month? So another 6 weeks? 

The headline feature of the patch is grid fins?


Bold of you to assume that the grid fins will actually be in the next patch. For all we know they're just showing off some new 3D assets that won't actually be fully implemented for some time yet.

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  On 5/19/2023 at 9:13 PM, LoSBoL said:

Nah, you've got time. And you have a way to spend it while waiting.


What else do you know about me?

  On 5/19/2023 at 9:13 PM, Fluke said:

Anytime you use the phrase "next week" in your life you literally mean Monday?


No, but I know a lot of people who do everything at the last moment and for whom "next week" means Friday.

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  On 5/19/2023 at 9:18 PM, Alexoff said:

No, but I know a lot of people who do everything at the last moment and for whom "next week" means Friday.


Given Intercept's past, doing anything in the predicted time window counts as a win - even if its just writing a message to announce further delays. 

Unfortunately it seems like patch 0.1.3 can't land in the predicted maximum of 7 weeks after the prior patch (4 weeks + 2-3 weeks more  would have put patch 0.1.3 at most at May 31, previous dropped April 12)  But at least now people know not to get their hopes up.

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Really just gotta release the dev stuff so modders can make the game great, KSP1 was understandable considering it was a small handful of people, but for some reason ksp2 devs have been slacking for years at this point. 

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  On 5/19/2023 at 9:25 PM, RocketRockington said:

Unfortunately it seems like patch 0.1.3 can't land in the predicted maximum of 7 weeks after the prior patch (4 weeks + 2-3 weeks more  would have put patch 0.1.3 at most at May 31, previous dropped April 12)


I imagine the announcement of the announcement of the release date of science. And we will be solemnly informed that science will appear in 2024... :D...;.;

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  On 5/19/2023 at 9:07 PM, GGG-GoodGuyGreg said:

IDK buddy, I really don't know why they insist on outlining the progress made on graphics fixes/tweaks, patch by path, but nothing about the core stuff that's already been acknowledged that it needs fixing.


It's a tough road to walk, too many "We fixed x bug" and people wont get excited, too much "look at this really cool thing we did!" and people will get bored. Personally I think stuff that could help here is 1. Show more of the wip big overhauls in video form. Stuff like here's a video of a spacecraft reentering or here's a test mortoc did to test out cbt would be great, and 2. Simply list more stuff. Stuff like, hey we're in the final stages of QA testing for this this and this bug and while we cannot confirm it yet we hope to get them out next patch would be great. 

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  On 5/19/2023 at 9:03 PM, Superfluous J said:

Great to hear progress is continually being made to make this the game I'll want to play.

Are you on a deadline?


Maybe not everyone enjoys being stalled.


But now you made me curious, what's it to you if people are eager?

According to your profile you don't own KSP2 yet.




  On 5/19/2023 at 9:28 PM, Strawberry said:

It's a tough road to walk, too many "We fixed x bug" and people wont get excited, too much "look at this really cool thing we did!" and people will get bored. Personally I think stuff that could help here is 1. Show more of the wip big overhauls in video form. Stuff like here's a video of a spacecraft reentering or here's a test mortoc did to test out cbt would be great, and 2. Simply list more stuff. Stuff like, hey we're in the final stages of QA testing for this this and this bug and while we cannot confirm it yet we hope to get them out next patch would be great. 


If they didn't recently slow down the patch rollout, I would have agreed that some people here, including myself, are difficult to satisfy.

But if you slow down patches, you only increase expectations for the next patch, which I really hope it's more about eye candy, and actually becomes a meaningful patch, like the partially addressed performance fixes.

Edited by GGG-GoodGuyGreg
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Since KSP 2 was annouced (almost 4 years already!) I said to myself "do not play the 1" (I played it since before the 0.18), just wait 8 months to be sure to be really wanting to play the 2. Then there was delays, but at least there was news with very cool things like colony, high tech engine,... And then, after years of waiting I bought KSP 2, and it was just so many bugs, so low performance and so few content that I was unable to enjoy it...

Now it looks like every week annoucement are slowly removing me the small hopes I managed to keep after the release... At first devs where looking like "OK, we have listened", and it is true, the first patch came relatively quickly and solved some bugs and improved performance also a little bit.  Then the second one came, more or less the same. And now "good news" the third one will be in June... I have lost most of my confidence that it will solve most of the issues, and the first true content (not just two news parts, I mean science, colony or even just heat) will come when? In 2024? 2025? Never?

I have followed a lot of games in early access and this is not looking like one that had a team working on it for more than 4 years and a big publisher behind.  I tried to enjoy this game, I so now I cannot refund it because I have to many hours... (some where to do benchmarks for the community).

The saddest things is that I do not want to play KSP 1 anymore due to all the hype I put in KSP2 during these years, and that was one of my favorite games


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  On 5/19/2023 at 9:28 PM, Strawberry said:

Simply list more stuff.


Yes, and your number 1. 

I really agree, as there is not too much communication regarding specific fixes. 

Still, this does not provide an excuse for two to three people to, probably unintenionally, derail a thread below a dev post again, merely an hour after publishing. 

I do guess that we should get another dev post over this weekend. Or am I wrong? I feel the Friday posts often are followed by a dev post that provides more insight. 

Edited by Sylvi Fisthaug
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  On 5/19/2023 at 10:08 PM, Sylvi Fisthaug said:

Yes, and your number 1. 

I really agree, as there is not too much communication regarding specific fixes. 

Still, this does not provide an excuse for two to three people to, probably unintenionally, derail a thread below a dev post again, merely an hour after publishing. 

I do guess that we should get another dev post over this weekend. Or am I wrong? I feel the Friday posts often are followed by a dev post that provides more insight. 


It is very rare to get communication over the weekend because people aren't working then. Very much do not expect that

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  On 5/19/2023 at 8:55 PM, Alexoff said:

Why are the hills far beyond the terminator line so illuminated? They don't get light.


Yep, totally agree with you. I find terrain illumination really really uggly since day one. Everything looks glossy and any hill reflects the sun like crazy even if it is not directly illuminated. It is not at the level of quality I was expecting, to say the least.

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