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KSP2 Release Notes - Update v0.1.3.0

Intercept Games

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31 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

Still missing fixes for 3 of the most annoying issues that have been around since launch day:

  1. Decaying orbits
  2. Invalid/incorrect trajectories
  3. Decoupled/undocked parts with probe cores unresponsive

Unless I missed seeing them in there, or in a previous patch, the game remains somewhat unplayable.

Same boat for me. I may try out the new parts, but I'll very unlikely dive back in until these are addressed. These 3 things are MVP for me.

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Thanks for your hard work.

I've tested 1.3.0 for 10 minutes and i see a massive improvement in performance, despite only marginal increase in fps (I think fps is only a tiny aspect of performance measurement). Good job! It doesn't make it only (more) "playable" for me, but actually smooth.

I hope the orbital decay bug will be fixed in 1.4.0, because this is one major point hindering me to play the game more often.

But again, thanks to all of you! Keep up your great work! :D

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These guys are making progress lets give them some breathing room and continue to point out what works and what needs improvement. I expect nate will point out more tomorrow. Lets try to keep the pitchforks at a minimum, they still working on some things lets give em lil break guys they working on it

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On 6/22/2023 at 10:04 AM, pbau5 said:

Same boat for me. I may try out the new parts, but I'll very unlikely dive back in until these are addressed. These 3 things are MVP for me.

I won't even launch the game unless these three get fixed.  The missions i want to do involve all three of these.  Back to KSP1.

EDIT:  I forgot that I have a mod that I wrote, and I did in fact have to test it with the new patch to make sure it still worked.  So the above statement about not launching until those three things get fixed, while mostly correct, isn't entirely correct.  I will still launch the game to test the mod's functionality.

Edited by Scarecrow71
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Thanks for the update. Personally, I don't see the point in playing until the trajectory bugs are fixed -- there is not much to do in the game as is other than just going to places and coming back, and if even just that is made impossible by bugs, then I really don't see the point in even downloading the game. Hope those bugs get fixed soon.

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21 minutes ago, TickleMyMary said:

What's with the missing engine sounds? Or, is this just another 'me' bug?

4 minutes ago, axtpg2i said:

I had the same problem. The problem seemed to go away temporarily after I restarted the game a few times.

Current workaround is a quick computer reboot. Bug report here.

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I ran into that bug where the launch button in the VAB stops working, but I wasn't able to reproduce it doing similar steps as I did right before the bug occurred. (I had deleted my current craft in flight using the right click "destroy" option in the map view).

If I run into it again I'll gather logs and post a bug report rather than trying to reproduce it.

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I just did a quick Mun mission stress test for the new patch, and wow. The performance is so much better now. I was genuinely impressed to see a consistent 60 FPS throughout the whole mission (occasionally down to 40 while launching). Then again, I have a pretty powerful rig with an RTX 3070, but now the game is much less of a drag to play! Great job on this one!

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Performance is great, I can look at Kerbin without losing a single frame. And my first rocket flew flawlessly, just like I was used to in KSP1.

However, 10 minutes cooldown between bug reports is a lot because it's been hilarious and I only played for half an hour.

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2 hours ago, Intercept Games said:
  • Fixed: trees vanish before they are completely off-screen

Does this mean I won't be flying around Kerbin in a "sphere of trees"? That would be really nice, seeing trees to the horizon...

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Performance seems much improved, on Medium settings with a GTX 1080, I was getting about 50fps on launchpad and 144 in space & vab.

I did notice the framerate dropped by quite a bit when looking at the clouds from above however. For example, in the KSC menu, scrolling out to get an orbital camera view, framerate was about 50fps, but when I raised the camera above the cloud layer, it dropped to 30-40fps. Similar situation during launch where the framerate would dip for a moment between getting through the cloud layer and LOD replacing the volumetrics with 2d textures.

44 minutes ago, axtpg2i said:

Reentry capsule

There seems to be a big problem here, many reentry capsule don't have the correct drag. They maintain high speeds even close to the surface and continue to accelerate.

Having the same issue here.

Was flying in a standard mk1 command pod with a parachute and heatshield, Launch seemed alright, but re-entry, coming in at about 500m/s was very janky.

For starters, the pod always wanted to lean heavily towards one side, even with SAS.

Then it started changing trajectory as if it was a high performance glider, adjusting course at 20g towards the opposite direction of wherever the nose was pointed.

Then I pointed the nose down, and it flung me up on a sub orbital trajectory 90km in altitude, and on the way back down, it briefly slowed down in the upper atmosphere, before accellerating to about 1km/s as I hit the ground.


3 minutes ago, WelshSteW said:

When is SCIENCE going to be in the game, rough guess?

Though, we dont know how many updates until, my estimate would be for the update after

Edited by RedderThanMisty
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1 hour ago, Kerbin Launch Coalition said:

That's a significant amount of fixes, shall download as soon as I'm home from work. Airbrakes are a welcome addition for me and I assume the fixed drag system means that my de-orbiting first stages will actually slow down now?

I wouldn't be too sure on that. While engine thrust may be continuous in ships not in focus for the purposes of interstellar travel, the aerodynamic physics may still be constrained to a physics bubble around the active vessel, which means your de-orbiting parts that leave the bubble will not succumb to drag unless Take2 can devise a performant low calculation way of handling that for parts outside of the bubble.

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Hi Devs, thank you for the patch.

I've played for two hours now. This is the first time I've really enjoyed this game. Now its smooth enough (GT 1660 Super) to enjoy it on my computer. Not the best FPS but the responsiveness is really good. Keep up the good work, Now it is playable.


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