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KSP2 Release Notes - Update v0.1.3.0

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4 hours ago, RedderThanMisty said:

Was flying in a standard mk1 command pod with a parachute and heatshield, Launch seemed alright, but re-entry, coming in at about 500m/s was very janky.

For starters, the pod always wanted to lean heavily towards one side, even with SAS.

Then it started changing trajectory as if it was a high performance glider, adjusting course at 20g towards the opposite direction of wherever the nose was pointed.

Then I pointed the nose down, and it flung me up on a sub orbital trajectory 90km in altitude, and on the way back down, it briefly slowed down in the upper atmosphere, before accellerating to about 1km/s as I hit the ground.

What in the what?! :o I kinda wanna test this for myself. Could be fun :sticktongue:

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7 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

Still missing fixes for 3 of the most annoying issues that have been around since launch day:

  1. Decaying orbits
  2. Invalid/incorrect trajectories
  3. Decoupled/undocked parts with probe cores unresponsive

Unless I missed seeing them in there, or in a previous patch, the game remains somewhat unplayable.


SMH... now we will have to wait another 2 months for these game breaking bugs... 


7 hours ago, Dakota said:

We'll have some updates to share tomorrow (in Nate's Dev Update) on bug fixes that slipped to v0.1.4 including trajectory changing through SoI and others.

I hope. 

Edited by ZeroGravity145
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Performance still not where I'd like it to be but a significant improvement and I can play without extreme annoyance now. I almost want to start my long term save now instead of waiting for science mode.

New engines are gorgeous.

I can report that the new drag bug also happens on Laythe. Yes, I did send a one way mission to Laythe...

Ship was the medium pod, small parachute, and medium heat shield, as well as two small drogue chutes, and upon Laythe entry at ~2.5km/s, it steered sideways and shot off in a complete other direction without losing much speed, and on the second pass it smashed into the ocean also not slowing down much.

Looks like the drag system is not as fixed as we had hoped, but for me at least this update has been a massive step in the right direction regarding playablility.

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If I got a dime every time

- a version of KSP changes its prize to $40

- a version of KSP is released with aerodynamic problems on the basic capsule that show that nobody bothered to test flying a basic rocket to orbit and back


I  would have $0.20, which is not a lot, but it is strange that it happended twice...

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11 hours ago, jclovis3 said:

While engine thrust may be continuous in ships not in focus for the purposes of interstellar travel, the aerodynamic physics may still be constrained to a physics bubble around the active vessel, which means your de-orbiting parts that leave the bubble will not succumb to drag unless Take2 can devise a performant low calculation way of handling that for parts outside of the bubble.

Maybe they could calculate a drag tensor for the whole ship as a rigid body when it leaves the physics bubble, although that doesn't help us determine when aero forces become too large and should cause RUD. Maybe there could be some way to estimate a max drag number somehow, which just deletes the vessel if exceeded. It's not a perfect solution, but still.

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Oh my days... What have you done with the drag? Is this the model you posted so proudly about a few days ago?

Came in for re-entry, no slowing down and then reach around 30k altitude and my Pe jumps to over 90k and I start heading back into space.

How have you made this game worse than it was before?

How have QA missed SO many easy to find bugs?

When can we expect a hotfix for these issues... Plus the list of other fixes you have in the patch notes that simply have not been fixed, the trees for example!

Waited over 10 weeks for this? What have you all been doing?!

Edited by TickleMyMary
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3 hours ago, cfds said:

If I got a dime every time

- a version of KSP changes its prize to $40

- a version of KSP is released with aerodynamic problems on the basic capsule that show that nobody bothered to test flying a basic rocket to orbit and back


I  would have $0.20, which is not a lot, but it is strange that it happended twice...

What you mean a version of KSP changed price to 40$?

are you taking about KSP2?


Overall, I have to join the others who are underwhelmed with the patch, so far I don’t see any benefit to the slowing down of patches, to me it looks like the previous two, expect for the couple of parts that were added, which for me don’t add enough for me to pickup the game again after several months.

The thing I’m most worried about is I don’t see the Science update coming next, it most likely is at least two patches away. Which seems Science would come towards the end of the year… not ideal at all.

I wish they were clear that the first roadmap item is going to be released towards the end of the year.  This is not what I expected when I bought day one (with the game being in “the final stretch” and all), and I would definitely would have waited if this intention was clearly communicated at launch. 

Edited by GGG-GoodGuyGreg
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Enjoying the new parts! Sadly loading saves is still incredibly unreliable, a mission has to be completed all in one go, else you highly risk your craft suddenly losing half its physics joints and being RUD'ed with no external force, incorrectly serialized or worse. 

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I don't understand, i can't reproduce the bugs you guys are writing here.

2 hours ago, Margoth said:

After a quick test I couldn't reach orbit due to bugs so I'm still calling the game unplayable

How the heck is this even possible.

3 hours ago, TickleMyMary said:

Came in for re-entry, no slowing down and then reach around 30k altitude and my Pe jumps to over 90k and I start heading back into space.

I can't do this, my return capsules are slowing down just fine. Or you are talking about airplanes? Because that one i have not tested yet.

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20 hours ago, Dakota said:

We'll have some updates to share tomorrow (in Nate's Dev Update) on bug fixes that slipped to v0.1.4 including trajectory changing through SoI and others.

"Slipped" to the next update TWO + months from now, ha?  Those are the most experience breaking bugs!  Please tell me these will be addressed before the next update in September.

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5 hours ago, TickleMyMary said:

Oh my days... What have you done with the drag? Is this the model you posted so proudly about a few days ago?

Came in for re-entry, no slowing down and then reach around 30k altitude and my Pe jumps to over 90k and I start heading back into space.

How have you made this game worse than it was before?

How have QA missed SO many easy to find bugs?

When can we expect a hotfix for these issues... Plus the list of other fixes you have in the patch notes that simply have not been fixed, the trees for example!

Waited over 10 weeks for this? What have you all been doing?!

I believe that they are trying to fix things, but it's painfully obvious that the people trying to fix the game either, don't know what they are doing, aren't familiar with the majority of the code and or, there are a lot less coders on the team than we are led to believe and they are completely overworked, frustrated and beginning to not GAF.  

I do have a few questions that need to be asked and I was hoping could be answered or addressed..  

Is the coding team that did the original work on KSP2 still with the dev team?   If not, how many of the original coders are still on the team?  If the current code team is relatively new and a large portion of the team is no longer on the project, why did the OG team leave? 

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8 hours ago, cfds said:

- a version of KSP is released with aerodynamic problems on the basic capsule that show that nobody bothered to test flying a basic rocket to orbit and back

Exactly the same thing I thought to myself when 10 minutes in to my first 0.1.3 flight and realized the drag and flight model of reentry for the Mk1 pod is completely FUBAR post update..

Wasn't there this whole post about the Q&A dept, how difficult things are for them to test, how many variables there are.. etc etc..   This was the simplest situation in KSP.  A 2 stage rocket with less than 10 parts, launched in a shallow suborbital trajectory with the simplest most basic pod..  Literally the most fundamental scenario possible that HAS TO WORK before anything else.  How do you miss this if everything the Devs are saying is true about the Q&A process?  You don't miss something this obvious, it's impossible.  The community is being lied to and it's obvious.   Each attempt that T2 or IG makes to try and gain credibility only further destroys it.  I don't even care anymore if negative feedback from the community is hurting team morale, something is horribly wrong and it's time something big is done to fix this problem or just sell the damn franchise and be done with it. 


Rant over..  



Edited by Buzz313th
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Perhaps due to the added transparency in recent dev updates I was quite looking forward to this patch, but it seems a prohibitively large amount of game-breaking bugs remain, despite us being promised that the less dense patch cadence would translate into bigger bug squashing and new feature implementation. Furthermore, judging from the posts above (I haven't played the patch myself), a handful of new severe bugs seem to have now appeared.

I can't lie, this patch has hit my optimism for the future of KSP2 quite hard. At the current patch cadence, the next patch should be sometime in early September, which means that more than 6 months after the initial release, a game based on interplanetary(/interstellar?) navigation and atmospheric flight will still have completely incorrect orbital mechanics and drag models, to mention just two of the major bugs currently plaguing the game.

Please don't take this as a personal attack on the devs -- for all I know, the bug fixing team could be severely understaffed and overworked, in which case the fault would be higher up the management pyramid than the game devs themselves. Sure, perhaps these bugs will be fixed eventually, but if it takes so long to fix such important and primitive bugs, then I reasonably cannot hope that the much more advanced features that have been promised will ever be implemented at an acceptable level. I just wanted to vent my feelings as I'm starting to feel irrecoverably pessimistic about the future of a game I would really love to love.

Edited by Frida Space 2
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9 hours ago, MilongaDelAngel said:

Maybe they could calculate a drag tensor for the whole ship as a rigid body when it leaves the physics bubble, although that doesn't help us determine when aero forces become too large and should cause RUD. Maybe there could be some way to estimate a max drag number somehow, which just deletes the vessel if exceeded. It's not a perfect solution, but still.

They already have an uncontrolled altitude limit that deletes falling debris, but if the Pe of that debris does not pass below this limit, it will not drag without some general algorithm to make it do so.

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1 hour ago, Buzz313th said:

Exactly the same thing I thought to myself when 10 minutes in to my first 0.1.3 flight and realized the drag and flight model of reentry for the Mk1 pod is completely FUBAR post update..

Wasn't there this whole post about the Q&A dept, how difficult things are for them to test, how many variables there are.. etc etc..   This was the simplest situation in KSP.  A 2 stage rocket with less than 10 parts, launched in a shallow suborbital trajectory with the simplest most basic pod..  Literally the most fundamental scenario possible that HAS TO WORK before anything else.  How do you miss this if everything the Devs are saying is true about the Q&A process?  You don't miss something this obvious, it's impossible.  The community is being lied to and it's obvious.   Each attempt that T2 or IG makes to try and gain credibility only further destroys it.  I don't even care anymore if negative feedback from the community is hurting team morale, something is horribly wrong and it's time something big is done to fix this problem or just sell the damn franchise and be done with it. 


Rant over..  



The drag issues they were fixing were only for horizontally constructed craft. Perhaps they didn't spend as much time testing vertically constructed craft since this isn't where they were working.

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