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Patch v0.1.4.0 Patch Timing Update


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1 hour ago, LUCINNDA said:

I have never paid €50 for a pre alpha before. I back to this forums since 2 month and just find a new delay to fix a performance bug, While..... Baldurs Gate 2: New patch 1000 bug fixed (one week later from lunch the game) for 25€ and totaly playable game. 
Ksp was my favorite game. It has become my most hated game.

I love BG3 too, it's great!

I don't think that's a fair comparison though, Larian has been around for more than 25 years and has made 7 similar games and 9 other games, and also they have more than 400 people on their payroll. They've had loads and loads of practice!

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Honestly, if I were an investor involved in this mess I'd pull my money ASAP.

At the time of release in early access the game was already 4 years in development. Now, half a year later there is ZERO progress. The game is basically unplayable. And even if it weren't for the bugs, counting just the implemented features, the game is pretty much a downgrade from KSP1 in every way.

Yet, you continue to mess this up without a care in the world. 

According to steamchart, the player count peaked at 203 in the last 24 hours. Currently, no one is playing this game.

You only get so many chances before this game is inresurrectibly dead. We don't want that. But it looks very much like you don't care either way...

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4 hours ago, 2High4Space said:

"We're verifying the changes and are currently targeting early next week for the release of KSP v0.1.4.0."

thank you for keeping us up to date and keeping your promises (not)
can i get my money back?

If you bought on Steam and are past the automated window, you can fight it out with Support (NOT the automated refund method, but a support request). Depending on where you live, check your country's laws, as you might be eligible for a refund independently of Steam's guidelines. Be insistent, be assertive, and for the love of god make a good argument past "game bad".

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It’s like they picked the worst of both worlds. 
Talking a lot at times but only about insubstantial stuff (amas with softball questions, dev insights into features that were supposed to come a brief window after launch)

And then trying to change to a “under promise over deliver strategy” without acknowledging or wrapping up the loose ends of everything they’ve already discussed (reentry heat video was supposedly supposed to come out 11 days ago, has since then not been even acknowledged) all the while not actually delivering everything.

It’s like they keep flip flopping on how much to talk thinking that’s the reason the player base is grumpy when, if the game was making progress, they could talk a lot or not at all and many would be happier. Because the communication style isn’t the reason for the backlash, the state of the game is the reason. 

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15 minutes ago, moeggz said:

It’s like they picked the worst of both worlds. 

The PR strategy of KSP2 has always been side to side. First rare big videos, then short Friday videos every two weeks, then sudden silence since last October. Even the patches are uneven - sometimes big patches, sometimes two hotfixes in the summer, now hotfixes are not promised again.

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2 minutes ago, RalphKerman said:

But the lack of communication is really frustrating, just a little heads-up, a bit of "hey, we are making <good|slow|no> progress on x, y and z ...." would be really appreciated and would increase trust in the team.

Except it hasn't increased trust in the team thusfar. It's a catch 22 for them, so maybe at some point they will or have come to the conclusion that if they are going to get beat with a stick either way, better to make them follow you rather than present yourself for the beating.

1 hour ago, uglyduckling81 said:

So early week has come and gone.

Wednesday and still no patch?

Hold off on this for another 24 hours. It's still midday Tues on the US West Coast. I was ready for it yesterday, because I like to be on the early side of early when I'm excited for things, but when I'm not excited for a thing I'm on the late side of early when I say I'm going to be early.

2 minutes ago, RocketRockington said:

Another option - the patch is already finished, but they are not releasing it until their crack team of white-hat hackers have defeated the evil reddit-bot master villain, so the patch notes won't suffer from all those downvotes.  They are currently doing battle in the Matrix.

Currently creating another bot army to fight the first, which is what's slowing down development.

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28 minutes ago, Socraticat said:


Not yet... but it will be soon.  @Dakota maybe troll us next time by saying download will be available by 11.59pm on a date...

Samoa Standard Time
Time zone in American Samoa (GMT-11)
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This thread is for news about the upcoming patch. Off-topic posts only serve to make it harder for people to find that news. Please stop with the jokes and harsh remarks. Any more off topic posts in this thread will receive warns. 

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7 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

Reminder that @Dakota said they *aimed* to get it done this week. They didn’t say it *would*. I know, reading is hard and we’re all salty but holding the dev team to promises never made is just plain silly.

Check the official tweet above.

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5 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

What tweet? 

Patch v0.1.4.0 is getting the last little bit of polish and will be ready for all players to download on August 30th

You can see it on the right side on forum's main page. Discord and Tweeter stuff.

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