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KSP2 Release Notes - Update v0.2.1.0

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So many quality-of-life fixes! And this update came so fast after! I love how this update snuck up on me, and it's even better because I've already been having an order of magnitude better time since dropped than I did from February to December. I can't wait to see what KSP2 greatness we see in 2024!

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5 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

If I knew, I'd stop doing that and try something else!

For me they almost never open.  Like, I'll have 4 chutes and only 1 will open.  And I have seen it that none of them open.  Keep in mind that what you experience may not necessarily be what anyone else experiences.

...he said without actually giving the work-around.  I simply cannot land on a body with appreciable gravity and an atmosphere without parachutes.  As I said above:  what you experience is not necessarily what others experience.  For me, the game is unplayable until this is fixed.  And considering it broke with 0.2, this really should have been a higher priority for fixing.

Set chute deploy option to "immediate" and only stage when you want them to open

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3 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

I'm not seeing it - but is there a fix for the 'landed' state bug?

It was noted in the latest (1/25) KERB bug tracker, but just at a 'reproducible' level. I did see another post regarding workaround for the bug: you can manually open the save file and cha ge the craft state to flying.

Sorry, don't have theink handy but you can probably find it by search

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42 minutes ago, kdaviper said:

Is your timewarp set to 1x when you try?


Sorry, but this isn't my first rodeo.  Yes, time warp is set to 1x.  I've tried space bar, opening PAM, save/load, save/restart/load.  NOTHING WORKS.  Period.  Chutes do not open for me, which makes the game unplayable.  For me.  And the fact that it broke with 0.2 and didn't get addressed in this release is disappointing; I dislike having a $50 piece of software i can't play.

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9 hours ago, Dakota said:

Parachute issues - alongside dv calculations, font rendering, and missing orbit lines - are our top priorities right now. We're looking into it and will share when we have news.

Please also make procedural fairings heat issue a top priority. I’ve got to be honest, reducing heat effects is really a bandaid for fairings not stoping heat. 

even with the heat changes, things are being destroyed inside fairings that should not. It’s not working properly.

Edited by Icegrx
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14 hours ago, Intercept Games said:

Changed the behavior of experiments that take time: they will no longer pause when leaving a valid research location and will instead enter a suspended state until you return to the original region, where they will restart without player input


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11 hours ago, Periple said:

I wonder what triggers it though? It only happened to me once and I was able to make it down in one order by quitting and reloading and hammering the deploy button until one of them deployed.

Parachutes don't deploy if staged within the atmosphere. If you activate the parachute deploy stage out of atmosphere it's worked 100% of the time for me. I've gotten into the habit of having a parachute stage a little while before the actual post-atmospheric entry stage.

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6 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:


Sorry, but this isn't my first rodeo.  Yes, time warp is set to 1x.  I've tried space bar, opening PAM, save/load, save/restart/load.  NOTHING WORKS.  Period.  Chutes do not open for me, which makes the game unplayable.  For me.  And the fact that it broke with 0.2 and didn't get addressed in this release is disappointing; I dislike having a $50 piece of software i can't play.

Just out of curiosity (and sorry if you already said that previously): do you stage parachutes while in atmosphere? Since 0.2.0 I had severe problems with chutes when staging them while in atmo, but when I stage them while still above 70km (at Kerbin), they usually work fine.

I had various combinations of that but: total failure, only drogues failing, half of my chutes failing, chutes opening way too late (past 1000m) etc. I agree, it's pretty infuriating, but the "stage while still out of atmo" thing has helped me.

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Of the whole 3 times that happened to me, after the first one I learned to quicksave just after the hot reentry, and reload from there if the chutes don't open. Change some staging if reload doesn't work so that chutes are one click further away, or/and just open them manually. Despite the bug I managed to land every vessel safely by doing the above.

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Cool nav ball in map view.

Cool looking forward to sending my probe to Minimus.

Attempting to navigate through the clutter in map view, labels blocking interaction with the node handles and janky zoom, is beyond my patience and capabilities.

Back to KSP1. 

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15 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

For me they almost never open.  Like, I'll have 4 chutes and only 1 will open.  And I have seen it that none of them open.  Keep in mind that what you experience may not necessarily be what anyone else experiences.

Yeah that is strange! Sorry, didn't realise.

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3 hours ago, ShadowZone said:

Just out of curiosity (and sorry if you already said that previously): do you stage parachutes while in atmosphere? Since 0.2.0 I had severe problems with chutes when staging them while in atmo, but when I stage them while still above 70km (at Kerbin), they usually work fine.

I had various combinations of that but: total failure, only drogues failing, half of my chutes failing, chutes opening way too late (past 1000m) etc. I agree, it's pretty infuriating, but the "stage while still out of atmo" thing has helped me.

This probably is why I’ve only noticed the chutes not opening big once - I always stage chutes with the last stage to drop before re-entry, which I do once it’s fuel is depleted, almost always before it hits atmo.

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On 1/30/2024 at 10:19 PM, MechBFP said:

I assume you have already tried brand new save with brand new vehicles, etc.

I have.  And I've stated every other thing I've done.

On 1/31/2024 at 2:17 AM, ShadowZone said:

do you stage parachutes while in atmosphere?

I use the same descent profile I've always used:  Coast to 10km, burning whatever fuel I have to take as much speed off as possible.  At 10km, which generally but not always gets me a speed of ~200 m/s, I stage the chutes.  Drogues and normal chutes at the same time.  This has worked without issue in KSP1, and it worked without issue in KPS2 until 0.2 dropped.

Edited by Vanamonde
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10 hours ago, Icegrx said:


Please also make procedural fairings heat issue a top priority. I’ve got to be honest, reducing heat effects is really a bandaid for fairings not stoping heat. 

even with the heat changes, things are being destroyed inside fairings that should not. It’s not working properly.

Reducing heating was not a bandaid fix. KSP 2 players generally complained about the upper atmospheres of planets being too unforgiving so they balanced it.

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26 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

I use the same descent profile I've always used:  Coast to 10km, burning whatever fuel I have to take as much speed off as possible.  At 10km, which generally but not always gets me a speed of ~200 m/s, I stage the chutes.  Drogues and normal chutes at the same time.  This has worked without issue in KSP1, and it worked without issue in KPS2 until 0.2 dropped

I think you may be the patient zero of this bug. I have only encountered it twice and even then only half the parachutes deployed and I still got down to a tolerable speed. You have shared your save file, right? That would make IG's or just anyone's job a lot easier when trying to figure out what's going on with your files.

Edited by NexusHelium
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17 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

This has worked without issue in KSP1, and it worked without issue in KPS2 until 0.2 dropped.

I find that odd. Before 0.2, my chutes deployed instantly and destroyed themselves. Last time I checked after installing FS!, they do not deploy until it's safe to do so. Can you confirm the chutes report they're safe to deploy at 200m/s?

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Returned from Minimus today and staged my chutes before I entered Kerbin atmosphere.  What is funny is they deployed non-inflated waaaay too high (like 30,000km) and I still had flame effects on the capsule.  I thought for sure they were going to rip off but they held up and inflated at 1km like normal.  I do think chutes are bugged but there does seem to be ways to work around them.

There is still a plethora of bugs though.  Landing gear don't always extend, trajectory lines go missing when playing with maneuver nodes, VAB symmetry doesn't always work as intended, etc...  I wasn't here for the release a year ago.   Looks like they have squashed a mountain of bugs since then but they still have a looooong way to go.

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On 1/31/2024 at 8:31 AM, Scarecrow71 said:


I don't know why everyone's so incredulous; I've had this exact same issue several times (though, I think, not as often as you). In my case, like yours, the chutes will either not deploy, or only a subset of them will. For the ones that don't deploy, no amount of clicking "Deploy" or the other buttons in the Part Mangler or adjusting the deployment pressure or whatever has any effect. It's as if the chutes become purely decorative. I've seen it often enough that I'm surprised how it appears that a lot of people have not.

Edited by Vanamonde
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