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KSP2 Release Notes - Update v0.2.2.0

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Here are the statistics for patch 0.2.2, the smallest update in the history of KSP2 and also the one we had to wait for the longest (133 days since version 0.2.1, almost twice as long as the longest wait up until then, 71 days between 0.1.2 and 0.1.3).

Version Total items Community % of total
0.1.1 281 42 15%
0.1.2 173 36 21%
0.1.3 165 17 10%
0.1.4 81 9 11%
0.1.5 86 11 13%
0.2.0 156 0 0%
0.2.1 68 14 21%
0.2.2 28 0 0%

While many of the fixes and improvements are welcome, it's sad to see that this is the final set of things we are going to see, if this truly is the last patch ever for KSP2. I have to admit, I had hoped for more, especially since it was said that patch 0.2.2 was already signed off on weeks ago.

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@ShadowZone is it possible that some of today's fixes are community-driven (time-warp indicators, parachute-deployment failures, etc.), just without the :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3):-badge?

Another community-adjacent item might be the addition of "obvious Recovery button" (which I won't see until after work :()

Edited by Flush Foot
I wanted my second post to merge with this one, but someone else wrote first ;p
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2 hours ago, TLTay said:

That's only if future owners allow this. They could "update" in a blocking of mods, a drm system, and only one version available to download if they want to farm it for DLC.

They cannot update anything if you don't allow it to update. KSP has no DRM, it's portable (even if you buy it on Steam: you can copy the whole installation folder elsewhere, even to another system without Steam installed, and run it from the KSP_x64.exe file) and requires no internet connection. You can literally make a flash drive that contains every version of KSP ever released, ready to run right off that flash drive on any PC, without any online clients. And you can make that drive using Steam if you want.

In fact if you're this worried about mods, I'm shocked you're even running the game through Steam to begin with.

Edited by m4ti140
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1 minute ago, Flush Foot said:

@ShadowZone is it possible that some of today's fixes are community-driven (time-warp indicators, parachute-deployment failures, etc.), just without the :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3):-badge?

Most definitely, but I always used the rocket icons in previous release notes. I guess since the community team (Dakota and Mike) were also part of the layoffs, one of them would have gathered this information and added it to the notes. Without them I could only guess.

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No communication with it isn't a good sign. There's nothing good to tell us, so nobody needs the hassle of trying in a dying job.


Open source the code as a reward for the support.  Community happy, reputation saved.


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11 minutes ago, ShadowZone said:

Most definitely, but I always used the rocket icons in previous release notes. I guess since the community team (Dakota and Mike) were also part of the layoffs, one of them would have gathered this information and added it to the notes. Without them I could only guess.

Also have to say, one of the things I'm gonna miss about KSP2 are @ShadowZone's videos about it. They were always insightful and (at least on my opinion) were the best structured and informative ones, so thanks for all of it.

We'll have to continue trying... AGAIN!

Edited by MARL_Mk1
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Guess it ends like it began. Underwhelming and disappointing. 

You'd think they'd put some kind of last hurrah into it, maybe as at least a drop of happiness onto the lava lake of awfulness that was KSP2s journey - but nah. Nothing. The smallest patch, which btw shouldn't have come as a surprise nor should it give anyone hope - we knew a patch was coming one way or another, they wouldn't have scrapped already produced fixes - they just bundled what they had, called it a patch. A pretty small one, at that. Almost half a year for less than half the fixes of 2.1. 

The contempt for their (former) supporters is genuinely disgusting. So was the entire story of KSP2, and what everyone involved did with it. Couldn't even give it a dignified send-off. 

Lights out. 

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Wow, this really does look like the final nail in the coffin.  However, I do find it odd that if this was the final update they didn't try and pull the "update 1.0" BS to remove the early access warning from Steam to get a few extra bucks from this cash sink. Maybe they still are considering that the studio still has two weeks until they're officially closed.

But, after finally playing KSP1 (I was one of the unfortunate few who played KSP2 before KSP1) I will finally admit that this game was an awful excuse of a playable experience. As much as I wanted colonies and interstellar, this was a doomed project. 

I am sorry to all those affected by the studio closures. Goodbye KSP2.

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1 hour ago, ShadowZone said:

it's sad to see that this is the final set of things we are going to see, if this truly is the last patch ever for KSP2. I have to admit, I had hoped for more, especially since it was said that patch 0.2.2 was already signed off on weeks ago.

i guess we take what we can get at this point. i'm pretty happy the landed state bug has finally been adressed

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4 hours ago, Cyne said:

Perhaps the removal of the PD launcher implies KSP2 is being sold, but who knows

Oh shoot, that could actually be it. My thought was they removed it from the PD launcher to erase its existence.

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14 hours ago, Intercept Games said:

Fixed: Fairings and cargo bays sometimes do not detect encapsulated parts correctly

Does this mean the fairings and cargo bays actually work now? Because in my current game the Mk3 cargo bay is a horrible drag monster even when closed unless I attach a large nosecone to the back wall.


...So I just checked, and yes! My Mk3 cargo bay now actually shields the stuff inside it from drag. What a relief! My current Mk3 SSTO couldn't even break the sound barrier before unless I stuck a nosecone on the back wall of the cargo bay, and now it accelerates smoothly right through Mach1 without resorting to that workaround.  It would have been really sad to have that egregious failure to perform as expected make it through to possibly the final update. In other news, I found that the shielded docking port still heats up ridiculously fast, but ironically only when it is closed. When on a whim I opened it just as it was about to blow up, the  overheating gauge suddenly disappeared and it then made orbit just fine! Seems like they've just got its aerodynamic/heating behavior bass ackwards with respect to the open/closed state of the shield. How hard could that possibly be to fix? I hope somebody there finds it in themselves to set that right before its all over for real.

Edited by herbal space program
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4 hours ago, TLTay said:

That's only if future owners allow this. They could "update" in a blocking of mods, a drm system, and only one version available to download if they want to farm it for DLC.

What mods? The modding scene for KSP2 has been a ghost town since launch and is now literally dead. There hasn't been a single update to a single mod in about a month and a half and the in-development part has been a ghost town for a while now. You can't block mods if no-one makes mods.

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The game is still titled with "Early Access" so I have to ask, earlier than what? Does this mean we can still expect to see more production? A Google search for "jobs intercept games" shows at least 3 job openings for a "UX Designer", "Senior Software Engineer, Graphics", and "Lead Designer" suggesting that maybe the top end of development is being replaced and when they are, they will be responsible for any personnel  changes down the pipe.

As it stand, it still has fewer features than KSP, and none of the new features promised for KSP2 other than perhaps the training simulators and new wing construction. The added parts (or at least the NERV) could probably be slipped into KSP just as easily.

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2 hours ago, m4ti140 said:

I'm shocked you're even running the game through Steam to begin with.

I'm not. I keep my installs in seperate folders. But point being that not everyone out there already owns the game or knows these things.

41 minutes ago, Infinite Aerospace said:

What mods? The modding scene for KSP2 has been a ghost town 

I was talking about KSP1. A future IP owner could take action to restrict mods to milk the complete KSP1 for DLC cash to fund KSP2 completion. Probably won't happen, but I have to put on my best Mr Burns impression when thinking like a suit.

22 minutes ago, jclovis3 said:

The game is still titled with "Early Access" so I have to ask, earlier than what? Does this mean we can still expect to see more production? A Google search for "jobs intercept games" shows at least 3 job openings for a "UX Designer", "Senior Software Engineer, Graphics", and "Lead Designer" suggesting that maybe the top end of development is being replaced and when they are, they will be responsible for any personnel  changes down the pipe.

As it stand, it still has fewer features than KSP, and none of the new features promised for KSP2 other than perhaps the training simulators and new wing construction. The added parts (or at least the NERV) could probably be slipped into KSP just as easily.

Google must have old results indexed, because there's zero listings for jobs at Seattle. https://careers.take2games.com/jobs

Unless you've got breaking news about intercept being moved to a new city?

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6 hours ago, Infinite Aerospace said:

I would hope the NDA doesn't extend to 'rest of their lives' because that's frankly ridiculous. That said, with Take Two involved I wouldn't be surprised.

I am under an NDA with another game company and the {modified} verbiage in that contract includes such text as, "Your obligation to keep the {test group name} Materials confidential will continue until such time and to the extent that {company} makes such materials publicly available."

This means that certain aspects of the NDA can indeed extend for a very long time, but possibly not longer than 15 years, depending on the laws in the country in which they are based out of. I am not even (nor have I ever been) a paid employee of the company to which I am obligated to under this NDA and my knowledge of classified information from my days in the military will also carry a lifetime lock and key in my mind, partially because I can lose my Pension.

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Ya this was already being worked on a rolled out before the lay off was announced.

they honestly should’ve kept their mouths shut about it due to the fact less than a week after announcing take two shuts intercept down.


seems those who weren’t aware of it are being consoled by this small mercy.   I want to be consoled lol.  This update is where ksp2 will sit for the foreseeable future…  It is not a win. Period.  These should have been fixed with or before for science was released not days before the dev team dissolves due to a complete lay-off

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1 hour ago, TLTay said:

Google must have old results indexed, because there's zero listings for jobs at Seattle. https://careers.take2games.com/jobs

Unless you've got breaking news about intercept being moved to a new city?

You looked up jobs at Take2. Try https://www.interceptgames.com/#jobs which is what still has these postings. It does seem however that the links to each of the three jobs are stuck on loading.

EDIT: Never mind. I just saw the links to those jobs go to the take2games.com domain as well.

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I love seeing all these (not to mention an update at all), but this one stuck out to me as someone who does QA as part of my job:

15 hours ago, Intercept Games said:

Fixed: Fairings contacting their base plate after being jettisoned causes a permanant 'Landed' state, causing orbit lines to not be drawn

How did you EVER figure out THAT one?

15 hours ago, Intercept Games said:

Removed the Private Division Launcher



15 hours ago, Intercept Games said:

Added notifications for when a player attempts blocked actions during timewarp or paused states

I know this will save me some headaches.

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I've very happy with a bug fix update. Thank you everyone!

And omg this is fixed...

  • Fixed: Loading a craft file with parts surface-attached to other surface attached parts causes parts to show on the floor of the vehicle assembly building
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