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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Did a capture and de-orbit mission, using an air launched intercept rocket, just to see how feasible it was. As it happens, it's very feasible and I had lots of extra dV at every stage. Could have de-orbited something much larger at a much higher altitude and any inclination.

Aircraft was a sort of F15/Mig 31 analogue. Missile was stacked thus: Small grabber, smallest drone core, battery, reaction wheel, mono tank with two solar panels, mono thruster, decoupler, ascent stage consisting of oscar-B's and a Spark. Target was in LKO at 85km alt and was the same ascent stage from a previous test launch.

Ready to take off:


30deg climb at full power:


Maintain 30deg climb until flameout and coast prograde, fire missile at about 40km alt:


Burn until your AP is a few K below your target, coast to AP and circularise. You should have over 50% fuel remaining for rendezvous phasing:


Rendezvous, capture with clamp (try to get it close to COG), burn retro to lower PE:


Successful de-orbit with dV to spare (it's showing 0dV because this final stage only uses monopropellant):


The aircraft lands with plenty of fuel to do it again several times. Could probably carry two missiles, though differential drag might be an issue. Any inclination is a doddle, right up to polar and retrograde orbits. I tried for ages to figure out a net-type capture system, but gave up and went for the grabber. KISS!


EDIT: De-orbiting some actual space junk that I had forgotten was there until I turned debris on in the space center.



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I gave it another go and made extra sure I copied your TU fork. Parts definitely are transparent.

I'm so sure I must've messed up somewhere. Did you modify Shabby etc. too? I didn't move those folders from the zip because I already had them installed.
Are some TUFX settings incompatible?

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Posted (edited)

LKO rescue.

Circularisation burn.

Cut thrust.


72m from target, closing at 0.2m/s.


Never, ever going to achieve that again.

Edited by Mickel
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Posted (edited)
47 minutes ago, Mickel said:

Never, ever going to achieve that again.

After failing consistently to do manual rendezvous and dock. When I finally managed it, I called it done and from then on just use MechJeb2. Sooo much easier :)

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After completing missions to Eve, Laythe, Eeloo, and Tylo in past weeks, I thought it was a good time to attempt a return from Slate from the Outer Planets Mod :





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Built an interplanetary ship with a 1+ TWR and 10+ delta-v and put it into a ~100km LKO as Jeb, who is pictured here on his EVA trip to the return vehicle I made to get him back home. 

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My first manned Jool mission from my long lost "Out of the Sands" career arrived, 2 (or has it been 3?) real world years later than intended.   Jeb & company did fly-bys of Tylo & Val before entering Laythe orbit & docking with the previously launched Laythe station


My Tylo folding lander also arrived.  It turned out to be a very effective design except the final stage TWR was a bit too high - full thrust would quickly send me flying back up, and with Tylo's gravity it was tricky to find a partial thrust setting that allowed a safe landing quickly enough.  But it is a tough little bird & landing without explosions





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I started fiddling with Sandcastle and SunkWorks again. In Sandcastle, I figured out a way to let you switch part variants during EVA Construction Mode:



In SunkWorks, now you can do the same thing:


These updates aren't available just yet since I have more to do, but it won't be too long...


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I discovered a new mod today  HUD replacer by @UltraJohn, and one of its texture packs, Ztheme by @zapsnh  that make KSP's UI much better, bringing it to the level of KSP2, if not better !

Go download them (available on CKAN) :


If you are wondering, as far as I can see, it doesn't significantly affect the game's performance.


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I upgraded my PC from 32 to 64 GB RAM. Then I added higher resolution 64K terrain for KSRSS. KSP is loading faster despite having more things to load.

Previously, memory peak usage was coming near 32 GB (for all processes not just KSP) and thrashing to virtual memory. Going to 64 GB resolves that.


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Established a comm net around Eve/Gilly.

First landings on Gilly.  That's different...

First Kerballed fly by of another planet.

First landing on Eve that went as intended.

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Meet my new Station. It's a Shipyard. With a few Mods to help construction, and another to (ahem) breed more crews.

Lots of power, lots of Fuel Storage, and many docking rings. I've mapped the best spots for Ore on Minmus, and I've constructed two Diggers, to rotate metal up to the Yard for conversion to Rocket Parts.


I said before that the use of my Construction Mods hasn't been painless. So I've more or less decided that the ship I sent to Duna is now a Science Station, churning out Science Points. I'm sending a new Lander over there, along with a Tanker that can dig up and convert ore to fuel for later Missions/Landings. The Lander is seen here on the far Right. The first craft completed by my new Shipyard.

I've decided to build a second Shipyard and send it to Jool, where it can build Landers and Diggers for the outer system.

And because I haven't used Star Trek names for any of my craft yet, I've decided to name them 'Utopia Planitia' and 'Jupiter Station', after the Shipyards from TNG and ENT.

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On 5/23/2024 at 11:23 AM, kurgut said:

It has been a while, got out of a work rush, opened my modding projects and was "uh, wth was I working on in this" haha :D
 But anyway, I managed slooowly to make some bits of progress to my MAS Gemini-ish IVA, it's almost done...

(No, that chair is absolutly not clipping in the Kerbal's head ^^)


Today I advanced the overhead panel quite a bit, with some new MAS goodies, like like solar panel efficiency gauge, radiator utilization, etc


Did you ever release this! Your Retro IVAs are amazing. Cant get enough of them.

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Crewed lander exploring Moho (JNSQ) after refueling on Minmus and Gilly.




In a deep "rare" crater


same crater on the rim. It's about 3 km deep.


600 Science... wow I remember trying to get that much on Kerbin 


I'll have to come back with a solar panel to move this rover. I had room to take more spare parts :/


I wanted more difficult contracts... this isn't super hard but I have to revisit everywhere I've been before (except Mun).


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No today, but in past weekend, after some months, I'm back to Kerbin universe (both) for playing and hopefully modding



Just make a little ride to Mun and back to test some mods, and remember how to play KSP at all :D

caution, many pictures here




Sunrize over Kerbal space center, and freshly new Angara is ready to launch



Liftoff, all systems is OK



Boosters down, central block at full thrust  (A bit not centered screenshot)



Shields and LES dropped



Second stage down



Goodbye rocket



Adjusting orbit  (space litter detected)



Departure burn



A bit dark, but now it my wallpaper for a while



It bigger, bigger and bigger



Now on Mun orbit






System tests, staying here for a while, helium leaking not detected



Party is over, time to go home



Time to drop engine and prepare for reentry



Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!



Soft landing is much better than just a landing



(sounds of champagne bottles in kerbal space center)

YES we did it!!!   Unfortunately in nighttime and on other side of Kerbin but who cares




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Today I've been working hard on making full HDR support work in the game. It's got some promising results this far, that's for sure.




but it also has some less pretty sides that I still need to fix


Messed up explosions that appear too dark initially


Weird interactions between realplume particles and waterfall shaders causing the alpha channel to overflow, creating negative colors


Map view being just a tad too bright lol



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I figured out how to spawn a vessel using my 3D printer:



Now that I have the basics figured out, I can make it work for VAB & SPH vessels as well as spawn them on the ground an in space.

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3 hours ago, Angelo Kerman said:

Now that I have the basics figured out, I can make it work for VAB & SPH vessels as well as spawn them on the ground an in space.

You developing mods for KSP1 again is a positive to come out of the collapse of 2.

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