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hello i am trying to rework my old f18 i changed some curves and added a nice dcs texture to make it more realistic.
4 album 74 screenshot.
I hope you enjoy 

F/A 18C "in the air album 13 Screenshot"

F/A 18C "take off at midday album 25 Screenshot"

F/A 18C "take off at dawn album 24 Screenshot"

F/A 18C "hangar at dawn album 12 Screenshot"

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2 hours ago, Mouhand said:

hello i am trying to rework my old f18 i changed some curves and added a nice dcs texture to make it more realistic.
4 album 74 screenshot.
I hope you enjoy 

F/A 18C "in the air album 13 Screenshot"

F/A 18C "take off at midday album 25 Screenshot"

F/A 18C "take off at dawn album 24 Screenshot"

F/A 18C "hangar at dawn album 12 Screenshot"

That's gorgeous! What's the TUFX profile you use for a blurred background, I've been seeing it and wanting it for ages :)

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49 minutes ago, Kerbal Productions said:

That's gorgeous! What's the TUFX profile you use for a blurred background, I've been seeing it and wanting it for ages :)

thanks, I use Alverro's profile that I modified and also reshade! "amientlight, clarity and curves"
for the blurred background you can find it under TUFXSettings  Depth of field.

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Working on a new Munar lander during my breaks from my college work.


The half of the landing stage that I built is flying okay.  It seems I can go a little lighter with the bracing than I thought I would need.  Then again, I haven't landed it yet...

Edited by Whackjob
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2 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

Nope. It's 2/22 (which is an unusual date too) Thanks

It was to celebrate 22/2/22 . It will be gone tomorrow. It is the author of Module Manager, Sarbian, having a bit of fun. It won't hurt you or your game. Just do something else while KSP is loading if it freaks you out.

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I began developing sub-vehicles for the as of yet unbuilt mothership, the Kilonova, of a Jool-5 mission that I want to do. I’ve done a fair few of these missions already, one of which was a part of a larger grand tour that I did back in 2020. However, I want this mission to be taken to the absolute max, complete with rovers, a boat for sailing around Laythe, and even a mission to Jool proper (I want to get as low as I possibly can and still make it back out without using a gigantic rocket.)

So far, I have made good progress on developing three of the vehicles:

Vehicle #1: The main lander, called the “Bivouac”.

Bivouac is to be the main workhorse for the landings in this mission, and I want to use it on all moons apart from Laythe. It went through two major designs. 
 The original design consisted of just a lander and an additional couple of asparagus stages for Tylo descent. Here you can see it on Tylo in a test simulation:



Upon liftoff, the upper stage would then separate from the lower base Apollo style, leaving the descent stage on the surface. It would then be used as a lander in and of itself for Vall, Bop, and Pol. However, this design did not include compatibility with any rover I may want to send with it, and as such I redesigned the Bivouac. 

The new design would maintain the two-stage design, however this time it would be compatible with a small rover to be used on Vall, Bop and Pol. It has a small docking port at the bottom which is mounted on a piston, thereby allowing the rover to be re-attached and reused on another moon. The lander is powered by four Cub engines mounted on cubic octagonal struts, with grip pads below them to provide sufficient clearance for the landing legs. It still needs landing lights and another ladder, however.


The rover will not be used on Tylo, however, as the attachment node is already taken up by the descent stage, and, even though I could have worked around that, the Bivouac wouldn’t have had enough thrust to lift off again. Also, I’ve literally roved all the way around Tylo already, and as such I’m not really that interested in doing any more driving there.


Speaking of rovers, allow me to introduce

Vehicle #2: “Fortitude Lite” Rover

The Fortitude Lite is a small rover, designed to be both sturdy and lightweight. It weighs in at just under 2 tons, and has grip pads and structural panels sticking out in various places to protect some of its more fragile parts.


Testing it on Vall, I was able to drive at 30-35 m/s reliably in the mountains, suggesting that I can go significantly faster down in the basins.


Vehicle #3: “Marvin” Jool Probe

This one’s just a simple little probe, which will be sent on a one-way suicide mission into Jool. Named in honor of Marvin the suicidal robot.


Vehicle #4: “Seamoth” Laythe Boat

This is a small boat that I plan to do an Elcano with on Laythe as part of this mission. Named in reference to the submersible from Subnautica, it has a range of roughly 300 kilometers in its current iteration. I plan to hop between the small islands scattered around Laythe to refuel it using the drill and small ISRU unit. 


It’s currently a little bit back-heavy however, and it travels at roughly 50 m/s on open water. I’ll probably optimize the design further, and, as much as it pains me to do it, remove some of the more unnecessary aesthetic parts such as the upper deck.

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On 2/23/2022 at 12:36 PM, Krazy1 said:

Nyan Cat?


@Martian Emigrant

Yeah, you also get it when your Module Manager (no, I don't know what that is) decides you have fallen "out of date".

So, I've just had that, too.  And now, KSP 1.11.2 does not boot up...

For seven years, I have heard of these woes: "too many installed mods will eventually call the boot Kraken".

Being superstitious, I have therefore severely, strictly, religiously, obediently, obsequiously limited my mods to the Absolute Minimum[tm].

O me miserum.

The last lines in the KSP.log before the 'hang' read:


[LOG 17:45:35.027] mobilelaunchpad_19.fbx
[LOG 17:45:35.027] pontoons.fbx
[LOG 17:45:35.027] pontoons_diffuse.dds
[LOG 17:45:35.027] ramp_normal.png
[LOG 17:45:35.027] 1001_base_color.mat
[LOG 17:45:35.027] desert groundtransition.mat
[LOG 17:45:35.027] desert groundtransition_highquality.mat
[LOG 17:45:35.027] desert groundtransition_lowquality.mat
[LOG 17:45:35.027] desert groundtransition_mediumquality.mat
[LOG 17:45:35.027] desert groundtransition_ultraquality.mat
[LOG 17:45:35.027] desert runway sand.mat
[LOG 17:45:35.027] desert runway stone.mat
[LOG 17:45:35.027] mobilelaunchpad.prefab
[LOG 17:45:35.027] woomerang_groundobjects.prefab
[LOG 17:45:35.027] woomerang_launch_site.prefab
[LOG 17:45:37.105] Scenes:
[LOG 17:45:37.105] kspMissionEditor.unity
[ERR 17:45:41.806] Failed to decompress data for the AssetBundle 'Memory'.

[ERR 17:45:41.811] Failed to load asset bundle from file:///home/kmk/env/games/KSP/

[EXC 17:45:41.982] KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
    Expansions.ExpansionsLoader+<InitializeExpansion>d__22.MoveNext () (at <dc0e5f458c0f4571ad839b9c4153f347>:0)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

Yeah.  Unhappy.  I should use the correct pharmacological term: 'strung out'.  No KSP...

My spoiler above looks like an installation corruption, rather than directly a mod failure[1].  But since the Nyan Cat, Harbinger of Meteor Strikes, I've had a couple of Sudden Exit Syndrome manifestations, followed by persistent.sfs corruption/truncation (requiring quicksave surgery).

Not happy, Nyan!!

[1] but since mods are the only thing that get updated (by Module Manager(??), whatever foul omen that may be), I suspect that a bogus mod change has corrupted the base KSP installation as a "kick-on" effect.

"Out, clever pox!  Out, I say!!"


Happy ending.  Module Manager has straightened things out for me now...

Edited by Hotel26
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Based on my 3x rescale 2 stage recoverable planes:



I have made 4x rescale, 1x atmosphere, 2 stage to orbit reusable planes, 105 tons to orbit

Payload goes on top now, but I will make a smaller fully reusable version with a mk3 cargobay, where the 1st and snd stages can dock on the ground, and be refueled by ISRU... in case I want to run an "alien space program" at 4x, and I need a self sufficient shuttle for Kerbin that doesn't rely on decouplers or payload fairings or the VAB/SPH to be able to have stage 1 and 2 joined:

old 3x version of what I'm talking about:






This one barely got off the ground at the end of the runway, so more wings were called for.


^Just before lighting the 2nd stage motor, and switching the rapiers into closed cycle mode^ It can get faster in level flight, but I need to to get high enough, long enough for the 2nd stage to get to orbit, so losing a couple hundred m/s horizontal velocity on stage 1 is worth it for a higher apoapsis.

Launched a Keosynchronous relay in the meantime, to give constant coverage over the ocean east of KSC, so the next launch was at night:


LF to Ox ratio needs some adjusting, last time I arrived back over KSC with over 5k LF left, and plenty of speed and altitude to go much farther even with engines off.

That would help to get the Ap higher, as in the end, it was getting close. I didn't have much time to spare between when my 2nd stage got to orbit, and when the 1st stage was reentering and about to be deleted by the game:


thankfully, the mod also redoes heating, otherwise... reentering at 4,700 m/s? forget about it

The much slower 1st stage got hot, but it worked out:


Note that the first stage is reentering at what would be orbital velocity at 1x. This 2 stage spaceplane would easily SSTO in stock. I forget what the mass of the 2nd stage rocket is, but the final payload is over 100 tons, so this is essentially a 1x SSTO with a few hundred ton payload capacity

In this 4x game, I am going to try to avoid using robotics because of the robotic drift bug, with some exceptions:

Craft for going around kerbin, that can recover and relaunch from the VAB/SPH.

Craft that use robotics just once to unfold, and then lock their robotics in place.

Craft that can be rebuilt exactly as before using an engineer, and node attachments (meaning small craft/robotic sections due to restraints on the size of the parts that engineers can build with)

Craft with relatively low part counts, that aren't too inconvenient to keep a file for each of them, so I can text edit away the drift if it becomes a problem




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I returned from my caveman attempted Jool 5. Unfortunately, a mysterious failure of the Tylo lander prevented the Jool 5, and turned it into a Jool 2 and a half. Good thing I brought some backup stuff. I still got enough science to complete the caveman challenge, but I will reload to try the Jool 5 later.


What's left of Navis Sideralis Neanderthalensis, after being stripped of everything unnecessary to save on fuel. One crew pod still getting ejected.


Hitting a Kerbin intercept without manuever nodes is virtually impossible; but if you track the exact time at which Kerbin crosses your periapsis, and your ship crosses your periapsis, then a bit of calculations with orbital time will allow picking the right solar apoapsis to ensure an encounter the next time


Indeed, got a 6000 km periapsis


the lander pod, jettisoning some extra stuff before reentry


the cetotherium return pod, aerobraking hard while close to it what's left of the Navis Sideralis Neanderthalensis explodes



Can't refuel in caveman; not even transfer fuel. And can't refresh science jr or goo containers because you can't do EVA.

I used 80 drop tanks for NSN. And I had 20 expendable science canisters with science jr and mystery goo. And all the landers, after returning to orbit, were jettisoned there. And there's a few more stuff that got jettisoned, like the additional crew pods I put on NSN for beauty... I've never produced so much space junk


more space junk in Jool's orbit. most of the junk here has collided with the inner moons or it got ejected away from jool, so there's a bit less.


And the science return. Which is more than enough to complete a caveman challenge.


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I've put a lot of hardware in space today. I've shot my Pol surface refinery and tanker to orbit, it was a heavy launch:


Here's the package in orbit. I added the 4 side mounted tanks last using the 4 available regular docking ports, not thinking about needing one for refueling:


Which meant I had to use one of the two free Jr docking ports on the tanker to dock to the offset inflatable docking port on the refueling station. Tight fit, in the dark, docking level extreme:


I found out that for some reason I couldn't transfer fuel from the mining rig to the tanker, despite the fact that the Sr docking ports that hold them together are set to enable crossfeed. The rig contains just enough fuel to land itself on Pol but I needed a bit of extra fuel to get there, so that's a problem. I added fuel lines to the side mounted fuel tanks even though they're attached with docking ports, so I thought about moving some of those around, but then I realized I could just pack the 3 massive ore tanks with 4.5K ore and refine the extra fuel after the transfer to Jool, it is after all a refinery and refining doesn't respect crossfeed :)

A second package is the station that will support the mining rig from Pol orbit:


And finally a Kerbal transporter and lander:


With all 3 refueled and crewed with a total of 7 Kerbals they'll be ready to transfer to Jool in about a month.

Around the same time there is a transfer window to Duna and I have a contract to expand the station there with an extra cupola, lab and some additional living quarters. I've just taken a copy of an expansion I sent to my Ike station for a similar contract some time ago, tried and tested, no need to mess around with it:


It will be accompanied by a Kerbal transporter stuffed with tourists, I could fit them in the station expansion, but they'll need a ship to get back too :)


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5 minutes ago, Beamer said:

When you go to the grocery store for a loaf of bread, I imagine you're driving something like this :D



Not really, although if I'm gonna be honest, I wish I had the money to buy one of those.  I'd strip the bucket off the back, then literally have a house built on the frame.  It'd be the most badassed mobile home to ever have existed.

For the work, I've built the rest of the way up, and took it for a spin.


The new computer is so good I don't even get to 25% of CPU and RAM usage even during a slow sideshow launch.  The software is the bottleneck for me, now.   That is the tallest, heaviest rocket I've ever lifted off the pad, by a large margin.  At this point, all I gotta do is add some solar, maybe fuel refinery capability, and oh, enough boosters to lift up enough fuel, because it only has about 4k delta-v.

And legs.  I have to build legs that will support that weight and I really don't know if I can do it.

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On 2/23/2022 at 2:01 AM, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

Vehicle #4: “Seamoth” Laythe Boat

This is a small boat that I plan to do an Elcano with on Laythe as part of this mission. Named in reference to the submersible from Subnautica, it has a range of roughly 300 kilometers in its current iteration. I plan to hop between the small islands scattered around Laythe to refuel it using the drill and small ISRU unit. 

Uh oh, a Reaper!


but really, add some torps

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Ok, so right now I have 720 engines of the largest kind, and I'm tearing off the pad at a pretty good clip even at 2/3rds throttle with full fuel.  I'm using a VAB extender, but I've hit the limit of how far that can go.  I can't build more rocket, at least, vertically.  So I might cut down the number of engines per cluster just for the sake of better performace.  I know, I know.

Although.... wouldn't landing be easier if I went more PiePlate with it?  Out, not up?  Hrm.

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