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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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You arrive at what looks like an empty observation deck. There is a sign that says 'You are now 16 kilometers above sea level'. The building's internal structure has been apparently non-Euclidean and seemingly doesn't follow any reasonable pattern, so being able to see the outside world in a perfectly normal floor is a relief.

Every surface looks pristine, never touched by human hands or damaged by age and weather, which is exactly the case. This room is brand new in a sense, having been reconstructed by robots after an unfortunate ER-2 crashed here back in 2019. Since then nobody has visited the room. You are still unable to access any lifts so you sit here for a while.

There are 2 smooth white benches facing the large segmented window, looking like frosted glass and covered in wrapping plastic ever since they were brought here. You take the plastic off the center bench and sit, taking in the view outside. You open some snacks you got back on floor 3331, and eat. You decide to take a nap on this floor, at least the view can distract you from crippling isolation.

Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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