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[1.8.1] Docking Port Alignment Indicator (Version 6.8.5 - Updated 12/14/19)


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Yes, installing the version of Docking Port Alignment Indicator 6.8.2 for KSP 1.4.1-1.4.4 all worked! (with my version of KSP 1.7)
I would like to ask @Tonka Crash the next time, in a similar situation, to offer the requesting help to install the old version. And how to do it is a completely different question to which he can answer for himself.

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@laco_spb I'm glad this worked for you. I'm not sure what you are asking in the last post. To get my attention in a thread you can "tag" me in a post using the @. If the user name is in blue it worked if not it didn't. When it's in blue I get a notification for the post. @Tonka Crash is not the same as @ Tonka Crash. You start typing @ followed by the user's name and then click on a name to insert it as a tag.

In general old mods work fine on current KSP as long as nothing in KSP has changed in a way that affects the mod. When I want to try an old mod that's new to me, I check the forum thread. When things break users are very vocal about complaining, so you will quickly see a thread fill up with complaints and problem reports about broken mods. No complaints usually mean no problems. This applies to mods for 1.4 or later. At 1.4 the version of Unity the game is built upon was changed. This forced most mods to update for 1.4, but may haven't needed changes since then. I did find a mod from 1.2 that still worked, but these are much rarer. Like I said in my last post the only true test is to try it yourself.

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  • 1 month later...

I can't get this to show up the game's main toolbar in space mode.  I can make it show up on the blizzy toolbar, but I'd really like it to show up on the main toolbar but it's not an option when I click the wrench.  What am I doing wrong?

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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, releansol said:

I did a little break from playing. Now with 1.73 and 6.8.3 the mood seems broken.

There is no Toolbar Icon and the mood doesn't work

Anyboday else have these issue? Do I have to wait or is it a problem by me own?

Fly safe and thx4answers.

Ive also had a break from KSP (it was the v2 announcement that got me back into it.)

Using v1.7.3 on Mac (so no jy for V2)

DPAI working perfectly for me. Perhaps check your installation logs?
Hope that helps?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/30/2019 at 11:18 AM, releansol said:

I did a little break from playing. Now with 1.73 and 6.8.3 the mood seems broken.

There is no Toolbar Icon and the mood doesn't work

Anyboday else have these issue? Do I have to wait or is it a problem by me own?

Do you have the latest version of the Toolbar

including dependencies installed?

I also recommend getting this mod as well:


Edited by VoidSquid
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4 minutes ago, therealcrow999 said:

I would wait until they get updated, I know Toolbar doesn't work in 1.8, doesn't show up at all. It is to be expected with a change in Unity and KSP version.

If you had read the post above, you would have seen that they are on 1.7.3.

@VoidSquid gave the correct information

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12 minutes ago, therealcrow999 said:

I would wait until they get updated, I know Toolbar doesn't work in 1.8

The post from @releansol is from 30th September, hence maximum KSP version 1.7.3., and for that version, the mods mentioned are working fine.

I was not talking about 1.8, it is well known and was before release, that many mods wouldn't work with it. For my part, I'll stay with 1.7.3 for a good while, everything works as it should :) 

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1 hour ago, VoidSquid said:

Do you have the latest version of the Toolbar

I got the Toolbar from CKAN. Toolbar Toolbar Controller

Maybe there is a Problem with it. I will check this, after 1.8. compatibility is confirmed with. Thanks @VoidSquid for your hint.


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1 hour ago, VoidSquid said:

Yes, these versions are the latest for KSP 1.7.3 (probably @linuxgurugamer is already working on updating them for 1.8,  though with the ridiculous numbers of mods he maintains and has adopted, it might take a while) and work perfectly fine.


For various reasons, I won't be able to start updating until next week

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39 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:


It's true, you're a bit of the uber-madman, all those mods and then some. No idea where KSP would be w/o you, and I actually don't want to think about. And no, no objection allowed :) 

And even it's lame (it probably is), I can only say thank you, again

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On 10/22/2019 at 4:43 PM, litemaster said:

FYI - DPAI 6.8.3 seems to work fine in 1.8. I successfully docked at Mun Station, down to Mun Base and back up again. :cool:

(and I'm really bad at docking without this mod)

Yeah I am the same, with this mod I am pro, but without it, I am awful at docking, lol.

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Yes, if Blizzy's toolbar is installed, DPAI will default to using it instead of the Stock Launcher. There's an option to force using the Stock Launcher instead. You can either use  the in-game settings to change which toolbar to use (requires a restart), or you can edit the settings file using a text editor before starting the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been constructing a habitat ring for my space station and found that to get up I needed to break it down into smaller parts that I dock together in space. Now I initially thought it would be easy to align the parts using this mod, but I had to rotate the parts slightly on my lifting rocket to get the parts to fit inside the large faring.

Now I've found  that when i go to dock the parts, the rotational alignment is off. I was hoping that the rotational alignment marker would be at one of the N/S/E/W compass points, but I've found in reality that the alignment is off by about the amount I rotated the parts by to get them to fit my launch vehicle.

So my question is would it be possible to add a function to this mod so that in the VAB/SPH, this mod adds a marker on a selected docking port displaying its rotational position so that I can set it at build time and be sure that when I get into space, I find my docking ports have the correct rotational alignment?

Edited by TanDeeJay
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