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[1.8-1.12] TextureReplacer 4.5.3 (8.2.2022)


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  On 6/6/2017 at 3:44 AM, theonegalen said:

I'm trying to make a leather bomber jacket style suit but it's not showing up. I set it as what the kerbs should be wearing in the menu and configs, but it doesn't show up so I can see how it looks. :-/


I don't really understand your problem, so to begin in good condition,have you tried another suit pack like this Cetera's Suits. ?

Look in this pack how the files are structured, especially the names inside the suit's folder. If your texture is meant to be used in space, you need to name it EVAtexture.png or if you want to use it inside the vehicules or on Kerbin (without helmet) name it KerbalMainGrey.

Hope it help :)

  On 6/6/2017 at 6:02 AM, Vorg said:

I started working on a head pack, even was able to give them teeth. But then TR broke and when it was "fixed", the teeth still didn't show up correctly.


Well, since the female body was introduced, the teeth texture are messed up.

Here is one of the cause I have found in the source code while working on a update of the mod :



Male materials to be copied to females to fix tons of female issues (missing normal maps, non-bumpmapped shaders, missing teeth texture ...)
Females don't have textured teeth, they use the same material as for the eyeballs. 
Extending female head material/texture to their teeth is not possible since teeth overlap with some ponytail subtexture.
However, female teeth map to the same texture coordinates as male teeth, so we fix this by applying male head & teeth material for female teeth.

As you can see, the author had to cheat and use a common teeth source for both male and female. As for now, I 'm presuming we are using the teeth from the base texture file and the custom ones are ignored because even on male we don't  see custom textures on the teeth. 

So all I can say , try to ignore the teeth for now :)

I'll be working on the heads when I've finish my suit pack and the necessary mod update for it and then I'll try to fix the teeth problem (because I also want to be able to change them)

@RangeMachine   : Can you please respond me ? I tried several times to contact you about updating this mod you are maintaining  and you seems to ignore me.

i don't want to step on your feet if you want to be the guy who take care of the mod, but if so, please at least accept doing more than just recompile the mod and ignore all the requests.

I don't especially want to take over this mod (its not like I have "time to loose" for this) but if you continue to ignore my requests I will have to do it because this mod need more than just recompile update.

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I had the teeth working on male kerbals after Val was added. It used a tiny part of the white area. Also had the throat added and I had normals maps, though the stuff I did for the face/hair still needs work.


Here is a base texture and normal map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rg0clqaxpq2mdef/KerbalHead.zip?dl=0. Put them in ..\TextureReplacer\Default and put head textures in the head folder. What ever head texture it uses for male kerbals, it used the normal map for default as well as the mouth textures. Mouth textures seem totally broke now. I posted about it in this thread some time back.

This is the Gimp file with the texture parts I was using: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rg0clqaxpq2mdef/KerbalHead.zip?dl=0. It is layers that I would turn on/off to get different heads. It uses the stock head textures with modifications so you can for example select different hair color. I was going to add more hair options. Then decided to wait for gimp 2.10 which they have been talking about for years, but doesn't seem like it will ever come :(.

Edited by Vorg
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  On 6/6/2017 at 10:27 PM, linuxgurugamer said:


Are you aware that @RangeMachine has a version for 1.3 on github?


@linuxgurugamer : oh yeah I'm totally aware. This is the exact same version as I have posted a little before (like 9 posts) and this is not a "real" update, just a base recompilation for the 1.3. My problem is that I've asked in this thread and at Shaw and at RangeMachine weeks ago on how to put new functionality on the mod that I will code (3 states for the suits that change automatically when you are on ground atmospheric, on ground without atmosphere and in space, and also to have more level textures like the jetpack and the visor) and put them on the main branch so  don't need to use a special version of the mod. I also wanted to help fixing some bugs (like the mouth texture and the flag that don't display on the jetpack but a little on the outside of the mesh). The 3 automatic changing states already works as I'm using it to develop my suit pack.

This was well before the last 1.3 update. I got no response at all. 

So I asked a moderator on how to proceed when neither the author or the maintainer of the mod respond. He told me that in this case I should take over the mod. Well I'm not against it but I would like at least a response from the interested before I do so as this was not my first plan and I wanted to be civilised :) . Then come the 1.3 update, so I think to myself "if they don't respond, it's because they don't come again". So I made a quick recompilation of the last version of RangeMachine (without my modifications) and I 've posted it so people can use TR asap while waiting for a more official source (with github source and so on).

Then RangeMachine suddenly came back , don't even respond to me and post his "updated" version (who is the exact same version as mine).

So I say again, this mod needs more than just a base recompilation, the last real work that was put on it was more than one year ago. I'm offering to "work for free" on it and provide new functionality and bug fixing and I'm ignored.

I've nothing against RangeMachine and I'm thankful for the work he have done to maintain this mod and I also understand that life can take your time , but its been weeks since I've asked and when he comeback he don't even respond.So if he want to keep being the man that maintain this mod, He better at least respond to people that make requests (not only me, but also the others asking for the bugfixing or other).

I don't especially want to become the maintainer if I don't have to, I just wanted to help a bit and put new stuff that I also need for my incoming big HD suit pack. So it started from a simple question question "please tell me how I can propose a little bit of code to merge on the main branch to help improve the mod" to this where I'm totally ignored and I'm really thinking about taking over this mod for good or make my own branched version. This is the last thing I want to do because it would confuse people and nobody want to have 2 Texture Replacer mod.

@RangeMachine : Man, for the last time, Can you respond to me ? I won't bite you :) I just want to improve this mod and I don't want to step on you but if you continue to ignore me, you will oblige me to do so..

Edited by HaArLiNsH
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  On 6/6/2017 at 9:23 PM, Vorg said:

I had the teeth working on male kerbals after Val was added. It used a tiny part of the white area. Also had the throat added and I had normals maps, though the stuff I did for the face/hair still needs work.


Here is a base texture and normal map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rg0clqaxpq2mdef/KerbalHead.zip?dl=0. Put them in ..\TextureReplacer\Default and put head textures in the head folder. What ever head texture it uses for male kerbals, it used the normal map for default as well as the mouth textures. Mouth textures seem totally broke now. I posted about it in this thread some time back.

This is the Gimp file with the texture parts I was using: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rg0clqaxpq2mdef/KerbalHead.zip?dl=0. It is layers that I would turn on/off to get different heads. It uses the stock head textures with modifications so you can for example select different hair color. I was going to add more hair options. Then decided to wait for gimp 2.10 which they have been talking about for years, but doesn't seem like it will ever come :(.


I tried your head and others and indeed I start to see how it goes. I'm pretty sure the mouth don't use the NRM and the teeth use the eyeball texture and you're also right when you say that the male model use the mouth texture from the default folder. But it use also the one from custom texture when they are in the head folder. I'm not sure for the female and I didn't had the time to really look in the code how it goes. 

Well, something is clearly broken and as you can read in my last post, there are some difficulties about putting new code in this mod for now :)

So if somebody want to fix this bug, he is welcome to do so and we will see how to add it. Otherwise I'll try to fix it when I can (because I need this too :wink: ) so all I can advice for now is : continue your work on the face and ignore the mouth until a fix is online.

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When I had it working, the mouth did use normal maps and the female kerbals also used the male texture for inside the mouth. If I mess with these any more, i'll likely give up on adding ears and nose. Just didn't work very well. I would like to work on the hairline some more so that the bump starts more in the hair texture. As it is now, it raises the skin color to meet the hair. My goal was to create a bunch of heads with assorted hair/color and facial hair, but stay as stock as possible which is why I started with the stock texture and then worked on mask to select out parts. Don't have a lot of free time now, so may be awhile before I can play with it any more. Maybe Gimp 2.10 will come out and I can work in 32 or 64bit grey scale and then sample down. Textures always seemed to come out the best when done in 3x or 4x size and then sampled down. Gimp also need a better normal map plugin.

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  On 6/7/2017 at 2:35 PM, HaArLiNsH said:

@linuxgurugamer : oh yeah I'm totally aware. This is the exact same version as I have posted a little before (like 9 posts) and this is not a "real" update, just a base recompilation for the 1.3. My problem is that I've asked in this thread and at Shaw and at RangeMachine weeks ago on how to put new functionality on the mod that I will code (3 states for the suits that change automatically when you are on ground atmospheric, on ground without atmosphere and in space, and also to have more level textures like the jetpack and the visor) and put them on the main branch so  don't need to use a special version of the mod. I also wanted to help fixing some bugs (like the mouth texture and the flag that don't display on the jetpack but a little on the outside of the mesh). The 3 automatic changing states already works as I'm using it to develop my suit pack.

This was well before the last 1.3 update. I got no response at all. 

So I asked a moderator on how to proceed when neither the author or the maintainer of the mod respond. He told me that in this case I should take over the mod. Well I'm not against it but I would like at least a response from the interested before I do so as this was not my first plan and I wanted to be civilised :) . Then come the 1.3 update, so I think to myself "if they don't respond, it's because they don't come again". So I made a quick recompilation of the last version of RangeMachine (without my modifications) and I 've posted it so people can use TR asap while waiting for a more official source (with github source and so on).

Then RangeMachine suddenly came back , don't even respond to me and post his "updated" version (who is the exact same version as mine).

So I say again, this mod needs more than just a base recompilation, the last real work that was put on it was more than one year ago. I'm offering to "work for free" on it and provide new functionality and bug fixing and I'm ignored.

I've nothing against RangeMachine and I'm thankful for the work he have done to maintain this mod and I also understand that life can take your time , but its been weeks since I've asked and when he comeback he don't even respond.So if he want to keep being the man that maintain this mod, He better at least respond to people that make requests (not only me, but also the others asking for the bugfixing or other).

I don't especially want to become the maintainer if I don't have to, I just wanted to help a bit and put new stuff that I also need for my incoming big HD suit pack. So it started from a simple question question "please tell me how I can propose a little bit of code to merge on the main branch to help improve the mod" to this where I'm totally ignored and I'm really thinking about taking over this mod for good or make my own branched version. This is the last thing I want to do because it would confuse people and nobody want to have 2 Texture Replacer mod.

@RangeMachine : Man, for the last time, Can you respond to me ? I won't bite you :) I just want to improve this mod and I don't want to step on you but if you continue to ignore me, you will oblige me to do so..


I don't maintain this mod. I just keep it updated for myself and share it with people and my friends. If you want add new features go to github and make your fork and make pull request. I am not playing KSP and logging to this forum once at month in best case.

Edited by RangeMachine
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@HaArLiNsH, you may want to reach out to @Avera9eJoe as well.  He maintains WindowShine:

He's been looking for help with new shaders that would fix reflections, highlights, and cabin lights, but he needs help with the coding.  I have no idea if you are up to that skill level or not, but if you do take over TextureReplacer, it would be great if you could get that working too.  It'd be a VERY welcome addition.

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I've been summoned...

Aye I've been hoping for a proper reflection plugin for half a year now :P I'd love it if you can somehow get it working (Though someone else reached out to me within the week offering his service too actually - don't know what will come of that though) without destroying all other part shaders?

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  On 6/8/2017 at 7:07 AM, Avera9eJoe said:

I've been summoned...

Aye I've been hoping for a proper reflection plugin for half a year now :P I'd love it if you can somehow get it working (Though someone else reached out to me within the week offering his service too actually - don't know what will come of that though) without destroying all other part shaders?


I find your lack of faith disturbing. :D


IahXHtF.png  FlTIQuB.png



I needed to give TR some beatings, so it found the new shader. (can someone please cleanup and comment this code? ternary operators are f...ing hard to read). This was only a bad hack to get the shader into and it might break something, so I'll need some time to dig into this a bit more and replace some stuff with new code.


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  On 6/8/2017 at 9:20 PM, Ger_space said:

I find your lack of faith disturbing. :D


IahXHtF.png  FlTIQuB.png



I needed to give TR some beatings, so it found the new shader. (can someone please cleanup and comment this code? ternary operators are f...ing hard to read). This was only a bad hack to get the shader into and it might break something, so I'll need some time to dig into this a bit more and replace some stuff with new code.



Oh dear sweet mother of molasses!  I'm drooling and plotting with glee and excitement.

Once you get it all functional, I don't suppose you could put out a version for 1.2.2?  I will be on that version for a while yet.  

Sorry, that's more effort, I know, but this is starting to feel like Christmas, and I'm asking for what I want, lol!

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  On 6/8/2017 at 9:20 PM, Ger_space said:

I find your lack of faith disturbing. :D


IahXHtF.png  FlTIQuB.png



I needed to give TR some beatings, so it found the new shader. (can someone please cleanup and comment this code? ternary operators are f...ing hard to read). This was only a bad hack to get the shader into and it might break something, so I'll need some time to dig into this a bit more and replace some stuff with new code.




Dude... I'm grinning so hard my face hurts. I'll be home in about an hour and a half and can chat more then? I can call you tomorrow if you want to discuss integrating this with WindowShine. :) Does the green part highlight work still?

EDIT: Sorry if I sounded skeptical :( I jumped at the sound of someone offering to update TR :P

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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  On 6/8/2017 at 10:40 PM, Avera9eJoe said:


Dude... I'm grinning so hard my face hurts. I'll be home in about an hour and a half and can chat more then? I can call you tomorrow if you want to discus integrating this with WindowShine. :) Does the green part highlight work still?

EDIT: Sorry if I sounded skeptical :( I jumped at the sound of someone offering to update TR :P


lights, burn effects, part highlights and underwater fog: all functional.

I currently don't know which features the ksp shaders have, but don't show in the parttools (like the underwater fog, that got removed from them in the latest version of pt, but it's still used ingame :huh:)


  On 6/8/2017 at 9:27 PM, Cetera said:

Oh dear sweet mother of molasses!  I'm drooling and plotting with glee and excitement.

Once you get it all functional, I don't suppose you could put out a version for 1.2.2?  I will be on that version for a while yet.  

Sorry, that's more effort, I know, but this is starting to feel like Christmas, and I'm asking for what I want, lol!


 this would be possible. I have a test installation if 1.2.2 to test kerbal konstructs. And changing the libs and hit the build button is easy.

  On 6/9/2017 at 12:22 AM, snkiz said:

 Looks to me like between five or six of you on this page there is all the skill required to maintain TR in a healthy state. Doesn't have to be a one man show.


it is a time sink and I  already own two pretty extensive mods ( kerbin-side and kerbal konstructs.

I know myself  and I would radially change the mod (internally), as I don't like the coding style used in TR. (no offense to the creators of the mod, but my taste is different).

 I will release a patched version of TR, but it needs really some work in it. 

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Omg I've opened the Pandora's box :)

  On 6/8/2017 at 2:02 AM, RangeMachine said:

I don't maintain this mod. I just keep it updated for myself and share it with people and my friends. If you want add new features go to github and make your fork and make pull request. I am not playing KSP and logging to this forum once at month in best case.


@RangeMachine : Thank you for your response. Now things are clear and I wont feel like I could hurt somebody's feeling or something like that.


Alright guys, I will make a proper thread and github fork so you will be able to add new code that we can publish more officially. I can't do it today but I 'll do my best to have it before the end of the week-end.

I'll also try to help for the requests but know that I'm a self learning developer (so not a real professional, I use this to learn new things) and I'm just starting to really look how KSP and this mod are working.

The shader was next in the line of things I was thinking to look at (after the textures) so great news if you have already "fixed" it .

@Ger_space : if you have a good idea (and the time to do it), I don't see why we couldn't make big internals changes on the mod. Maybe there are thing that could be really improved and are worth the changes as long as we can keep a compatibility with the olds things that other modders have made like the heads, suits and so on. 

Edited by HaArLiNsH
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Something I always had issues with TR is the fact that most packs store textures in the TR folder.

This is a nightmare for installs / uninstalls as merging folders might be easier but unmerging them is a pain

Since you are starting a new version I'd like to see some changes in this department, maybe not break compatibility but at least strongly suggest people start moving their suff out of the mod folder and into their own folder

I also have other ideas but those can be discussed another time



I can also give a little help with the code if it is necessary, I'm self taught as well, but maybe I have just stumbled upon some issues that you will have and figured out the solution

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This is in fact a great idea. I was discussing with @CarnageINC about a new way to list the different texture packs as he proposed to make a cleaning in the different packs that have been made since the beginning of TR.

I was thinking about having people making a proper thread for their pack and list these threads somewhere (either in a post on the new TR thread or making a new thread for the list and link it on the TR thread or anything better than this). This way we could find and comment more easily each texture pack like we can do for the mods. 

Your proposal goes in the same direction, so I think this might be the good direction to take :) 

I'm feeling that we are going to have a lot of ideas to improve this mod since it was neglected for so long. Maybe all of them won't be doable, but I'm always open to new ideas.

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  On 6/9/2017 at 11:58 AM, HaArLiNsH said:

Alright guys, I will make a proper thread and github fork so you will be able to add new code that we can publish more officially. I can't do it today but I 'll do my best to have it before the end of the week-end.

I'll also try to help for the requests but know that I'm a self learning developer (so not a real professional, I use this to learn new things) and I'm just starting to really look how KSP and this mod are working.

The shader was next in the line of things I was thinking to look at (after the textures) so great news if you have already "fixed" it .

@Ger_space : if you have a good idea (and the time to do it), I don't see why we couldn't make big internals changes on the mod. Maybe there are thing that could be really improved and are worth the changes as long as we can keep a compatibility with the olds things that other modders have made like the heads, suits and so on. 


I'll try to speed up some coding and try to publish my changes later today. I also need a new name for the shader, as "ShaderNG/TypeC" might be not self explaining as it could. :blush:

I also added transparency through the alpha channel of the emissive map, but currently no mod uses this. TypeA is a stripped down version I want to use for Kerbal Konstructs.

back to TR. Some functions are only used once, but are not defined the the classes calling them. Some classes could use some new names. So if you open your GitHub I will bombard you with changes. It is a good thing to have someone review the stuff I write. 

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OK, here we go:

Download Link for 1.2.2 and 1.3 and the compiled shader package.

my Source repository for TR:


my shaders and some test plugin for the shader-loader: (sources)


@Avera9eJoe you need to search and replace the shader entry in the windowshine config with "ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha"  Feel free to include the shaders.ksp into window shine.


I have no Idea if Linux or MacOS users will have some luck with the shaders, as I saw only directx entries, when they where exported. Sorry about that, but I have no idea how to change that. 

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  On 6/9/2017 at 7:09 PM, Ger_space said:

OK, here we go:

Download Link for 1.2.2 and 1.3 and the compiled shader package.

my Source repository for TR:


my shaders and some test plugin for the shader-loader: (sources)


@Avera9eJoe you need to search and replace the shader entry in the windowshine config with "ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha"  Feel free to include the shaders.ksp into window shine.


I have no Idea if Linux or MacOS users will have some luck with the shaders, as I saw only directx entries, when they where exported. Sorry about that, but I have no idea how to change that. 


I'll see if I can add all this tomorrow :) I'll be online around 10am PST and can hopefully get it out by noon (Aiming for 8pm GMT). I can't thank you enough man.

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Hi kerbalheads, I'm very happy to hear this mod is being taken over by @HaArLiNsH.  My plan to assist the TextureReplacer mod users is to ask @Gaarst to post a new category for TextureReplacer in the Community Library when I get it all set up and sent to him.  I'll have all the active old add-ons mods found in these threads, in addition to numerous other mods I've found during my mod listing project.  I'll probably have the entire project done by late Monday the 12th.

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...\GameData can already get fairly large with a lot of mods. I think texture packs should stay in the texture replacer tree. It might help it get it's pack sub tree system of some sort. But texture packs are for use with texture replace and belong in the texture replacer tree to keep things orderly.

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  On 6/10/2017 at 1:11 AM, Vorg said:

...\GameData can already get fairly large with a lot of mods. I think texture packs should stay in the texture replacer tree. It might help it get it's pack sub tree system of some sort. But texture packs are for use with texture replace and belong in the texture replacer tree to keep things orderly.


Nope. I'm onboard with TR being able to reference textures outside its folder. I don't want to have to muck around with subfolders in the main TR folder when upgrading. It should be just like any other mod - delete the folder, copy in the new version. Bam, done.

I don't really see how the size of GameData makes any difference in... anything. If you're having trouble finding a mod because there are so many folders then the author should probably name it better

Edited by Drew Kerman
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