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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. ??? The SSME in this pack is only a config, using the model of the stock KS-25B. And this is in the Squad-folder (path: Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineSSME/SSME). If it is not there you deleted it. Just reinstall KSP or check your KSP-files with steam (if you downloaded it with steam).
  2. Like every other mod: put it into GameData. There must be an folder Cormorant Aeronology in GameData. Don`t forget the dependencies.
  3. Thats because you must install canadarm separately or download the dev-version of CA.
  4. What isn't working? This patch is only a config. It can be dropped everywhere in GameData. But I don`t know if it works with the last CA-Version.
  5. It`s a very old modpack. Bobcats American Pack. A working download link can be found here but I don`t know if it works correctly:
  6. Did you use (you only need to read this page) the version vom Drakenex on this page? 1.4.4xshould work, also 1.6.x.
  7. After change form EnglineLighting to EngineLightingRelit I cant`open saved crafts. Unknown Modules. Module tjs_EngineLight is missing. KSP 1.6.1
  8. Did you read/look this page? And the solar panels are blue at the real one. They looks only black in space and on earth because of the protective foil.
  9. I think there is ModuleRCS instead of the newer ModuleRCSFX in the configs.
  10. The it don`t work with actiongroups. And no, you can`t add it to the config. But I saw that Marcus House is using kOS. So I think he is changing the texture via kOS.
  11. Ferrams version is the original one. Lisias one is the recompiled one for 1.6. No, and that`s the reason for Lisias recompile.
  12. Have you attempt action groups? If it work you can control actiongroups via kOS.
  13. He is using the old variant with firespitter. I don`t know if it can change with kOS.
  14. Yes, it was Mechjeb. There is a conflict between MJ and RT.
  15. Not everey mod is listet in CKAN. There are some dependencies like B9PartSwitch, CommunityRessourcePack, DeployableEngines and PlumeParty. They are all in the download but look at newer versions and download them separately. There are no known conflicts. No support for USI Life Support but it shouldn`t be hard to write some configs.
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