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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. I’ve got an idea... How about Spot? A good name for a cat even if you’re not a Trekkie
  2. @Spacescifi The Partial Test Ban Treaty forbids nuclear weapons in space. It’s the reason why Project Orion was cancelled in the first place. Considering that Orion was originally a government study, it’s going to be even more difficult for even a billionaire.
  3. Ugh, not staying up until past midnight, I've got school the next day... Why do these always have to happen at such inconvenient times
  4. @damonvv That new launchsite is looking nice! Where exactly on Kerbin is it?
  5. I believe that feature was removed because in version 1.5 SQUAD added a stock version, which meant that it was no longer necessary in BBT.
  6. Have a look on the previous page. I suggested it. Snark tried rescaling the 2.5m tank models and because of differences in the proportions of the 2.5m and 5m tanks it didn’t work.
  7. I haven't seen many people here with Christmas themed avatars like mine this year...this seemed to be quite popular last year. If you already have one, show it off here, and if you want one, this thread might provide some inspiration.
  8. Please don’t pester mod authors. They do this in their own time, free of charge, and have no obligation to provide updates (ie, they could stop any time they wanted). I’m sure flart will get an update out soon, be patient
  9. Hullo again forumgoers! This is sort of a revamp of my mission report thread, but instead of comments from me on the missions, it'll be set completely in-universe. So not really a story, but these reports are all supposed to be from the records department of the KSC, or something. We'll start with a bit of an explanation of my KSP headcanon...I hope to get a sort of abridged 'what I did in KSP this week' report out on this thread every week or so, but I doubt I'll be able to keep to that schedule List of reports below: And now, let's begin!
  10. @The Doodling Astronaut Well, the Mun was revamped in 1.8, it makes sense that they'd revamp the arches as well.
  11. I don't have a favourite modder. They all do fantastic work for the KSP community.
  12. Sure. I use it primarily on sandbox mode, career has never really interested me.
  13. The panels/batteries aren’t powering the stage, they’re powering the lifting equipment for putting the stage on the transporter.
  14. The developers have actually said that they’re adding a ‘Krepstein drive’ in the base game, which is pretty cool (Can’t exactly remember where I heard/read it...probably in one of the interview videos released soon after the announcement). Regarding the actual topic, I would be fine with magic-tech in a DLC, as long as it was balanced correctly, as @Elro2k said. You could even say that this device would be *puts on sunglasses* advanced...
  15. Does this mod need Kopernicus or something? I don’t use it, so I don’t see how it could affect anything. I’ll try a clean install with just EditorView installed and see if I can reproduce it though. If I can’t get it to happen, I’ll try and figure out what other mod is causing the problem.
  16. @Sigma88 So I've had this mod installed for a few days now. It's great, really adds to the immersion I did find a bit of a bug though - the sun tends to appear in weird places, most notably shining through the VAB walls or in the main menu. This might be me screwing up rather than a bug, so I'll reinstall the mod to be sure.
  17. I’m sitting here and I can see Venus out of the window I just have to remind myself that it’s not Minmus...
  18. OK...the speed of light isn’t a fundamental force, but I recently finished the Three Body Problem book series by Cixin Liu, and there was some stuff in there about changing the speed of light within a localised area, like the Solar System. If you were able to do this, you could reduce lightspeed to lower than the Sun’s escape velocity - no light would be able to escape, so you would have a ‘reduced-lightspeed black hole’. Anybody looking in the direction of the Solar System would not be able to see anything, but you would also trap yourself inside the Solar System, as you would experience the usual effects associated with moving at close to the speed of light at a much lower speed.
  19. There's a patch in here that allows deflation of the inflatable heatshield, scroll down to Gameplay Changes:
  20. Yes. If you look in the title of a mod’s thread, [1.8.X] means that the mod is working on 1.8. Do remember to install the dependencies though
  21. Mostly sandbox mode. I’ve briefly dipped my toes into career games, but I’ve never really got past the early game before because you end up grinding science on the launchpad, which I personally don’t find at all fun. I just prefer building my space program in my own way, without having to worry about funds, or science - but I may give KSP2’s Progression mode a go, if they can make it better than KSP1’s career mode.
  22. He's talking about music, Cities in Flight by Test Shot Starfish.
  23. @Sigma88 Lovely! I’ve wanted a mod like this for a long time I’ll install it as soon as I get a chance to play KSP. I’ve got a feature suggestion: please ignore me if this is impossible or just too difficult, but it’d be cool to see Kerbal Konstructs support, so that you can see your custom statics out of the editor doors
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