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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. Whee! My profile picture is at long last a logo for my company!

  2. Well, if there is a payload in the rocket, we can see from the shadow of the launch tower on the fairing that the shadow below should show the top of the rocket. However, the shape doesn't quite match up with the fairing, so if the shadow FX for the fairings is broken (which is likely) I'd say based on the shape that it's MOSS. Could be completely wrong about this, just a guess.
  3. You know, I'll bet my Duna ship from my science save could go to Dres. If I removed all the aero parts, it would have a lot more potential- plenty of biome hopping. Dres would have actually been a better choice to go to first since it's only a little harder than landing on Minmus, probably the easiest planet (though not moon) in the solar system.
  4. The harmonious society uses the freeze-drying machine to create food for their interplanetary ships and explore the stars, munching on freeze-dried apples. It's a tie! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  5. Problem fixed! Will install a mod in the future that prevents the problem from reoccurring.
  6. The name of the lander is the LIG "Feather." A lightweight, 2-person Minmus lander capable of landing under its own power, deploying a rover, and holding cargo for surface science, its name in Russian is Legkiy Geolander, or "Lightweight Geolander." A project that may be scrapped with the introduction of the Zdaniye modular base system was the LUG lander, the Lunnyy Universal'nyy Gruzovoz, or Lunar Universal Cargo Carrier. But I like that name, so it may stay.
  7. I would like the poll removed from this thread, please:
  8. The poll has now closed! The next mission will be Korolev 7, a kerbaled mission exploring one of Minmus's plains with a rover. Thanks to all who voted!
  9. I discovered in the making of the above post that my loosely N1-inspired rocket is horrendously laggy and has terrible TWR. On top of that, the lander barely had enough fuel for a rendezvous and would need upgrades to carry a small rover later on as planned. I spent most of my time the other day upgrading it, here's how: 1. Replaced all the T-45 engines with Vectors. The improved efficiency and thrust means less is required, improving on parts count. 2. Removed small, radial fuel tanks. The N1's stages are diagonal on the sides, and I filled up the space with"baguette" tanks. Removing them decreased the total Dv, but the efficiency of the Vectors made up for it. It also reduced parts count and weight. 3. Lengthened the vacuum stage. The upper stage does all the hard work of getting to Minmus and isn't very long to begin with. I extended it, improving the total weight it can carry and giving me a larger margin of error for everything. 4. Improved lander design. The hatch for the lander is actually 90 degrees away from the ladder. I avoided this in my post by making it look like they had climbed out by setting them on the ladder with their EVA packs. This was an easy-to-fix, simple oversight. 5. Changed the fuel tanks from the small spheres to the baguettes, rearranged the antenna, and removed the lights- they took up valuable radial space I would need for the rover. To countereffect the weight of the rover on one side, storage boxes with surface science will be on the other side and both will be ditched before takeoff. Hopefully, the next mission will go much faster for me and be a lot easier as well.
  10. The mol of moles collapses into a ball of flesh and fur and is destroyed by the universe-destroying planet jouster. @Deddly wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you wanna do!
  11. The similarity is fine. Lots of snacks are like that in real life, too. Xenon Fizz is a fun idea, I like it.
  12. @Watermel00n is right about it being kept very quiet, as both sides realize that the reveal of this information could cause *the end of the world.* The American fighter is also part of a group in the military that believes that attacking the USSR is the only solution, and several officials with those beliefs simply turned a blind eye to the long-range, armed fighter heading for the Soviet Union. And to be fair, the Russian jet isn't exactly a civilian airliner. It's got missiles and afterburner, with a radar designed for combat. This is all as a precaution, mind you, but it still has those.
  13. This is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I will ever see in KSP 1. Sadly, it's bittersweet for me, as I don't feel I could ever download it. My compulsion to visit everything is barely satisfiable in the stock game, and simply not visiting a single planet would drive me crazy. Perhaps someday, when I have much more free time and a better PC than I do now, I will explore everything. What would be really nice is 5 or 10 of me to help out.
  14. Since they are similar to Kraken Munchies, a new brand called Disastrous Foods has been created to cover both of them. I love all the stuff the community has added!
  15. So, option 2? The challenge is to keep it interesting and not redundant in its missions because that's why people lost interest in Apollo- it all felt the same to them. I might end up skipping some missions, (or at least mission numerals), e.g. go from mission 1 (which has interest for being the first) to, say, mission 4 (which has interest for doing something new.) The plan is: Skip to Korolev 7, the first to use a rover Skip to Korolev 10, the first to land in the Minmus highlands
  16. Well, obviously an infinite mass is greater than the mass of Jupiter. The paperclips form a supermassive black hole and eat everything else. @Deddly wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you wanna do!
  17. Even more important, is that I have learned there is a dark theme for the forums now, and I'm never going back.
  18. Oh, in the original post, I see. Thanks! There's a poll now! Vote, or vote not. There is no try.
  19. Finally fulfiled the basic goal of Wrong Red Moon: It feels great to finally get this Minmus landing, but much more is to come! Follow for surface bases, stations, and more!
  20. Will do! I really appreciate the support because these missions are very long to do all in one go, and editing them for these posts takes quite a while.
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